Cloud and Smartphone Security

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When implementing security on datacenter hosts, cpu bandwidth decreases and power consumption increases. The e-Science community performs large amounts of mass-data transfer often using Globus GridFTP, a de facto standard. Wire-rate mechanisms for GridFTP with speed-up through compression and securing through encryption previously did not exist in architecture or actual systems.

Smartphones also require green and speed performance. Security software increases power consumption, shortens battery lifetime, and lowers the smartphone OS speed and usability. The latest hardware-assisted software moves protection closer to the OS, but overall is still a software implementation which slows the smartphone.

We created Grid-X Cloud Security to improve privacy of GridFTP, add encryption and compression through a patent-pending architecture. We also created Grid-X Mobile Security, with novel firmware, hardware, and protocol. Both use UDP or TCP transport.

Grid-X Cloud Security directly interfaces to our 2012 US Patented green technology, Grid-X Acceleration. That technology was awarded 1st place in the Electronics Category for Create the Future 2012. When using Grid-X Cloud or Mobile Security with Grid-X Acceleration, the datacenter pc host or smartphone cpu can run bandwidth-intensive or multiple applications without slowing down. Grid-X Cloud Security updates the GridFTP I/O stack, extends commands, and operates with AES-128 or AES-256. It secures GridFTP via a 1-time password, RSA security, and certificate with short-lived credentials.

Grid-X Cloud and Mobile Security is patent-pending technology that was funded in part by non-duplicative work under NASA and NSF SBIR grants, and through seed investments. It was recognized by a NASA Headquarters letter of commendation, and part of our invention was published in NASA Tech Briefs in May 2013 under GSC-15885-1. It was also developed through collaboration with Argonne National Labs and Raytheon. Other potential customers include federal entities, national laboratories, and firms needing ultra high-speed control of defense systems. Potential customers for the mobile version include smartphone manufacturers or wireless providers promoting security for financial transactions, banking, or medical apps for secure access to patient data. Additional customers include smartphone component and sub-module manufacturers.

The technology includes algorithms, underlying firmware, Linux-based software, and COTS FPGA System-On-Chip (SOC) technology. We conducted simulations, implemented code for the SOC, firmware, and updates to GridFTP. The smartphone variation was developed using an Android environment (IDE) and by updating SOC architecture for smartphone cpu interfaces. All SOC I.P. can be ported into reduced cost high volume ASICs, and the entire invention can be manufactured by existing industry processes for software and hardware.

Grid-X Cloud Security was demonstrated on our lab prototype through 70 Gbps full-duplex (f-d), and we showed that there are no limitations through at least 100 Gbps f-d. Experimental results included power reduction by as much as 2/3 per 10 Gbps channel compared to existing products.

Grid-X Mobile Security was demonstrated using proof of concept firmware with secure transactions and browsing on an HTC Android smartphone on 3G and WiFi. The firmware and hardware architecture permits data speed operation on 4G, 5G, and beyond.

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  • About the Entrant

  • Name:
    James Awrach
  • Type of entry:
  • Software used for this entry:
    Linux tools, Android IDE, Xilinx, Mentor ModelSim
  • Patent status: