Design and Development of Suitable Custom Made, Compact, Economical and Environmentally Friendly Fire Fighting Pumping Unit.
It consists of
Primary Pump (Electrical)
Backup Pump (Diesel engine driven)
Pressure Compensating/Jockey Pump (Electrical)
Pump selection (as per NFPA Standards)
Motor Selection
Engine Selection
Cascade development (single or multiple/combination pump stands, single and/or common suction and discharge, etc.)
Flow calculations
Hydraulic calculations of main system
Calculation of losses in piping and pump set and their incorporation back into the final design as per NFPA and/or custom standards
Valve selection (calculations and analysis for types, ratings, characteristics...linear, equal percentage, etc.)
Piping (calculations and analysis for size, lengths, etc.)
Diagram development (Flow/Hydraulic, piping, electrical, etc.)
Instrumentation (Ammeter, Voltmeter, tachometer, flow meter, temperature and pressure gauges, etc.) selection and integration
Flange, fasteners (nut, bolt, stud) and connectors type, calculations and selection (strength calculations, pressure calculations, life determination/estimation calculations, welding requirements determination)
Water and diesel tank design and manufacture
Control System development -- Calculations for Sensor(s), connectors, controller, etc. including control unit preparation (diagram, positioning and manufacture of control unit)
Complete controller (selection, parameter determinations, programming, etc.) and integration
Skid design and analysis (stress, structural and mechanical)
Civil foundation design and development (calculations -- structural, stress, etc.)
Sound proof canopy design and selection (calculations -- noise, vibration, stress, mechanical, etc.) (optional)
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About the Entrant
- Name:Muhammad Musaddique Ali Rafique
- Type of entry:individual
- Software used for this entry:C++, Matlab, Spreadsheet Solutions
- Patent status:none