Actuator system for Hydraulic Powered Exoskeleton
Md Sameer Ajuvath A
Composite Leaf Spring for Improved Performance in Automobiles
Vignesh A
Alternative Cooling/Heating Technique Using Thermoelectrics And Desiccant Dehumidification
Bernhard Adams
Safe-driving discounts without privacy concerns
Richard Adams
Sparrowhawk Unmanned Aerial System
Abhay Adil
Piezoelectric plastic sheet system for rapid transit platforms
Abhishek Agarwal
Energy Harvesting Retractable Speed Bump
Ankit Agarwal
Brick Laying Mechanism
Ashutosh Kumar Agarwal
eStand 1
Nishant Agarwal
Semi Automatic Overflow Tank System (SOTS)
Tilting Trike
Puneet Aggarwal
The Bicycle Generator
Akshay Agrawal
Charge A Laptop Using A LAN cable
Omur Mustaq Ahamed
Intelligent Transport System
Yunus Alapan
HemeChip for Early Diagnosis of Sickle Cell Disease
Ghassan Alasmar
No Horn, No noise any more
Role Alvarez
Multistage Jet Engine
James Andersen
Cheap Unmanned Moon Exploration Rocket
Ken Anderson
Intermittent Fault Detection & Isolation System (IFDIS)
Harry Archer
Rapid Forest Fire Extinguisher
Del Arney
Gas Turbine New Design
Steve Arnold
Continously Variable Displacement Engine
Naresh Arunagiri
Automated Lift System
Irfan Ashkar
extracting power from wind energy
Nishant Ashutosh
Automated Wireless Energy Meter
Haris Aslam
Water Bath Treatment of Exhaust gases in diesel engine
Dan Atlas
NOVAlert Watch Strap Driver Alertness Sustainer
Mohamed Awad
Astrological Sun Tracker
James Awrach
Cloud and Smartphone Security
Bonnie Aylor
Holographic TV Projector with 3D Capabilities
Alcohol Dehydration Microbial Sulfur Fuel Cell Hybrid Engine
Catchwater Energy Savings System
3-D Holographic Microscope Projector with Robotics
Automobile Diagnostic Repair System with GIS Locator and Data Analytics Integration
Reverse Catalysis of Coal into Peat
LED Sensor Ships with Autonomous Flight
Miguel Azevedo
Engine Health Monitor
Muthukumaran Azhagesan
Vehicle Door Protector
Shuhrat Azizov
Building Energy Efficiency Technologies of the Ginning machine
Pavani B
Regional solar power plants
K Vinodh Babu
Development Of Novel Computer Vision Based Air Jet Device For Critical Endodontic Applications
Devin Baillie
SHELA: A New Compact 10 MV S-Band Linear Accelerator
Paul Baker
Bolt-On Transmission Doubles Mileage
Rajesh Baldaniya
MobiCool Liquid cooling device
Shraddha Barawkar
Increasing COP of automobile AC system by using Energy Harvesting Suspension
Rupak Bardhan Roy
Dual Modality Imaging-Therapy Device for High Intensity Focused Ultrasound Guided Keratoplasty (HIFUK)
Austen Barnes
Efficient shallow water turbine
Chuck Barnow
Aircraft water or land crash locating device
Carlos Barrera
Novel Rotary-Turbo-InFlow Tech - Gearturbine Project
Christopher Barry
Salter-McCloskey Wave Energy Conversion System
Felix Batista
D.R.I.A - Recognition Drone for Inaccessible Areas
Amy Baxter
Buzzy for Pain Relief
Carl Belnap
Long Range Wireless Power Transmission
William Benn
SunLight Harvester
Adam Berenty
auto tunnel
fluid dynamic generator
Aleksey Beresnev
Vibroacoustic Method of IC Engine Diagnostics
Max Beresnev
Spark Ignited IC Engine Control Running on Alternative Fuel Mixture
Tom Bevolo
Jatin Bhandari
Electro-Mechanical Split Pad Disc Brakes Using Solenoid Valves
Uddhab Kumar Bharali
feeding machine
Ravi Kumar Bhargava
Telescopic Collapsible Shelter (TCS)
Michael Bianco
Transit Ripening And Cooling System (TRACS)
Venugopal Bidi
Electro-Pneumatic Hybrid Vehicle (EPH)
William Birchard
Explosive Detector Machine
Abhiraj Bishnoi
Remotely Driven Vehicles
Robert Bishop
Using Quantum Self-Organizing Effects to Produce Advanced High Precision Manufacturing Primitives - Replicator
Jacob Bizehr
Turbine with jet cuts
Anatoly Blanovsky
Novel Applications of the Lorentz Theory
Shawn Boike
Energy From Space Systems
Michael Bonnette
Modular Liquid Heating Assembly
Emily Briere
Time Capsule to Mars
David Briggs
A Squeeze Bottle Prevents Oxidation, Improves Dispensing and Displays Content
Natalya Brikner
Scalable electric propulsion
Fred Brown
Programmable Fan/Blower
Patrick Brown
Project LEON - Shoot Stuff Cheaply into Space
Ashley Bryant
Low-Altitude, Long-Distance Aerial Inspections
Michael Bucci
3D Vapor Chamber Heat Sink
Royce Buckingham
Soap Salvager
Denis Buffet
Quick dropping battery fully integrated into the vehicle
Florin Bujoaica
Aircraft Interior Noise Reducer
New Navigation and Moving Map System
Sarah Burrows
Hydroponics Refashioned For The Home
James Burton
A Device That Quantitates Medically Important Components In Patient Samples
Antonio Calabro
Light Tube - Winning strategy against bacteria
David Carpenter
Supersonic Liquid Droplet Launcher
R Taggart Carpenter
Distributed RE Regulator
Arthur Carrieri
Thermal Luminescence Spectroscopy Chemical Imaging Sensor
Stefano Cassetti
Doublechair & Doubleseat MicrHotel
Daniel Castez
Aerostatic Suspension System
Ultralight Wind Turbine
Roberto Cavazzoni
Electronic Active Filters for Telecommunications
Joe Cerri
Laundry Chute Basket
Mayank Chak
Eye Controlled Mouse For Paralyzed Person
Ananaya Chakraborty
Incline Drive Assist
Indranil Chandra
WAND (Wound Analysis Device)
William Chapman
Wheeled Walker
Krishna Chaturvedi
Fire In Ice: Fuel for the Future
Devendrakumar Chauhan
GRVIMAGNO Powerplant
David Harold Chester
Understanding how our social system works
Arunraju Chinnaraju
Design of an Dual driven Auto Rickshaw for physically Challenged Persons
Swetha Chinnusami
Tracking in living area
Sameer Cholayil
Perfect Stop Sign (PSS)
Sweta Choudhary
Dr Rho - Medical Telepresence Robot
Sushabhan, Rajesh,vivek Choudhury, Singh,kaundal
Wireless RF Modem based LED dynamic display system with RFID user Authentication
Vinay Chowdary
SMS Based Audio Video Playback, Security System
Raymond Christe
CalypSol Solar Trimaran
Marvin Christensen
Joint repair with minimal surgery
Chenkuei Chung
Low-voltage dielectrophoresis capillary-driven whole blood chip for point-of-care biomedical diagnostic application
Richard Chutter
World Cancer Cell Database
Nabil Ck
Innovative Concept of Hybrid Vehicle Propulsion
Roger Clemente
THERMAL STAR personal body cooling system
Shai Cohen
DSS Technology
The Automotive Guided Dynamic Rollover Test Device
Eric Crews
Pneumatic Electric Self Sustained Generator
"Active" generator for Electric Car
Katelyn Currie
Ultra Fuel Efficient Vehicle
Jean Marc Cyr
The Future Of Power Electronics Control Mechanisms
Yohann D'oliveira
Windmill on Wheels: Axle –Generator Alternative and Sustainable Power Source
Sujay Dabade
Passive Exercising Setup For Diabetic Patients
Steven Daffer
Himalayan Salt-Air POD
Nikhil Das
Harnessing the 'Landing Energy'
Ronald Davidson
Reduction of Wind/Air Energy Transferred to High Speed Trains
William Davis
BiModal Glideway
Fernando De La Pena Llaca
Space Launch Vehicle Using Magnetic Levitation and Antimatter Propulsion
Diego Delia
Anti SIDS medical device
Anti Drowsiness device
Flight Rest Guardian device
Stanley Demster
Micro-Strip Solar Panel
William Derbyshire
Urban-Regional Turbine Blade
Milind Deshmukh
Multiple Mode Control System For a Vehicle
Sadesh Devaki
X Gadget
Women's Protection with External Camera Mobile
1>8 Touch Screen
Dovette Devore
IntraVenous Medication Anti-Infection Device (IV MAID)
Nishant Dhanore
Modification in two stroke engine for race bikes
Modified air cooler using split cooling unit
Bal Mukund Dhar
Optics for solar panels at 1/3rd cost, higher efficiency and high scale
Daren Dillon
Vehicle monitoring/feedback system via Smart Bumps
Radovan Djukic
Economical emergency lighting
Sumit Dontulwar
Designing a device for controlling & monitoring of Bruxism disease
Joe Dorsey
Backseat Baby Alarm
Rudolph Draaisma
Atmospheric Heat Pump (AHP)
A life-Support system for manned bases on other planets
James Drew
solar bird scarer
Eye and focus tracking system
Carlos Duarte
3 Dimensional Spatial Projector
ECG Front-End Development Kit
Edward Durney
A Truly Electric Car
Chetan Dusane
Design and Fabrication of a Radio Controlled Surveillance Aircraft
Debbie Dykes
Onion Planting Autonomous Robot (OPAR)
Eric Eberly
Programmable Ultra Lightweight System Adaptable Radio
Herb Edwards
oil filter drain tool
Abinesh Ekambaram
Secondary Power Assist for Two Wheelers
Anna Epelbaum
EDU-book: An optimum Student educational tool.
Laszlo Erdosy
Dynamic Wall
Residential Green Roofs
Gerald Falbel
Free Lunch Solution To Climate Change
Farzad Fard
Breath Ease Pacifier
Daniel Farrow
Advanced Wound Monitoring and Feedback Device
Kevin Ferguson
Mobile Micro-Lab
Pedro Flecha
Capillarity system to desalinize sea water
Copper nano/Micro filaments made easy
Dr. David Flinchbaugh
UroCycler Automatic Bladder Management System
Bruce Foggy
Gladiator Cargo Safety Nets
Anthony Fresco
Solute Ion Linear Alignment Flash Distillation And Power Generation
David G
Personal Mobility for the Digital Generation
Joshua Samuel G
Conversion of Heat energy to Electrical energy using Heliostat Technology
Kamlesh Gadewal
Assembly of Tire Nuts Removal
Jean Pierre Gallo
Somnath Garai
A method of generating electrical energy from wave energy using floating wave power system
floating embankment guard (barrage guard)
A procedure of Extracting wind power using law of wind's blank fill-up
Sahil Garg
Flapping WIng Micro Air Vehicle Having Tendency of Gliding And Hovering
Udit Garg
System of Automated Electronic Hydraulic Braking
Kriti Gaurav
An Answer to Cancer
Giorgio Gaviraghi
Air furniture system
Francois Gibon
Universal shortcut for emergency phone numbers
James Gibson
Method for enhancing Cooling of solar Cells
Harold Goldbaum
A powerful electricity generator whose functioning depends solely on electromagnetic phenomena
Walter Goldstein
Using a chemical engineering science algorithm on a smart device to improve health
Guillermo Gonzalez
The Ecological Cone
Yuri Gordienko
Pharmaceutical Smart-Tagging for Interactive Personal Medical Care
Christopher Gosse
High Impact Temporary Housing
Roderich Graeff
Gravity Machine
Sorin Grama
Hybrid energy fruits and vegetables chiller
Haim Greenberg
HARBO Technologies
Phillip Greenberg
Basketball Statistics System
Jose Gros Aymerich
Early Microcomputer Remake/Update
Basic concepts for a new approach to increase the power of a single person
Renewed Old concept for an STOL fuel-Efficient Airplane
Kavin Raja Gunasekharan
Sustainable Power generation from flowing river with the help of barrels or other waste products that can float
Cost effective Adaptive Suspension System
Anil Gupta
mirror therapy for stroke rehabilitation through image processing
Anil Gupta
Hemiplegia Neuromuscular Stimulation using unaffected side
Ankur Gupta
Economical Automobile Immobilizer
Stephen Guptill
The Megasaurus Rex Star Harness
Allycat Search And Rescue
Jack Rabbit Personal Transportation
Chandler Hadraba
The Reusable Bag You Remember
Jeff Haggard
Deep water tidal current electric generator
Asad Hameed
Intelligent Fuel Trimmer (IFT) based on 18F1320 for EFI Engines
dsPIC based Engine Control Unit (ECU) powered by LabVIEW
Electronic Throttle Control System (ETCS)
Jay Hamlin
Novel Invention for the Alleviation of Foot Pain and other Dibilitating Health Conditions
Il Song Han
Bio-inspired visual detection of pedestrian and cyclist for the enhanced safe driving
Barghav Hariharan
Phase Change materials for waste heat management
Curtis Harrell
The Beowulf Plateau v.1 (prototype)
Louise Hart
The Environmentally Neutral Powered Home Living System
Varuzhan Harutyunyan
Walking wheel for off-road vehicles and trucks
Durable Gear Pump with Different Teeth
David Haskins
Satellites Authorize a "Go" for Vertical Takeoffs
The VTOL Pulsed Turbine Transvector Jet Concept
David Hawkins
Nano-Probing applications in manufacturing inspection
Mark Hawthorne
Parker Remote Manager
GVM motor
Gregory Heinen
New Class of High L/D Multi-Rotor VTOL Aircraft
Hans Peter Hemmer
Transmission Lestran Orbital IVT™
Gary Henthorne
Automotive pontoon
Rod Herdman
LockPuck™ Technology. Mechanically Smart Pin-code Locks
Warren L. Herron
Tri-comb High Strength Low Density Panels
Jim Hester
A Paradigm Shift for SMT Electronics: Micro-Coil Springs Interconnection For Ceramic and Plastic Grid Array Packaged Integrated Circuits
Daniel Hilburn
Rapp IT Up Security Sleeve for Cell Phones
Marc Hirsch
Medical Dressing Identification Label using Barcode Scanner Technology
Carla Holt
Allergen scanning probe for food
Ryan Holy
Displacing Diesel Consumption with High Altitude Wind Energy from the Altaeros Buoyant Airborne Turbine (BAT)
Wade Hoople
Left Turn Camera Visibility Enhancement
Abraham H Horstin
Rotary Evaporator Automation
Onnik Hovanesian
Human and Wind Powered Water Craft
A. Scott Howe
Deep Space Habitat (DSH)
Freeform Additive Construction System (FACS)
Florin Iftene
A Protection Method against Side-Attacks on Microsystems
Keita Ikeda
Non-Contact Oximeter
Muhammad Hasnain Ilyas
Paradise Homes
Angelo Indelicato-filho
Light for Life - Safety Improvement
Praveen J
Hover Board: A Multi Purpose Aerial Vehicle
James Jackson
Small Scale Solar LED Lighting
Parth Jagani
Laser Based Manufacturing
Nakul Jain
Automobile of the Future - Next Million Miles Free!
An Air Conditioner = A Mini Power Plant
Rajiv Jain
Coke bottle cap for Refreshing Coke everytime
Sina Jalili
High G hydraulic Test
Michael James
Construction Site Layout Printer
Nasif Javed
Heli Concept
Cobbler's Workstation
Mohammed Javid
Team Taiyo Zen Electric Solar Vehicle
Zdenek Jedlicka
Tube fence as source of heat
Mohammad Parsa Jelvehgaran
Sticker Generator
Winston Jesudas
Solar charging port for Electric car charging
Ravi Jha
Alternate and Safer replacement of wings in Formula type cars
Roy John A G
Snake Hand
A New Paradigm for Ocean Energy Extraction
Teppo Jokinen
Filterless A/C System
Szabolcs Jonas
Surface Sampler Machine
Sam Jones
Exam Table Paper Shredder
Wonder Glove
Al Joniec
Low Heat High Efficiency Engine
Ram Charan Teja Juluri
Talking calculator
Naveen K
Warpo - Universal Gadget Holder
Tushar K Herle
Gas Inflated Bags Landing Technique
Shailesh Kadakia
An Aircraft Tracking System utilizing Radar Technology in Space
Gayan Kahandawa Appuhamillage
Screw Orientor
Bill Kahn
Walmart Advanced Vehicle Experience
Abhijit Kalbhor
Advanced Solar receiver design for concentrated solar power generation
Donald J Kaleta
Fence Identification (Warning) Device
Mathan Kumar Kaliappan
Design Modification Analysis And Fabrication Of A Vehicle To Overcome Upright Bouyancy Effect
Jatindra Nath Kalita
Iron Filing Extractor
Equipment for Iron Filing estimation in tea
Mostafa Kamar
Fill the hole in the ozone layer
Harvey Kaplan
Expansible Plastic Barrier For Sequestration Of Chemically, Biologically And Radioactively Hazardous Liquids
Simultaneous Multi-Sheet Thermo-Plastic-Impregnated-Super-Fabric Weaving Loom
Nuclear Fission Concrete Containment-building Emergency Steam Condensation And Decompression Device, With Robot-exchangeable, Lead-shielded, Radioactive Particulate Filtration Cannisters
Shubham Kapoor
Intelligent Speed Control System
Vignnesh Babu Karthik
Controlled Nebulizer For Safe Nebulization
S R Karthik Raja
Fault Analyzer
Bluetooth Enabled Flash Drives
Panagiotis Katsoudas
Emergency Remote Auto-Land Order for Very Large Civil Aviation Airplanes (ERALO-CA)
Maritime UAV/UAS automated collision avoidance system (MACAS-UAS) for emergency conditions
Personal Multi-function Astronaut Laser device (PMAL)
Steven Kaufman
Quikiks -The First Totally Hands-Free Supportive Footwear
Satya Kaul
Regenerative (Magnetic) Braking
Max Kaulbach
Kinetic Intelligent Transportable Energy (KITE)
Michael Keller
Hybrid-Nuclear Sustainable Energy
Larry Kelley
New method of Si photovoltaic manufacture
Nanda Khaorapapong
Wearable Icebreaker System
Ben Zion Khayut
Modeling of Intelligent Systems Thinking in Complex Adaptive Systems
Tony Khazen
ADCDS-1801 18-bit, 1.25 Megapixels/Second CCD Image Converter
Behrokh Khoshnevis
Robotic Building Construction by Contour Crafting
Muthomi Kiragu
Echo My key
Fire Suppression Missile
Kranthi Kiran
mondo spider robot
Herbie Kirn
KneeStim from Articulate Labs
Nikolai Kislov
Direct solar energy conversion to electricity by potentially low cost nanometer scale Metal-Insulator-Metal tunnel diode serving as a rectifier in rectenna arrays
John Klayer
Speleoholography Camera
Jeffrey Klein
A Fully Variable Valve in an Optimized 2-Stroke Diesel Engine
Marcos Kleinerman
Optical Sensors for far-infrared and submillimeter astronomy
Al Klesczewski
Continuous Use Rail Vehicle Ferry
Dardan Klimenta
A solar chimney power plant with a pyramidal shape
Dennis Kohlhafer
The OFact – a compliant linear electromagnetic actuator
Oleg Kolesnikov
SkyChickenHouse, SkyPiggyHouse and SkyFishHouse
Flying Autos for Solar Thermo Roads
Crystal Fibre Screens and Active Liquid Tissues
Sobhan Prem Sai Koppuravuri
Power Generation and Natural AirConditioning system through Tesla Turbine on Moving Vehicles
Briquette Generation
John Kotanides Jr
A System for Automatically Maintaining Pressure in a Commercial Truck Tire
Kevin Kozlowski
The OVAL Fire Extinguisher
Krzysztof Kozlowski
Educational CNC machine tools
Narongkorn Krajangsawasdi
TOR Jet (Takeoff Ramjet)
Morphor WTB (Wind Turbine Blade)
Steve Kreckman
QVLA light-based position sensing
Gopi Krishnan
Forklift Accident Prevention
Wesley Krueger
Mechanical System and Method for the Prevention and Control of Motion Sickness, Motion-Induced Vision Sickness, and Other Variants of Spatial Disorientation
Milan Krupa
Inductionless Technology for Huge Energy & Environmental Savings
The Simplest, Most Efficient, Low Cost Engine
Nageswara Rao Kudithi
Low Cost GSM Based Solar Power Auto Irrigation System
Valentin Kulikov
StreetStick, safer roads for everyone
Girish Kulkarni
Life saving Robot
Rakesh Kulkarni
No combustion engine
Ankit Kumar
Z.E.R.O (Zero Energy Re Emitting Object )
Ashwin Kumar
Mechanised Mud tumbler Maker
B Prashanth Kumar
Dynamo High-Tech Highways
Ganesh Kumar
Increased Mileage in all cars using a simple yet sophisticated mechanism
Manmohan Kumar
E Roll Iron
E Anti Sleep Alarm
Pith Pack
V L Prabhash Kumar
Smart Wheelchair
Ranjit Kumar Das
Tea Harvester
Deepak Kumaran
V4 engine carburetor venturi
Donald Labriola
Mosolver = Motor + Resolver
Christopher Lafarge
Nikola Lakic
Adjustable Comfort Insoles - INFLASOLE
Muppa Lakshman Rao
Poor Man's Air Conditioning
Deepak Lamba
Bicycle Stand-Cum-Lock Mechanism
Alex Langensiepen
How to 3D print a Sun
(USF) Ultra Small Footprint Vehicle
Ellen Langsetmo
prewired chip carrier MMIC module package
Bharath Lava Kumar
Design Of Automatic Rainfall Control Wiper
Akintunde M Lawal
New Crankshaft Substitute: Sinuous Crown Gears
Creation of and website
Carl Lawrence
Human/electric-hybrid powered flying bicycle
Huisung Lee
EggRan - Egg Shaped Mobility
Llewellyn Lee
Gravity based energy storage
Peter Lefferson P.e.
Rear Vision Glasses
Healing Bandage
New Money Card that Works Like Cash
Jeff Leismer
VibeTech One: Rehabilitation Machine for Exercising the Immobile
Josiah Leverich
Strike Finder Camera Triggers
Henry Levy
Color Shifting Energy Conservation Houses
First Location GPS Emergency Locater Transmitter Buoy For Planes
Laser Attack Missile
Thought Controlled Brain Machine Interface to the Internet and Virtual Reality Audio Visual Headsets
Self-Replicating Robot Factory
Flying, Floating, Amphibious Quad Copter Helium Filled Hovercraft
Multi Reservoir Airbrush Living Tissue 3D Stem Cell Painter/Injector
Luis Gustavo Lira
Low Cost Portable Water Pump with Filter
A Green Self Cleaning Plumbing Drain System
Grigori Lishanski
A New Generation of Hydraulic Vibratory Pumps
A Vibratory Adapter for Electric Paint Spray Gun
A New Generation of Vibratory Diaphragm Pump - Sprayer
Floating Vibratory Utility Pump
Robert Lloyd
Hydro-mechanical Vehicle Transmission
Swapnil Lohar
Laser ignition for IC engines
Michael Longo
United States Rain Force
Yong Lu
Steam Assisted Co-Cycle Internal Combustion Engine
Larry Lueder
Flying drone aircraft carrier
Louis Luedtke
Hearing Assistance Device To Assist Individuals With Autism Spectrum Disorder
Bruce Lund
Lund Variable Velocity Weapon System
Carl Lundgren
Power Grid Transformer Protection From Solar Mass Ejections
Venkatesh M
Dual function speed breaker
Inamai Maile
MDDS Micro Drug Delivery System (pill)
Boris Maitre
Passive Refriegerated Vest
Aarjav Malhotra
Road Repair Machine
Robin Malik
Multi tasking Helmet
Douglas Mallette
Smart Aquaponic Greenhouse
Gerald Manfredi
Portable Tracking Solar Generator
Rainer Mascarenhas
AIr hybrid Vehicle ( Increased overall efficiency)
Volodymyr Maslov
Innovative method for express testing the motor oils and motor’s wear
Innovative design of solar panels
Suraj Mastan
Effective Engine Radiator
Thasshwin Mathanlal
Semi-Automation of Autocollimator
Automatic Laptop Charge Power Saver
Abhinav Mathur
Self Healing Composite
John Mays
Advanced Power Bullet
Dan Mccaulley
Liquified Highway
Deborah D Mccullough
New Umbrella
Matthew Mccullough
Mark Mcdaniel
Wireless Bluetooth Pressure Transducer
Robert Mcneill
diesel electric hybrid
Blake Mcnelis
Adaptive Medical Bed
Travis Mcqueen
Collaborative Group Research for Electric Flight Propulsion
Patrick Mcswain
Downed Aircraft Locator
Juan Medrano
Mousey, the new mouse
Tabio Melo
Water in the Desert
Gilbert Mesec
Vertical Lift Aircraft Rotor Fault Detection
James Meyer
Venturi Induction for Internal Combustion Engines
flare reduction in emissions recovery from crude oil shale drilling
Dennis Miles
Save Lives in House Fires
Wendell Miller
Emergency Pipeline Shut-down
Reduction of Parasitic Engine Power Loss
Pradeep Kumar Misra
Solar Refrigerator
Shailendra Kumar Mistry
Molten Salt Solar Water Purifier
John Mitchell
Neighbourhood Electric Vehicle (NEV) Development
An Advanced Ultimate ACV (Hovercraft)
Proposed Battery Recycling Methodology
Remediation of Arctic Melting to Help Correct Global Warming
Bahman Mohammadhoseini
Shielded Space Wall Defense System (SSWDS) & Laser Raining Defense System (LRDS)
Madan Mohan
solwedISH - A Low Specific-Cost Solar Parabolic Dish Concentrator System
Meera Mohan
Advanced fire fighting system
Advanced fire fighting system
Somshekhar Mohanty
Zero consumption zero discharge techno-Green edifice
SAROPAN- Satellite Artificial Robot for Object Positioning and Navigation
Mohammad Iman Mokhlespour Esfahani
Design, Analysis And Manufacturing A Double Wishbone Suspension System With Variable Camber Angle By Pneumatics Mechanism
Mohamed Moner
John Monteith
GPX2 Time to Digital Converter
Kevin Moore, Pe
StarPlace: Use Google Glass/HUD Technology to Aid the Visually or Hearing Impaired
Small Scale Methane Generation
Artur Moradewicz
3-Terminal Bidirectional High Power Medium Voltage Multilevel Converter
Avinash More
Application of piezoelectric material on railway platform, temples, runways, and roads to generate electricity
Kaz Moriya
"Glicopter" is always watching your car
Akihiro Moriyoshi
Construction of dreamful maintenance-free pavement
Jay Morreale
Graphene Electromagnetic Emitter: A Terahertz Frequency Source
Steve Morris
Self Repairing Space Vehicle
Frederick Moxley
The Polariton Interferometer - a Novel Inertial Navigation System
Dahar Mujavar
Conductive Polymer use in Human Body
Suryanarayanan Murali
Fatigue mitigation in therapists
John Murphy
Building Sustainable Computer Labs For Schools In The Developing World
Lakshmanprasad Murugesan
Design of Staircase Climbing Mechanical System for a Wheelchair
Sankalp Musale
Brake Line Pressure Controller (BLPC)
Eric Myers
Container Lid Retaining System
Sudesh Nair
The Guidance Stick
The Sphere
Gustavo Najera
Gravity-Electric Hybrid Subway
Sri Lakshmi Bhavani Nandamuri
plant food controller
Pradeepa M Nandha Engineeering College
An Intelligent Wearable Military Coat For Withstanding The Cold And Wireless Alert System For Soldiers
Naveen R Nandha Engineering College
Accessibility Of Domestic Area Network Using Handheld Devices
Sabreesh S Nandha Engineering College
Low Power Wireless Sensor Network For Building Monitoring
T Pratip Kumaraa M B Arunraj Nandha Engineering College
Automatic Toll Gate System Using Advanced RFID And GSM Technology
Charles Napier
Vertical Axis Windmill
Saketh Sai Narayana
Automatic Ankle Adjustment For A Prosthetic Leg
Jan Naude
RotorCVT (Continuously Variable Transmission)
Franklin Neu
Computer Controlled Pogo Stick
Jack Nguyen
Distance Measuring Wheel - Innovative Improvements
Bhuvanesh Nick
Reducing paper usage (save trees) by using electronic touch display
Koundinya Nidumolu
Project Airship
Shashank Nigam
Low Cost Reaper
Shashank Nigam
Rescue N Relief Kit
Francois Normandin
Ruppell Spacetrack
Albert Nunez
Hybrid Photovoltaic/Solar Thermal Heating & Cooling System
Engr. Chinenye Justin Nwaogwugwu
Multisurface Degreaser/Cleaner
Wieslaw Oledzki
Oscillating engine
Internal Combustion Two-Stroke Engine
Arnie Omallao
Electrical Junction Box Wire Router
Password Enabled Electronic Lock (PEEL) with GSM Capability
Sachin Oommen
Digital Vehicle Identity
Horizontal Axis Helmet Wiper System
Renato Openiano
Aircraft Tracking System That Transmits GPS Location/Flight Data As Text Messages Every Two Seconds Using Existing Satellite Cellular Phone Systems
Embedded Vibrational and Motional Energy Absorbers for Increased Resistance to Tremor Damage on Concrete Structures
Juan Camilo Ortiz
Automatic Crane Truck Safety Device
German Osorio
New LED Traffic Lights
Paul Otto
Flight control system
Jacek Paczkowski
Never Ending Memory
Himanshu Padia
Effect of Hydrogen Supplementation on 40% SVO-Diesel Blend on Performace, Combustion and Emission Characteristics of an IDI CI Engine
Carla Raineri Padilla
Vivex-Cel: Advanced Wound Care Device
Krishna Kumar Palanisamy
design of automated catalyst coating applicator for electrode in PEM fuel cell
Poovendran Palanisamy
Automatic Glass Wall Cleaner
Chetan Panchal
MUHD (Mono Unit Hybrid Drive)
Amit Pandey
Exploring The Use Of Multiphase Electro-Magnetic Engines
Prasad Pandit
Humanoid Robotic Wrist (WRC)
Ronald Pannekoek
desalination by means of cold deep sea water
Peter Panopoulos
Multi-Servo/Stepper Assisted Lighting Technology (S.A.L.T.)™ LED Systems
Ravi Paramanandam
Oscillating Engine
Dipul Patel
ecovent Systems - Make every room the right temperature
Harsh Patel
Six stroke engine with water injection
Krutarth Patel
Portable Low Cost Water Purifier
Rahul S Patil
Innovative Gun-Port for Vehicles
Sushant Patkar
Automated Artillary
Suryanarayan Patnaik
Drive axle motor-generator for automobile use
John Pawloski
Marmalade Traction Drive
Buryl Payne
Detecting Emanations from Planets
Mark Peltier
Mass Trapping & Composting of Destructive Insects
Milen Penev
Transformable and reverse transformable battery type AA in AAA and contrary
Land vehicle positioning system
Johnnie Perkins
Hydrophilic, Nano-Machined Rain Routing System to Prevent Debris Buildup in Rain Gutters
Aleksandr Petrusev
Solar Tracker with Acrylic Concentrator
Chaiyasit Phadetphai
Wayne Pickette
TEOP: The last Battery you will buy for your vehicle!
RFID base Gun Security System
Brian Pinzon
Galactic Gravitomagnetic Lumina Scope
Andrew Pollard
Vision-Enhanced Situational Awareness (VESA) system for general aviation
Truman Pollard
The Sparco Wheelchair Seat System
Anthony Ponirakis
Potentially Hazardous Asteroids Space Telescope (PHAST), a proposal for asteroid detection, tracking, and characterization
Isaac Porras
Open Source Solarpad Kit Solar USB Charger
Siddharth Potbhare
GateKeeper: A Bluetooth Low Energy Proximity Lock for your Computer
Jim Potter
Baby In-Vehicle Monitor
Manoj Prabhakar
Futuristic Multi-Purpose Bed
Amrender Pratap
Detachable Battery System On Electric Vehicle And Battery Exchange Stations
Tom Prescott
ZeeEye Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
Melvin Prueitt
More Efficient Multi-Stage OTEC Power Plants
Justin Carlo Punay
Next Generation UCAV
Digvijay Raghunathan
Driver Alert and Alarm System
Karunya Raj
Heat Sensors For Spacecraft
Sree Ram Raj Rajasekaran
Multi Nut Remover for Automobiles
Gowtham Ram
REFWD - Clutch mechanism
Sarath Ramachandran
UNIT propulsion-An Indian Innovation (Unmanned Nuclear Inter-space Travel)
Vignesh Ramakrishnan
Leg Drive
Akshay Randad
Paanipuri Vending Machine
Priyank Rangparia
innovative mobile phone-aesthetically modified
Shashi Ranjan
Shock Absorber Test Rig
Gopi Ravichandran
Emergency Three Wheel Drive For Off Roadies
Subhesh Ravikumar
Wireless Breaking System by Automated Wireless Sensor
Tomasz Rawinski
High Power, Medium Voltage compensator of voltage sags and short time interruptions of voltage at power grid with an energy storage implemented as battery of high-voltage supercapacitors
John Rawlins
The Inverted Gas Turbine
Rikki Razdan
Automatic Eye Finder & Tracking System
Kacey Redmond
USB ICPDigital Accelerometer
Saumya Kareem Reni
Mobile Phone Based Blood Image Analysis and Malaria Diagnosis
Joseph Resnick
Methods And Apparatus for Mitigating Space Debris with Autonomous SDCM's
Naturally Supercavitated Platforms for Naval Applications
Joseph Resnick
Field Trauma Wound Care Kit for K-9 (‘FTK-9’) (Poochie-Peds™ ), Formulae, Method of Use and Apparatus for Making Of Same
Joseph Resnick
Field Trauma Wound Care Kit for K-9's ("FTK-9", Formulae, Method of Use and Manufacturing Method Thereof
Don Riggs
Variably Oblique Wing-Body Delta (VOD) orbital and heavy-transport Aircraft Configuration
Kumar Rishabh
Aerial Armour for Vehicles
Paul Robinson
3D printer for making cylindrical metal parts
John Robitaille
Health Insurance for All
Serge Rocha Da Fonseca
Tethered UAV (TUAV)
LapTop Tray - Privacy & Endurance
Mark Rode
Adaptive Fairing with Tunneling
Claudia Cristina Rodrigues Hernandes
A Comprehensive Method For Computer Coronary Reconstructution And Physical Model 3D Printing
Goran Roglic
Physical Therapy For Everybody Anywhere
Universal Spectrum Analyser Kit
Brainwave EEG Spectrum Analyser
Ozone Gap Filler Device
Christian Rojas
Low Weight Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Ablative Composite Thermal Protection System
German Ronderos
Mechatronic Ortho-Screwdrill MSD 0611-D
Terry Ross
Multi-Platform, Multi-Role Fighter Aircraft
Maximiliano Ruiz
Ixnamiki Rescue and Exploration Robot
Sankaralingam S
Hybrid "RMS" Trike For Physically Challenged People
Rohit Saini
machine for "360 degree decoding of data matrix printed on bottles"
Gilles Saint Hilaire
Ramkumar Sakthivel
Safety Ignition System
Hrvoje Salinovic
Additive Modular Internal Engine System HEV-PHEV Concept
Ravi, Thangakumar, Sambath
An Intelligent Mobile Application For Zero Accident Safety Roadways Using Android
LIBSCAN – A Smart Library Stock Verification System
A G-G Enabled Audio Navigation Device for Visually Challenged People using Haptic Technology (G-GAN)
Alejandro Sanchez Valencia
Pure Water
Edward Sandoval
Buzz Lightyear Technologies Today
Star Ship Holodeck Technologies Today
Adharsh Santhanam
Click your way to healthcare!
Sameer Saran
Multi-Feature Cost-Effective Wireless Remote
Charles Sardina
Derk digital electronic receipt keeper
Aal Arif Sarkar
Oxygenated Fuel Assisted System for IC engine to Reduce Pollution
Darshan Sarojini
Compliant Bi-Modal Bi-Stability Applied to an Easy Chair
Ravishankar Sathyamurthy
Experimental analysis of a semi circular trough solar still with baffles for enhancing fresh water production and hot water for other purposes
Performance analysis of a inclined solar still with baffles for fresh water production
Ignacio Sauton
Old tensile test machine digitalization using existing hardware and software
Rishabh Saxena
Frank Schmitt
Configuration-Free Smart Lighting
Scott Schober
SentryHound Cell Phone Detection Security Portal
James Scott
Printable Actuator
Matthew Searle
Self-Inflating Tourniquet
Karl Sefcik
sonic boom eliminator
Tomooki Seki
Breaking of Energy conservation law at Thermo-magnetic engine known as Curie engine
Jared Semik
Archangel Electric Blended Wing Body Jet
Sourav Sen
Modified water coolers
Ashvani Shah
real time solar panel tracking system
Kewal Shah
DYNA-MIC: Advanced Surround Sound System
Siddharth Shah
Cutart Stencil Pen
Paper Shaper
Yash Shah
Generation of Electricity using Speed Breakers
Anshuman Sharma
Dual surface airfoil design
Sidharth Sharma
Advance Braking System
Julian Sharpe
Survival Capsule
Nilay Sheth
Pano Band : A Panorama on your Wrist
Pithani Shiva Kumar
Permanent Magnetic Suspension
Kumar Shivang
Twin six stoke engine
Pallav Shrivastava
Run Your Car AC Without Fuel
Md Abdul Qadeer Siddiqui
Alternator Recharger
Josh Siegel
CarKnow - "Avacar" Virtual Vehicles
Michael Siegel
Emulsified Heavy Fuel Oil Reduces Consumption, Emission, and Maintenance Costs
Amit Singh
E-MDS (Eco Multi Drive System)
Saurabh Singh
Intelligent Helmet
A Probin Singha
Life Saving Crash Survival Design
24-7 Concentrated Solar Energy Supply To The Solar Power Plant On Earth From Space
Alon Slapak
Radar sensor for obstacle detection
Hal Slater
Geothermal Water Heater
Kevin David Sobal Galan
Spy-Way & Smart Car Project
Cyril Soji
Engine Without Combustion Of Fossil Fuels
Steven Somes
Touch Robot force-compliant manipulator
Madasamy Sonaimuthu
Micro Laser Solar With Nano Technology Rupees Note
Traveling Bag With Portable Luggage Trolly
Lighting Note Books And Note Pads -- Traveling Light Note Books
Economic Wood Stove (Less Smoke, More Efficient) Differently Designed Models And Their Descriptions
Fuel Efficient Air Pressure Wood & Coal Stove
New Model Wind Water Pump
Portable Tour Health Chair
Jins Sony
multi directional tipper: Unloading on all three directions
Narasimhan Soundarrajan
Programmable Cleaner for Confined Space Ovens
Malla Srikanth
smart oscilloscope
Tad Staniszewski
A Unique Adapter For Mounting Ball Bearings
Panagiotis Stefanides
"Argonaut Jason" A Proposed Wind and Renewables Machine Model
Barry Stewart
algae growth chamber
Richard Stieler
Apparatus and Method for Ergonomic Support of Human System Interaction
Allen Stull
Internal Compression Motor
George Sturmon
Air Management System for Heavy Duty Vehicles
Sankha Subhra
An Indigenous Design of Swirl Flame LPG Commercial Cooking Burner
Harisubramanyabalaji Subramani Palanisamy
Micro-Controller Based Quality Analysis Of Frying Oil
Krupakar Murali Subramanian
Multiversal Urinal Deodorizer - NODOR
Aadhithya Sujith
Automatic Dog Collar
I Bin
Ennis Sullivan
FasTran's Triad Support and Defined Center of Gravity
Sumit Suman
Lifting Space Capsule
Sumit Suman
The Security Bird
Air train
Deep Suresh
Next generation Power Station
Vyshak Sureshkumar
Reusing Space Shuttle External Tank
Vikram Aditya Swaminadhan
The Bumble Bee Approach to Flight
Addis Systems
The BROWZ*A/R (System*IZ Edition) - Business Augmented Reality
The BROWZ*A/R (Mechan*IZ) - Augmented Reality to Control Machines
The BROWZ*A/R (Rugged*IZ Edition) - Augmented Reality Helmet Controls
The BROWZ*A/R (Personal*IZ Edition) - Augmented Reality for Consumers
The BROWZ*A/R (Immune*IZ Edition)
Thomas Szasz
Design of an Ultra-Compact and Mobile Test Device for Tensile Testing of Additive Manufactured Plastic Parts under Varying Climatic Conditions
Balint Szent Miklosy
Tidal Sweep Inlet Cleaner
Falling Water with Filter
Instant Housing Assembled on Site
Joseph Szokody
Blumove Bluetooth Security Assistant with AES Encryption
Sudalaimuthu T
Intelligent Refueling System
Silvio Taboas
vinasse fertilizer
Alia Taliaferrow
Sustainable Generator Tiles to reduce Business Municipal Electricity costs
Tushhar Talwar
Slam With Markers For The Blind
Marvin Tan Xing Haw
Fission battery
Jing Tang
Active fine filter cleaner
Craig Teale Jones
The LazerPlug
Richard Teichgraeber
New Design for Enhanced Automobile Security
Vishnu Thampy
Suppression of flow separation over wing surface
Ram Kumar Thanapal
Snow Combined Road Cycle
Joseph Theckeveetil
ENV for Green Evaluation of new design
Vijayan Thirumalai
Ecopot Garbage Garden
New asthma inhaler
Sidhant Pravinkumar Thole
Magnezing Car
Nitin Mathew Thomas
AMPHI-BX : An Amphibious Two Wheeler
Sunil Baily Thomas
Hovercraft Based Sowing Device (HVSD)
Tinson Thomas
e-Aura: The Invisible Communication
Voice Controlled Adaptor Plug for Home Appliances
Advanced Tire Pressure Monitoring System
Vanshdeep Tiwari
hand operated car mechanism for handicapped person
Jordan Towne
Electronic Valve Stem
Christopher Tucker
Wireless Power Skin
Magnetic Energy Transfer Unit
Eric Ubelhor
Guardian 2000 Miniature Water Treatment Plant
Akshay Ulmek
Magnetic Pump-Gen
Mmekeme Umosen
Four Decker Plane
Kanpur Rani V
Caterpillar Robot - Bio Inspired Smart Search and Rescue Robot for Disaster Management
Ganesh V S
A solar solution to the energy crisis in developing countries
Ingo Valentin
270 kts. High Speed Helicopter
Large Hydrostatic Wind Turbine
170 mpg Hydraulic Hybrid
Extreme Power Free-Piston Engine
Dale Van Cor
Wave Threaded connections
Hans Van Geluk
New Mill Mac
New Milling Head Type
Arthur Van Houten
Sealable & Disposable Coffee Filter Pouch
Vishnu Varthan
Toxic Gas Sensing UAV
Chalasani Veerabhadra Rao
harvest mechanical advantage
Thiagarajan Venugopal
Solar Powered Vehicle for In campus transportation
Carlos Viegas
Omnidirectional Personal Transport
Hoang Vo
Hybrid Integrated Portable Power Pod (H.I.P.P.P.)
Chinmaydeep Vojjalashastry
e-SLATE : A cost effective learning tool
Lev Vozchikov
Fast ergonomic display
Mahesh Wagh
Gear Lever Mounted Clutch
Harry Wainwright
Smart Phone Remote Control of Interior Surface Colors
Thermochromic Pullover to View Skin Temperature Fluctuations to locate infections and tumors
Smart Phone Remote Control
Gary Waissi
WAISSI Engine - Simplest Internal Combustion Engine
Patrick Walker
Folding Dirt Bike
Douglas Walser
Upscale Outdoor Lounge Chair
Songhao Wang
Solar Panel Chimney for House Ventilation
An Intelligent Pressurized Metered Dose Inhaler
Xing Wang
GRMed: A Multibioparameter Method for Quantitatively Evaluating Individual’s Global Cardiovascular Disease Risk
Charles Warren
UroPal: Simple Urinary Catheterization Without The Mess!
Denny Wheeler
3000 Mile Capacitor Powered Electrical Vehicle
Mathew Whitney
Solar Dome
Continuous Deposition Arc Foaming
Larry Williams
Production of Nanoscale Pores & Slits for Applications Such as Filters, Masks, and Particle Counters
Gary Willman
Automobile Servere Weather Protection Device
Alastair Winn
Sterilizable Dual Syringe LSR Delivery System
Randall Witte
Unlimited Capacity, No Fuel, No Pollution Combined Heat and Power System
Andrew Wortman
Non-lethal Ring Vortex Generators For Disorientation And Dispersion Of Confrontational Individuals And Crowds
Civilian Alarm / Defense System Using Hartmann-Sprenger Acoustic Oscillators
Air Conditioning Enhancement By Aerodynamic Disks
Poitier Wright
Eni Xhaferaj
Fiber optics multiple modality illumination
Shifang Xu
3 In 1 Fresh Mini Tube Coffee
Nimish Yadav
Workstation for Cardio-thoracic Surgery
Vishnu Yadav
Fabrication of Refrigerator Using Heat Pipe Only
Yaode Yang
Novel Translating/Orbiting Rotor Compressor
Kristeen Yee
Testing a Portable Emergency Ventilator
Colin Young
New Engine Technology – High Efficiencies - Low Emissions - Low Fuel Consumption
Dr. Michael Zach
NanoFab Lab … in a Box! ™
Joju Zacharias
Continous power stroke rotary engine
Michael Zeldich
Sea Current Energy Extractor, Electrical Power generator
Jack Zhang
3 In 1 Laptop Cooling Pad Lap Desk & Sleeve
Wuliang (frank) Zhang
A Novel Process for Extracting Magnesium: Membrane Electrodialysis at Room Temperature
Low Cost Magnesium Alloy Sheets for Automobile Stamped Parts
Bernd Zimmermann
Liquid flow sensor with reverse flow detection capability