Windmill on Wheels: Axle –Generator Alternative and Sustainable Power Source

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Do you believe in the ability of a wind-electric turbine to generate electricity? How about the functionality of a hydroelectric dam to do the same power generation? Both the wind-electric turbine and the hydroelectric dam capture the motion of some other element/fluid (wind in the case of the wind turbine and water with the dam). Motion means kinetic energy is present. Both the wind-electric turbine and the hydroelectric dam convert the fluid motion of their targets (again, wind and water, respectively) into electricity. The more wind that blows, the more electricity the wind turbine can produce. The more water that flows, the more electricity the dam can generate.

What if the more you drive any vehicle, the more energy you could produce? Just like the wind-electric turbine and hydroelectric dam work to capture kinetic energy with their respective motion(s), so too does this axle-generator capture kinetic energy from the motion of a moving vehicle. Thus, the more you drive, the more kinetic energy that is produced and the more electricity that is generated.

Product Overview
The axle-generator (i.e., the ‘power generator on wheels’) is a patent pending innovation with early stage product development activities to further refine, test (scale) feasibility, and then, prepare the prototype for commercialization. The ‘power generator’ prototype itself uses well-established and age-old components as the power source for motor vehicles. Additional information technology based components and sensors are seen as being applied to make this alternative motor vehicle power system more efficient as it moves towards commercialization.

In terms of market need and product features, the ultimate product will provide between 5 – 100% of the power for a motorized vehicle. (N.B.: The wide range of the product’s potential as a power source in part depends on multiple input elements, such as size, weight, dynamics, etc. of the motorized vehicle itself; e.g., the Smart Car’s size and weight vs. that of a 1970 Lincoln Continental.) For vehicles currently available today, the alternative motor power product has the possibility to act as a supplemental and/or stand-alone power source. For example, the current electric vehicles (“EVs”; like Tesla, Chevy Volt or warehouse forklifts) require owners to ‘plug-in’ and recharge the permanent vehicle batteries in order to continue driving. This ‘power generator’ product would reduce and/or replace this recharging activity by providing a boost to the battery power. Additionally, for hybrid and gasoline/diesel vehicles, this alternative motor vehicle power system can be used to help increase the miles per gallon (mpg). It can also be retro-fitted to vehicles currently on the road.

Chief amongst its competitive advantages are the ability to produce energy at substantially lower costs (both in production and ultimate consumer pricing). Also, a primary advantage of this power product is its ability to produce energy in a ‘green’ and sustainable way (versus the non-renewable, carbon-heavy fuel sources currently powering most motor vehicles (e.g., gasoline)), thus, reducing the ‘carbon footprint,’ and its associated impact on global warming/climate change.

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  • About the Entrant

  • Name:
    Yohann D'oliveira
  • Type of entry:
  • Software used for this entry:
    Adobe Illustrator
  • Patent status: