Free Lunch Solution To Climate Change

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For over 34 years I have proposed the following "free lunch" solution to Global Warming without requiring any increase in US taxes or change in lifestyles. This solution also solves two other structural problems that have appeared in the 21st century.

My proposed solution treats all of the above issues without any increase in US taxes.

A more suitable use for the Defense sequestration, , and more specifically for the un-needed F-35 aircraft, whose projected cost is now expected to exceed $1 trillion, which will be fully paid for, and will ultimately reduce deficits and pay off the National Debt is presented following:

In order to recover from our present malaise, we can use the Saudi Arabian Model, where its citizens and workers are subsidized generously by the profitable energy receipts of the Saudi government.

The US can achieve this model without increasing taxes or increasing the National Debt, by implementing a proposal I have made to US Movers and Shakers and the Media for over 34 years and specifically to Newt Gingrich on February 25, 1995, without receiving any cogent response or rebuttal, except for Speaker Gingrich who proposed a “pie in the sky” idea for a lunar colony, as a waypoint for a trillion dollar, manned trip to Mars.

My proposal, defined in detail in a 37 slide Power Point presentation, Chapter 1 in my book, “Solutions”, and is also available on my Facebook page, or on request, would build a solar power station on the moon in ten years in which concentrated solar thermal energy obtained from parabolic concentrators (shown below) fabricated from lunar materials is converted to electricity by Stirling Cycle generators invented and developed in the 19th century and operating in current solar systems in California.

This project would be paid for by diverting a portion of the funds from the bloated, already-funded, US Defense Procurement Budget to the same companies and workers receiving them now, thus preventing large scale layoffs. As calculated in the Power Point presentation, this power station would beam 21 trillion kilowatt hours/year of totally clean electric energy to the earth 24/7, using the proven technology of microwave power beaming, which passes through cloud cover. This energy would represent only 10% of the yearly world energy use in 2020. At the current average electricity rate of 12 cents per kilowatt-hour, the US Treasury would receive $2.5 trillion per year forever. These funds would eliminate budget deficits, ultimately retire the National Debt, and fund an infrastructure improvement incentive program on steroids, turning the US into a "shining country on a hill", as well as reducing and ultimately reversing global warming, thus saving $trillions more.

In addition to the above, with unlimited expansion of the above, the US would “corner the market” on world energy, and become a 19th century “Robber Baron” capitalist country, something even the Republicans would approve of.

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