My invention (US patent 8,689,766, patent pending in Poland, see attached illustrations) provides the optimal form of internal combustion spherical engine, i.e. an engine with substantially spherical working chamber. The engine construction is based on a specific form of the spherical four bar mechanism that I invented. The mechanism features exceptionally compact and robust structure (in fact this is the strongest mechanism in existence), and the engine utilizing this mechanism is exceptionally well suited to cope with enormous loads, e.g. produced when operating the engine on the detonation cycle or Stoichiometric Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (SHCCI) cycle.
My spherical engine, which features an extraordinarily simple structure as it comprises only three moving parts of extraordinarily robust structure plus generally spherical, thus optimal frame the strength perspective, body (in this and other aspects my engine compares very favorably with recently widely published Huttlin spherical engine), can operate on thermodynamic cycles developing even 1500 bar-high (and more) peak pressures without exceeding typical specific loads allowed for ordinary internal combustion engines. This is an exceptionally important feature of my engines, as detonation combustion-based thermodynamic cycles are known to be very clean and thermodynamically efficient (particularly when developing very high maximum pressures), and therefore are widely recognized as a mode of operation of future internal combustion engines.
Another important features of my spherical engines are they have very good swept volume/total volume and power/weight ratios. This renders them very well suited for applications in automobiles and aerospace (particularlyy unmanned aerial vehicles) as well as in other mobile equipment. Yet another very important feature of my engines is that their manufacture requires no exotic technologies; in fact manufacturing of these engines would be cheaper and considerably simpler than conventional ones as my engines do not contain such technologically complicated parts as valves and valve train,cylinder heads, and crankshaft.
There is a steel model of a "flat" version of my engine (see my US patent 8,171,911), which operates precisely as predicted. Now I am looking for an opportunity (mainly financial support) to build working prototypes of various variants of my engines.
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About the Entrant
- Name:Wieslaw Oledzki
- Type of entry:individual
- Patent status:patented