Photovoltaic Projector Screen

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Currently, all projector screens are merely blank faces which reflect back light. This light is largely wasted. Although still in the very early stages of development, the idea is to create a projector screen that would be able to absorb light energy from the projector as well as reflect sufficient lighting back to the audience. As I am currently a high school student, I am not quite sure how to achieve this. A possibility could be to perhaps utilize a set of reflecting mirrors which reflect back into the audience and into the photo-voltaic cells behind. Also, one-way mirror technology may also do the trick. Later development and improvements could surely increase efficiency, with the goal being near self-sufficiency.

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  • About the Entrant

  • Name:
    Cuthbert Sun
  • Type of entry:
  • Software used for this entry:
    Microsoft Paint
  • Patent status: