Compressed Air Engine

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Fossil fuels, in any form, are quite effective in terms of power output. However, they are non-renewable and are getting depleted at an alarming pace due to their usage as the primary source of energy. The world will eventually run out of oil and gas in the near future.

The principles of demand and supply dictate that due to their limited supply and ever-increasing demand, fossil fuels will suffer a gigantic rise in their cost very soon.
While Their high power output makes them our fist choice as a source of energy, fossil fuels contain carbon which leads to the formation of several types of pollutants that are detrimental to our environment. Furthermore, they are the primary source of emission of greenhouse gases that not only deteriorate our environment, but have a drastic impact on the upper atmosphere. Therefore, it is necessary to find an alternative fuel source for transportation that has low (ideally zero) emissions.

The idea is to develop such a device, or mechanism, that enables a conventional Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) to be transformed into an engine that runs on compressed air.
This project is still under development and will take at least a year to develop.

I, as a student in my senior of undergraduate mechanical engineering, am working on this concept and will be working on 70 - 200 CC 4-Stroke engines initially. I will, hopefully, come up with designs very soon and will upload them as soon as the concept is materialized.

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  • About the Entrant

  • Name:
    Kumail Syed
  • Type of entry:
  • Software used for this entry:
    Pro/E, Solid Edge
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