Construction of dreamful maintenance-free pavement

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Kyoto Juhkan Expressway (Kyoto) with porous asphalt (void ratio: 20%) was constructed using new concepts (Kyoto Specifications) in March 1989 in Japan. It has been kept maintenance free (no damage) for sixteen years in all sections (12.6 km). Fig. 1 shows the distribution of three dimensional cracks in Kyoto, together with conventional pavement. Fig. 2 shows the tensile strain for conventional new pavement with three layers at high temperature under moving load after one hour.

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  • About the Entrant

  • Name:
    Akihiro Moriyoshi
  • Type of entry:
  • Software used for this entry:
    ARAMIS system (GOM,MbH, Germany), Exfact Analysis 2.0 for Porous/Particles, NVS,Ltd. Japan
  • Patent status: