Smart Aquaponic Greenhouse

Votes: 68
Views: 10882

Our mission at CFS is to provide a sustainable agricultural production system, using Systems Engineering and Integration practices (as used by NASA and other technologically sound entities) to develop highly automated Smart Aquaponic Greenhouse facilities that are Off-Grid and infrastructure independent. Our design will be clean energy powered and largely computer controlled, such that the facility is as self sufficient as possible and requires minimal technical support or human intervention.

CFS will use technology and science to accomplish the goal of creating decentralized (local) high yield, small footprint buildings that are ecologically sound, environmentally conscious and robust in performance and sustainability.

But we do not stop with just food production. Sustainability Plus is a philosophy developed by our CEO Douglas Mallette that defines characteristics that go above and beyond just mere sustainability. Sustainability isn't enough. That may be an unexpected thing to say in a day and age where the term sustainability is so often mentioned, as we struggle to rectify the damage we've done to ourselves and the planet we all share, but sustainability is just the beginning.

SUS+ is the idea of advancing past "Do no harm," to, "Give something back." Beyond the primary role of providing food, here are just a few "Pluses” a CFS facility will provide:

- It will include a composting system that will help people grow additional crops that cannot be grown using aquaponics, revitalizing their local soil and giving them even more food independence.

- CFS is partnered with a water restoration company in such a way that a CFS building will be able to tap local polluted water bodies, use that water in the CFS facility, and if possible, clean that water body at the same time for the people to drink.

- Being powered by clean energy systems, the building is always generating power but not always using all of it, so in regions where power reliability and access is a genuine problem, the people being served can plug into the building to charge cell/satellite phones (a major help with communication with rural villages in Sub Saharan Africa), power lights, or for whatever use a building can reasonably handle.

In addition, CFS facilities will be modular and customizable, able to serve a variety of needs, from humanitarian relief to commercial applications.


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  • About the Entrant

  • Name:
    Douglas Mallette
  • Type of entry:
    Team members:
    Douglas Mallette - Founder, President and CEO
    Carlo Dandridge - Vice President
    Dave Oswald – R&D/Aquaponics Specialist
    Jack Mosel - LakeSavers, LLC (partner)
    Neil Desmond – Computer Science Advisor
    Chloe Waite – Marketing and Fund Raising Advisor
    Habiba Ali – African Affairs Advisor (Nigeria)
    Alex Nuwagaba – African Affairs Advisor (Uganda)
    Marty N. McCrea - Technology Commercialization
    Sándor Nyerges – CNC Fabrication & Machining / Electrical Engineering
    Fred Laurents – Facility Construction and Design
    Sali Enjavi – Information Technology/Website Management
  • Patent status: