PERSONAL*IZ EDITION (pronounced Personal-Eyes)
CONTEST ENTRY: Augmented Reality for Consumers - The BROWZ*A/R (Personal*IZ Edition)
Augmented-Reality to display consumer PRODUCT archives;
Augmented-Reality to display & record PERSONAL archives;
Augmented-Reality for Consumer Product SAFETY Standards.
PERSONAL*IZ is an APP that turns any mobile tablet or smart-phone into a portable scanning device able to process millions of consumer product information labels at home, work and play.
PERSONAL*IZ is an Augmented-Reality (A/R) Engine for Android and Apple devices that can detect images in milliseconds, and download certified data from the Cloud onto mobile devices in seconds. State-of-the-Art imaging software allows consumers to access PUBLIC product data or PRIVATE family data quickly without costly, proprietary hardware or language translation software.
[SOCIAL-SCAN]: Public product data can include any consumer product that needs to list materials, ingredients, precautions or other important information. Consumers get free access to social Image-Zones and certified product data; however, businesses and organizations must subscribe to post their company logos and labels for consumer access. At any time, businesses can add or change certified product data that will be displayed to consumers when activated by the PERSONAL*IZ App (Internet required)
PERSONAL*IZ also includes a special Custom-IZ Image Zone. Custom-IZ allows consumers to keep track of private items at work and at home. By taking a picture of a motionless object, PERSONAL*IZ remembers the image and stores it temporarily on the user's mobile device. Later, PERSONAL*IZ can detect the image and display any type of message for other family members and visitors to the home. An optional setting allows users to upload their archives to share with others in the cloud at .
[SAFETY-SCAN]: PERSONAL*IZ can also prevent personal-injury and business fines with standard (OSHA/UN certified) signs, warning and documents enhanced by augmented-reality. Employees can POST real and virtual safety signs throughout the workzone, or POST family rules and messages at home. Visitors to the workzone or family-zone can READ real and virtual signs at anytime, in any language.
PERSONAL*IZ has 2 easy-to-use A/R features in a single APP: 1) Public Mode and 2) Private Mode. Public-Mode grants access to millions of images like SAFETY signs stored in the PUBLIC Cloud. Private Mode grants dual access to public consumer-wide images stored in Enterprise Clouds, and private user-defined images stored on mobile devices or shared with others in the Cloud.
standard-IZ [WORKZONE SAFETY] ----> available in Most BrowZAR Editions
metabol-IZ [FOODZONE SAFETY] (subscription required)
internal-IZ [DRUGZONE SAFETY] (subscription required)
glamor-IZ * [TATTOO DATA]
verbal-IZ *
advert-IZ * [COUPON DATA]
sermon-IZ * [CHURCH DATA]
concert-IZ * [MUSICAL DATA]
[custom-IZ][USER-DEFINED TAGS] ----> available in all BrowZAR Editions
Prototype & Product Status: PERSONAL*IZ recognizes Safety and Zone images on 1 mobile device, and also user-defined images.
PERSONAL*IZ cannot (yet) communicate between 2 mobile devices using A/R. Outside funding would help complete the image-zone registration services.
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About the Entrant
- Name:Addis Systems
- Type of entry:individual
- Software used for this entry:Android plus plugins
- Patent status:none