The use of fossil fuels raises serious environmental concerns. The burning of fossil fuels produces approximately 21 gigatonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) per year. The emissions from these fossil fuels contribute to global warming and also result in adverse effects on human health.
Many common crops could economically produce bio-fuel in certain parts of the world. But in other regions, the same plants would be impossible or extremely costly to grow. Likewise, the fertilizer, water and land required to produce enough bio-fuel to reduce fossil fuel consumption significantly can create other problems, resulting in increased pollution.
In order to reduce the emissions and cost of fuel, this is a concept for a vehicle which employs two power sources. Here it is proposed to make use of air and electric battery sources as sources of power supply. Due to the increase in difficulties and continuous rising cost of the fuel and its impact in terms of pollution, it has become mandatory to search for an alternate, non-polluting, renewable power source. Therefore, a discussion is made to show the possibility of a concept vehicle using the above mentioned sources.
The power developed in the Internal Combustion Engines is produced by the pressure applied on the surface of the piston by the ignition of air fuel mixture in petrol engines and compressed air in diesel engines. In this engine, the pressure is applied on the surface of the piston by air only.
Gases expand when cooled, is the principle on which this engine works. The electric drive is used to assist the air engine in lower speeds. The combination of Air and Electric drive not only reduces emissions, but also gives an efficient engine with a cheaper fuel.
The working of this concept is similar to a conventional two stroke engine, but the valve position is the same as that of a four stoke engine. When the compressed air enters the cylinder, the piston is pushed down to BDC (compressed air expands when cooled . While the piston moves up (towards TDC), the trapped air in the cylinder is sent out through the exhaust valve. This cycle repeats and the output is obtained at the gearbox and then the power is transmitted to the wheels.
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About the Entrant
- Name:Rakesh Kulkarni
- Type of entry:individual
- Patent status:none