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The World's First Type 1 Auto-Protocol Switching Redundant Telephone
With the intent to save lives through redundancy, The Poitier Wright Model 14, or PW-14® allows multiple monitoring real-time capability over Data-Link tracks of concern, providing the capability to “lock-on” tracks, forwarding its client side data back to main Tactical Data-Link devices for further processing. With an IP-to-Serial auto-alternate connection, or manual configuration, uptime rates are maximized with redundancy, in both secure and non-secure settings. It is Type 1 Encryption Compliant, for both VOIP, analog, and certified to support up to Link-22. For Coalition Guard, it supports classified and sensitive data sharing of NATO and multinational interoperability.

1. World’s First Auto-Protocol Switching Redundant Encrypted Telephone.
The PW-14’s “Killer Application” is a dedicated PSTN circuit-switched link running consistently in the background in case VOIP drops, also containing a manual option. This is due to overcoming problems such as: attempting to connect to locations where secure or non-secure VOIP is unavailable, power outages, maximized IP band-width, maximum threshold reached IP packet loss, or compromised ranges of IP addresses.

2. World’s first full color VOIP utilizing 4 wire punch-down capabilities.
Many times in the field improvisation is the key. If RJ-45 or RJ-11 terminating ends (connections at the ends of phone wires) are not available, stripping the end of the cable and connecting it directly to the phone might be your only option. Whether in 2-wire PSTN daisy chain configuration, or 4-wire VOIP, The PW-14 provides this option. This greatly assists working with coalition partnerships and developing nations that have not yet achieved VOIP capabilities or lack terminating ends upon deployments.

3. World’s First VOIP Tactical Phone to Utilize a Velcro Harness Providing Ease of Mobility.
As field telephones are thrown in transit cases for deployment, this adds unnecessary downtime to untangle cords and handsets, and/or adds more pallet space in situations that cords and handsets are stored separately. For the first time in over 20 years, a Velcro harness has been added to a telephone, to provide ease of mobility.

4. World’s First Real-Time Full Motion Video Encrypted Telephone.
With integrated encryption and processor, The PW-14 provides secure independent network expansion for applications connecting directly to radio and satellite communications such as: Tactical Data-Links (IE: NATO Link-11 up to Link-22), or other critical real-time network applications.

5. World’s First Protocol Redundant VOIP with RJ-21 Amphenol Connector.
In a secure environment, just because the US and Western Europe utilize VOIP primarily, does not necessarily mean the rest of the world does or can. The integrated PSTN RJ-21 eliminates the need for a breakout box (“phone farm”) and multiple RJ-11 line phones that reach back to a circuit-switched encrypted link to partner nations.

The PW-14 will be manufactured in the United States, marketed primarily to the Department of Defense.


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  • About the Entrant

  • Name:
    Poitier Wright
  • Type of entry:
  • Software used for this entry:
    Physical prototype under "illustrations" uploads.
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