Entrants 2020

Flourish Abbey

Shaaban Abdallah
A Novel Self Starting High Efficiency Vertical Axis Wind Turbine

Ibrahim Abdelfattah
Automatic Resuscitator

Samar Abdelfattah
Hyperloop Lab Facility by DM TECH

Abdurahim Abdulhayev
Accelerate Plant Growth with Electricity

Jonathan Abir
AD Knight - Understanding Where People Are for Traffic Safety

Vladimir Abramov
Machine Intelligent Non-accelerating Propulsion Designs Improve life on Earth

Nurlan Abzalbekov
Solar Electric Car with Motor-Wheel

John Aceti
Vehicle Threat Detection System (VTDS)

Godwin Achim
AR Dashboard Displays and Full Integration with Phones and Smart Watches

Oleg Agamalov
Grid-Forming/Following Control for Converters of Renewable Energy Sources

Harsh Agarwal
Socialising Autonomy

Jaime Aguilar

Morteza Ahmadi

Nair Ajit
Advanced Aircraft Seat Belts

Rashid Aliyev
Braille Teach

Cesar Alvarez
Aerodynamic Electric Solar Bus (AESB)

Bernardo Amenabar
LIFT VECTORING: Using THRUST as LIFT Generator and FLIGHT CONTROL without Any Moving Surfaces

Akshay Andhare
SPOTS: Stay Safe

Di Noi Angelo
FLUIDODYNAMIC Filtering Technology Against Climate Change

Marc Appelbaum
Implant Screwdriver Harness

Anand Apte
Green Fuel from Waste

Pnina Arigur
Virtual Smart White Cane for Obstacle Detection

Steve Arnold
Variable Volute Turbine

Nebin Asharaf
Seas - Seamless Employee Attendance & Safety
ZERO X - Zero Exposure Mobile Swab Collection Kiosk for Pandemic

Tarlan Askaruly
AI-based Waste Sorting Complex "Easysort"

Victor Eteadum Ateus
Peanut Oil

Orlando Auciello
Transformational Li-ion Batteries with ≥10x Longer Life/Safer than Current LIBs

Shubham Avhad

Eranna B
Solar Bee Drone

Chuck Bagg
Gas-Filled Acoustic Suspension Speaker

Oleksii Bahaiev
Ultra-Low-Power Communication Device

John Bakas
CarBidet ® Car Bottom Washer

Inge Bakke
Subwave Wave Energy Converter

Kenneth Ballew
Urban Telecom Node

Berik Baltabay
Multipurpose Drone Project (L 20)

Lorenzo Barbera
Three-Dimensional Printing of Multicomponent Glasses

Carlos Barrera
State of the Art Novel InFlow Tech ·1-Gearturbine: Reaction Turbine, ·Rotary-Turbo, Similar to the Aeolipile
State of the Art Novel InFlow Tech. ·2-Imploturbocompressor: Impulse Turbine, ·Implo-Ducted, 1 Moving Part Type

Kristi Bartlett
Zibrio SmartScale

Gautam Narayan Baruah
A Warp Drive Motor

Valery Barygin
Project Developing and Introducing Technology for Large-Size Functional Monocoque (LFM) Fabrication Outside of the Terrestria

David Bathurst

Nathan Bauer
Closed Loop Source for Urban Food Deserts

Bastien Beauchamp
!important - The Safety Belf for Pedestrians

Dustin Becker

Jim Beregi
Nationwide Hyperlink Toll Road

Greg Berna
Side Ways Trucking and Anywarehousing

Pooja Bhawsar
Robotic Seed Planter

Tonya Bierman

Muhammad Osama Bin Shakeel

Daniel Blackburn
Ultra-Lightweight Breathable Personal Protective Barrier System

Daniela Blanco
Sunthetics: Electrifying the Chemical Industry through Artificial Intelligence

Mariya Bolotnikova

Bernie Bon
"201" an Urban Aerial Mobility Vehicle

Benjamin Booher, Sr.
Energy Absorbing Helmet

Luis M Bordallo
"Specific Type" DRONE for Night Aerial Forest Fire Fighting: NitroFirex Project
Disruptive Drone Technological Solutions to Develop Safe Night Forest Fire Fighting Capability & Properly Combat CO2 Emissions

Azim Boronov
Automatical Piano Player
Notebook Prototype

Christopher Borroni Bird
Universal Solar e-Kit

Marcus Boykin
Automatic Safety Supplemental Headlight (LSCM)

Thomas Brady
Solving the Disposable Plastics Problem

Michael Bruckman
SynthoPlate Artificial Platelet Platform

Zinovi Brusilovski
New Shoes Design That Does Not Require Hands to Fasten and Unfasten
Super Thin Bread with Dough Proofing Technology Down

Tom Buckley
Green It

Matt Bucklin
Sense Relief

Musole Buhendwa
BMHK Engine

Osmond Bullen
Development of a Smart Robotic Platform For Alzheimer's Patients And Their Caregiversrs

Metin Calli
Innovative Crashbox Made by Carbon Fibre Reinforced Plastic using Powder Bed Additive Manufacturing Methodology with Lattice

Glenn Campbell
IoT Smart Grid to Improve Electrical Grid Inspection

David Carr
Extinguishing Mine Fires with Liquid Nitrogen

Roberto Cavazzoni
Active, Self-compensated Filters

Jiajun Cen
BlueBattery - Storing Renewable Energy Using Water and Table Salt

Rastislav Ceresna
COVIshiild™ - An Anti-germ Protective Appliance

Romulo Cevasco-benavides
Vacation Together

Dan Champoux
Collision Alert Technology for Scooters (CATS)

Darwin Chang
Prosary Energy Smart Power Adapter

Kenneth Chao
Tribo-CAS Film

Mv Chareesh

Hitesh Chaudhari
Thermos with Cooling Technology
Hyper Gun
Load Forecasting Using Artificial Intelligence
Solar Pumped Storage with Artificial Intelligence
Room Temperature Optimizer

Akanksha Chaudhary
Smart Garbage Collection and Management System

Elias Chavez Monarrez
Ocean Temperature Reducer

John Chea
Floating Solar Powered Hydrogen Generator for Sustainable Energy Production

Kevin Chiam
Airtomo Air Purification System

Raja Samanth Chinni
R GLU - Marine Water to Fresh Water

Prof. Dr. Mohammad Asaduzzaman Chowdhury
Homogeneous Band-gap Formation in Graphene Nanomembrane for the Use of Potential Semiconductor

Chieh An Chung

Michael Cikraji
The Fail-Safe Vehicle Braking System

John Clark
VForce® Autonomous Platform

Nicholas Clemmons
The uNick Mouse

William Colburn
Time Resolved Load or Force

Gustavo Colle
System for Converting Human Walking Movement into Electric Energy

Patrick Colossi
PUR-Ethanol: The Future of Biofuel Production

Barry Connelly
Bio-Grid Pure Vapor Sanitizing Robot

Craig Coppock
Maternal Cooperative

William Cor
Gyroscopic Reaction Drive (GRD) for Propulsion in Any Direction, Operating in Any Medium, for Any Vehicle (New Concept)

Iva, Marie Coskun, Kurstjens

Jonar Cubillan
The Green Falcon J-1 _ Horus-green J-1 Portable Hydro-pneumatic Spraying Machine
Portable Assisted Breathing System Schilling-Pack J-1
The Portable Tree - Atmosphere Transformation Project

Herman Cummings
Mail Box App

Ronald Czerwinski
Flying RIG

Bhavesh Dadhich

Espen Hvidsten Dahl
Radibond - Superior Assembly of Lightweight Materials for Transportation

Villiam Dallolio

R Dandekar
Idea for Future Aircraft Power Plant for Fuel Saving
World Wide Electric Grid

Dimitrios Dardalis
Rotating Liner Engine, Minimize Diesel Engine Friction

Prabin Kumar Das
Watchdog: a Device and Method to Predict Possible Criminal Activities

Prudhviraj Dasari
Automation of Mines Using Smart Detonators

Randolph Davis
Design of the Mk12.31 Prototype

Javier De Alba

Lovely Anne De Asis
Hope For Better Future - Robotics Process Automation

Fernando De La Pena Llaca

Rene De Nooijer
Quality Motor Controller

Edward Dedrick
Ventilator Alternative for Breathing Impaired Patients

David Delia
New Wireless Distribution

Giorgio Dellerba
PrintIC - Flexible and Recyclable Integrated Circuits and Systems

Caleb Desmier

Robert Devine

Sebastien Dewailly

Sachchidanand Dhar
Aircraft Wings

Emily Dibenedetto
Respiratory Spirometer for Home Healthcare During the COVID-19 Crisis

Dan Dimitriu

Ulysses Dinkins
UCHardChip Inc.

Mike Doherty
Avalanche Photodiode Bias Supply for High Volume Applications

Gheorghe Dragan
HuPoTest - Mental Test Ensuring Perfect Health

John Dreese

Cristian Druta
Roadside Worker Sensing Safety System

Doug Dykaar
Large Area Silicon Electronics

Ronald Eisenhour
AIr Conditioner Vapor Cycle Power Recovery Mechanism

Amira El
A Better Perfume Dispenser

Raymond Ellingsen
Future Energy

Khaled Elnems
(OHFORA) Recycle Paper To 3D
SafeUs On Road

John Ettridge
ICE Vehicle to Hybrid

John Evans
Lightweight Modular Defensive Wall

Nick Faith
Trú Barbell Cleaner

Davide Falanga
Dynamic Obstacle Avoidance for Quadrotors with Event Cameras

Stephen Farmer
Simulated Innovation for Distributed Team Product Development and low CAPEX Strategies

Clifford Fava
IFR Training Aid
Digital Camera Adapter

Dongdong Feng
Reduction of VOCs from Coal Combustion: Functionalized Cross-linking of Hierarchical Adsorption and Photocatalytic Oxidation

Sarah Ferdousi

Tomas Fernandez

Antonio Fiordelli
Aircraft Seat Anti Covid 19

Jim Fiske
The Launch Ring

Randall Flann
RoFo MOTORCYCLE BevDisHeadgear Beverage Dispenser

George Fleming

Ernesto Flores
Bionic Arm Prosthesis | RIM-D2

Robert Fowler
Eye Drop Administration Device

Anthony Fresco
Solute Ion Linear Alignment Heavy Ion Beam Cancer Therapy and Covid-19 Sterilization

Shanmugha Sundaram G A
Aperture-shared Articulated Vehicular RADAR Front-end System for ADAS

David Galindo
Flexishield, Peel It, Stick It, Dispose It
UltiMate EZwear - The Ultimate Underwear for Diabetics

Drashti Gandhi
DIGI-PAP:- PAP Made Easy
Kidibuzz - Kids Vein Detector

Juan Carlos Garcia Hoyos

Randolph Garrison
Personal Isolation Room
Personal Isolation Suit

Anteneh Gashaw
Light Switch
Cane Glove vs COVID-19
Integrated Resource Allocation vs COVID-19
Data Science in NFL
Technology that can Make Deaf People Speak
Puzzle Endcup
Population & City Tagging vs COVID-19
Every Watt Matters
Animal Mask VS COVID-19
Product Anti-alteration
Every Droplet Matters
Micro-Glue vs COVID-19
Braille Pad
NFL Helmet
Adjusting the New Covid19 Reality-Proposal for IAAF
Personal Pressure Gauge VS COVID-19
Risk Calculator vs COVID-19
Thermobracelet VS COVID-19
Smart Coaster
Every Carbon Matters
Digital Distancing Control vs COVID-19
Politics vs COVID-19
Candle’s Carbon Sequestration
Air Disinfection vs COVID-19
Fighting Micro Particles
Immunity Building by Healthy Society

Pallavi Gautam
PCV : Personal Commercial Vehicle

Ravi Shankar Gautam
Multiaxis Chainless Shaftless Compact Coastable Geared Bilateral Drive Mechanism for Bicycles
Bevel-Pinion Gear Set Based Coupled Torque Steering Mechanism for Off-road Terrain Purpose Reverse Trikes and Automobiles
Quad Laterally Operated Multipurpose Double Action Scotch-yoke Actuator Based Four Stroke Axial Engine
Multiaxis Chainless Shaftless Compact Coastable Geared Bilateral Drive Mechanism and Novel Low Height Frame Set for Unicycles
Quad Laterally Operated Multipurpose Double Action Scotch-yoke Actuator Based Reciprocating Compression System Rotary Engine

Giorgio Gaviraghi
Coronavirus Detection and Mapping System by Airship Platform
TRIFOLD the Killer App
UNIVERSAL: a Common Multimedia Communication System
Last Mile Personal Mobility System

Hugo Gaxiola

Joe Gelb

Ed Generazio
Electric Field Imaging Systems

Sam George
Design of an Electronic Control System to be Used in an Implementation of a Robotic Head

Shannon Gilleland

Liviu Giurca
Advanced Multi-passenger VTOL Aircraft - AMVA
Range Extender Engine With Internal Heat Recovery – RECOVER for Hybrid-electric Vehicles
VAriable GEometry VTOL Aircraft –VAGEV with Thrust Augmenter Configuration
Ultra-Short Take-Off and Landing (USTOL) Aircraft with Extreme Morphing Wings – EMW

Nahum Goldenberg
Hydrostatic Bicycle Infinite Variable

Firman Goni
IOT-Based Soil Nutrient Measurement Tool

Raghvendra Gopal
Nano Additives in Greases

Harry Gough
Range Extending Trailer for Electric SUV

Vihar Gowda
Multifaceted Smart Window

Devon Greco

Joe Griffin
Neuroheterodyne Therapy for Tinnitus

Stephen Griffin
Anti-Viral Respirator

Akarshan Gulhane
The Future of Vehicles: Solar-Powered Battery Electric Hybrid Vehicle Architecture

Akash Gupta

Vikram Kumar Gupta
Negating False Alarm
Bacterial Colony and Power Generation
Drone Power Bank

Hariharasudhan H
Egg Cleaver

Harvey Hack
Niobium Connector (NiobiCon™)

Todd Hall
UVC Anti-Viral Face Mask and/or Respirator

Thomas Hamade
Novel High Voltage Electrostatics Corona Ions Discharge Related to Disinfection of Virus (i.e. Covid 19 & HIV/AIDS)

Manus Hayne
ULTRARAM™: Compound Semiconductor Universal Memory

Mark Heidebrecht
COVID19 EMS (Employee Management System)

Thane Heins
Electric Vehicle Regenerative Acceleration Innovation

Page Heller
Securing IoT

Richard Helms
New Memory Storage Scheme

Suggu Hemant
Using Desert Air Cooler as Water Cooling System

Harold Hess
Enduralock Tidal Lock Fastener
Enduralock Self-Aligning Nut Plate
Enduralock Locking Header Bolt
Silver Lock Fastener

Ishan Hiremath

Camden Hirshfeld
Duglass - Multi Use Glassware

Ryan Hobbs
High Density Bioreactor
SALL-Y 500 Autonomous Robot System
Energy Flux Circular Power Stations
ElioT Microgrid

Carlos Hoffman
Stimulator of Vocal Chords

Ed Hoffmann
First Responder Sensor Array System

Leonard J Holmin
MAREO II: Return to Mars

Leo Honetschlager
Gizmo Lift - The Lifting Pallet

Jim Hook
Smart Room Sensor

Claudio Hoyos
ZtrawSafe "A Reusable Straw-less Drink-ware Spout Solution"

Mitchell Hsing

W Huang
Rapid 3D Printing on Space/Air/Sea Missions

Ajay Hudge
Coaxial Proprotor

Daryl Hyun
Wearable Bladder Monitor

Obasogie Ikponmwosa
The Ion Jet

Emil Imrith

Prospero Ingrassia

Claudio Ingrosso
Light for the Ultra-Poor

Alex Isakov
A Radical Method and Device to Combat All Types of Viruses

Mohamed Ismail
DeepDroneID: Remote Drone Identification and Payload Monitoring System

James Jackson
65014 - STEM Programming Board

Aaron Jacobson

Ricardo Jacome
MDC Reference Path for Autonomous Guidance

Namit Jaiswal

Diji Jayakaran
Important new Display Concepts or Methods
Novel Treatment for Corona & Other Viruses
FlexiDrive (New Concept Electric Motor –Alternator )
Kinetic Energy Recovery Wing & Body Design
Industrial Scale Electromagnetic Dust Management
Trillion Times Faster Processor Using Amplification Technology

Palle Jensen
RUF DualMode Transport System

Snezana Jeremic
Ring - Prosthetic Leg Grows Along with Children

Mathews John
A Genius Needle for Safe Vascular Access

Luther Johnson
MakerVent Model T

Al Joniec

Dan Julio
Inexpensive Thermal Imaging Camera With Open Interface

Suresh K
Smart Fever Diagnosis Kit

Phani K H
Smart Baby Belt

Man Kal
Olfactory Chip
drono Mower

Anthony Kamau

Tahir Kanchwala

Alexander Karelin
Electronic Cross-country Scooter with Phenomenal Safety, Range and Speed

Hamid Kashefy
Vehicle Distance Warning and Signaling System (DWSS)

Jeff Kavanaugh
Axial Opposing Piston Opposing Cylinder Diesel Engine
Next Generation Space Transportation System
Combined-Cycle Hybrid Subsonic/Supersonic Combustion / Pulse Detonation Engine

Lynn Keiser
Personal Clothing Shopper

Scott Kempshall
Fully Multimedia Autonomous System
Hybrid Advanced Lighter Than Air Craft

Kurt Keville
A Green Approach to Solar Distillation

Michael Kezirian
Enabling Production of Stranded Natural Gas: Eliminating Flaring and Providing Clean Water

Tofik Khairanov
Device for Cleaning Oil From a Water Surface

Hosam Khaled
Nasal Filter
Key Organizer

Mohammed Amaan Khan
Smart Electric Vehicle Battery Swapping-CUM-Charging Station

Rahul Khanna
COVID-19 - Authorized Entry Using Face Mask Detection

Umid Khudoyberdiev

Maninder Khurana
Solidified Natural Gas (SNG) for Safe Storage and Transport of Natural Gas

Casey Kim
Securely Operable Storage Device

Jason Kirshon
The Future for Helmets is Now - Introducing Fluid Displacement Technology

Peter Kissinger
Phlebot - Automated Phlebotomy for NICU, PICU and ICU

William Kitsch
GPS Python Trap Drone Retrieval (GPTDR) System

Frans Koch

Mila Koelbig
Clean Cooker Based on Solar Energy

Jiejun Kong

Vladimir Kovalevsky
Mailing Address Alias

Vasily Kozhevnikov
Innovative & Prospective Source of an Atmospheric-Pressure Plasma Jet for Biomedical Applications

Milan Krupa
Fuel Agnostic Zero Emission Engine Technology [FAZE]

Nirbhay Kumar
Novel Wickless Heat Spreader for Thermal Management of Earth and Space Based Electronics

Santosh Kumar
Smart Water Bottle with IoT

Shekhar Kumar
Color Changing Drone for Surveillance

Manoj Kumar S
Installation of Nano Hydro Electric Generator in Engine and EV Cooling Systems

Minvitha Kumari
Drones for Fish Farming

Vladislav Kutsenko
Development and Realization of a Ship Model with a Reduced Waterline Area and Hydrofoils with a Solar Power Plant

Thomas Labadie
Rung-less Ladder

Nicholas Labry

Riley Land
Small Unmanned Aerial Systems Pilot Training and Sensor Acuity Test Stand

James Lapierre

Douglas Larson
Magnetic Levitation Bushing Bearing

Carl Lawrence
Portable Trunk Fence

Bernice Leschinsky
No Doubt - Go Out! Respirator

Yash Lethwala
Achieving Higher Cleaning Efficiency and Lower Pressure Drop Across a Chocked DPF by Dosing Amino-ethanol
Modification and Analysis of Groove Type Camshaft With Ball Type Lifter

Joshua Levin
Soft-Sided Transportation Tubes (SSTTs) – an Alternative to Hyperloop
High-Throughput End-Loaded MagLev Passenger Vehicles

Jeff Levine
Taking The Guesswork Out of Brain Surgery!

Henry Levy
Multi-hybrid Energy Generator Uses Piezoelectric, Photovoltaic, and Triboelectric Harvesting Micro-grid Array
Multi-patient Ventilators Use Many Variable Electro-pneumatic Valves and Uv Sterilization

Ren Li
BEOL NEM Relay-Based Inductorless DC-DC Converters

Zhengda Li
Gas Turbine Engine Modeling by Using Simulink

Artem Liakh
Two-stage Universal-purpose Planetary-wave Gearbox

Owen Liang
Earlier Lung Cancer Screening Using the Exoutcancer System

Amy Lichonczak
Bringing Resilience into Business with a Trauma-Informed Approach

Paul Lieberman
Enhanced Electric Power Substation for Off-shore Wind Farms
Cryogenic Spray Chamber for Ice Shell Formation and Explosive Separation of Impurities From Wastewater

Jan Lietaer
Steptank Thermal Driven Heatpump

Basilio Lim
Ag Ion Spray

Jim Limber
Improved Facial Anti-virus Mask

John Lindsay
Computer Vision for Leading Vehicle Braking Notification and Other Optical V2V
Drone Video Assisted Team Member Coordination in Tactical Situations

Zachary Liollio

Delaney Lisco
Chem-Free Solutions

Helen Little
Gigabot X: Recycling Plastic via Pellet 3D Printing

Victoria Liu

Zane Liu
Urban Rover (Autonomous Housing Vehicle)

Hui Jing Loo

David Lucas
Planetary Civilisation Institute

Princess Leia Lucas

Zack Lyon
Novel Method of Non-Pharmacological Treatment of Pelvic Floor Pain, Healing and Management

Karthik M
Ankle Rehabilitation

Kelvin Macharia
Virus Disinfection Atomizer (VDA)

P D Madden
Reducing Climate Change with Waste to Energy

Gvs Anish Madhavarao
Self Powered Hydroponic Farm

Vicente Magana
The Daily: Conscious Transportation

Mohammad Mahdavi
Biological Pacemaker

Olimjon Mahmadiev
Wheel Platform with Articulated Frame and Independent Suspension System
Reconfigurable Elastic-Deformable Panel

Juan R. Malave C.
AI Technology as the Leader in Latin America

Siva Mallesh
Aqua Bin, Garbage Collector from River, Canal, Lake

Vijay Mamtani
A Highly Reliable Standalone Remote Power Supply - Thermoelectric Generator (TMSG-DC)

Ariana Manglaviti
Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Photoresists for Next-Generation Microelectronics

Raffaele Manica
Accompanying a Flower Pot
Elinfect / Vaccine Syringe
Capsule Vaccine
Space for the Homeless

Riccardo Marchesi
Textile Sensor for Liquids

Maria Rosaria Marsico
GREI: Graphene-Reinforced Elastomeric Isolators Seismic Isolation of Structures

Karlo Martin

Lou Massa
Mitigating Breast Cancer

Andrew Masters
Blackbody Temperature Reference Source

Sean Matula
The Stethoscope "Reinvented"

Alex Mayboroda
MoonTrap System

Tonie Mbuik

George Mc Neir
Zero Fuel Marine Off Grid Houseboat

Robert Mclean
The Future of the Four Stroke Internal Combustion Engine

Darryl Mcmahon
Keep Laundry Microfibres Out of Natural Waters
Curtains for COVID

Joshua Medling
EnviroCool Hybrid Super Truck - Modular Upgrade Platform

Charles Medlock
Ambient Updraft Power Converter
Torque Stablized Vertical Lifting System

Pete Melrose
Cloud Healthcare Appliance Real-Time Solution as a Service (CHARTSaaS)

Luis Ricardo Mercado Mendoza
Hyper-Efficient Automated Parking
Interconnect Suspension Structure for Elevated Monorails
Energy Efficient MultiLayered Roof

Michael Merwin
Fit Test Hood

Luis Alberto Migliorero
Application of the Biefeld Brown Effect using Dr. Musha Takaaki Formula

Mia Mihailovic

John Milewski
Multiphysics Design of Narrow Gap Laser Weld Joints

Shailendra Kumar Mistry
Automated Comodities Vending Machines for Developing Regions

John Mitchell
Hybrid RotoDyne Concept around Existing Airframe & Rotors

Ashwin Mohan
Active Public Transit Application

Jesse Morgan
Extractor Tools

Michelle Moyer

Kholmurod Mukhammadiyev
Electric Domestic Refrigerator

Oleksii Mundt
Translucent Heat-insulating Material and Energy-saving Climate Shell

Gonzalo Munevar
Neuroscience Treatment of Bipolar Disorder

Jenna Munshi

Aliyu Mustapha
Black Box for Vehicles

Gokulakrishnan N
Solar Child : Energy Harvester for Homes

Shriram N
Accident Button

Enock N Segawa
Wall Intengrated Oxy-fuel Combustion for Piston Engines
Gravitational Water Desalination

Hema Nambiar
Bringing Comfort To Refugee Camps

Simin Nasseri
Designing Composite Finger, Foot and Spine Supports to Correct Deformity

Nicole Nassif
IOTA: The Ultimate Augmented Training System for Elite Speed Skaters

Nasser Nassiri Koopaei
EriVan Bio

Jan Naude
Second generation RADIALcvt (Continuously Variable Transmission)

Donald Neubauer
Automobile Wheel Straightening

Sebastiano Nipitella
My Plasma Engine Rocket

Ryan Nordman

Iman Noshadi
Bioadhesive for Cornea Tissue Regeneration

Mordechai Nosrati
The Modular, Scalable and Wearable Microfluidic Bio-Artificial Pancreas (mPANCREAS) Mimicking the True Endocrine Pancreas
The mNEHRON Artificial Kidney Dialyzer to Replace 60-Year-Old Hollow Fiber Dialyzers
Microfluidic Artificial Skin with Multiple Automatic Delivery Systems and Positive Oxygen for Treatment of Burn Wounds
The Hummingbird App with iPACE IQ Music Therapy Algorithms to Treat Pain and Depression via Virtual Reality

Okpamen Obasogie
S-BAND Face Shields

Osasumwen Obasogie
Crest Actuator

Collins Ofoegbu
Diesel Bleeding Mechanism

Ben Olayinka
Plastic Eating Hyena

Ala Eldin Omer
Glucowaves for Convenient Pain-free Blood Glucose Level Monitoring

Max Orozco
Ready Teddy

Tony Ozrelic
Visual Aid using Image Recognition and Projection

Manickavasagam P
Smart Adaptive E-bike

Jacek Paczkowski
COVID-19 Monitor / Detector

Kenneth Palmestal
CabiBUS Sustainable Mobility

Raghunath Paralkar
Waste Energy Harvesting for Coolant Control Valve

Seung Min Park

Val Parker
Non-Inertial Onboard Navigation

Igor Pashin

Chetankumar Patel
Supplementary Seat for Public Transport with Retractable Hanging Support

Dax Patel
A.I. For Space

Saurabh Patel
Extendable Leg Guard for 2-Wheeler Safety

Raju Patil
Sustainable Biomaterials

Guillermo Perez
Deep Learning COVID-19 Detection with OpenCV
PID Light Meter Controller
Self Driving Car Using Machine Learning and PID Controller

Johnnie Perkins
Hands Free Dog Leash
Downdraft Visor - Mitigate Aerosolized COVID-19 Virus

Walt Perko
"RoboGuts™ S.T.E.A.M. Education Program"

Nathaniel Petre
Print Bike

Chuck Pfeiffer
Heat Adjustable Non-glove Device (HAND)
Paint Brush and Can Opener
Guide Dog GPS System

Huong Pham
Some Day Electricity will be Produced for All People in this World by Wind [Rolling Fans]

Michael Phillips

Michael Pickholz
Ultra-Lightweight Automotive Lighting and Sensor Housings with Structural Capabilities

Tomas Pla
ReFlow - An Alternative to Chest Compression During CPR

Eric Pohl
IWShield - a Sustainable and Rapidly Manufacturable Face Shield

Larry Pope
Change the Way We Fly

Vladislav Popovtsev
3D Modeling Laboratory for Electrical Engineers

Akash Porwal
Shape Memory Alloy Based Active Headrest System

William Potts
Heavy Vehicle Noise Barrier

Mark Prescott
Plant Based Biological Air Filtration

Bryan Prucher
Dual Radial Gap Electric Motor Vehicle Conversion Kit

Alberto Prud Homme
An 8 mW Fully Integrated Resonant MEMS Micro-Mass Sensor

Sanjay Puranik
PIR Sensor for Social Distancing
Energy from Exhaust Fan
Magnetic Shock Absorber

Hantang Qin
Virtual Reality Laboratory to Teach Manufacturing Classes Online: Responses to Convid-19 Shutdowns

Xina Quan
Wearable Continuous Blood Pressure Monitors

Venkatesh R

Harshal Raikwar
Garud- Eye in Sky

Hans Ramzan
A Wall Mounted Smart Clock

Andrew Rankin
Battery Health Sentry
Reversible Protonic Ceramic Cell
Electrochemical Recycling Electronic Constituents of Value (E-RECOV)

Smitha Rao
Customizable Tissue Engineering Patches for Accelerated Wound Healing

Sheila Ray
Soteria Safety Cylinder

Mehdi Razavi
A Chip Off the Old Box: Painless Defibrillation

John Read
Thermionic Wave Generator (TWG)

Jud Ready

Michael Reid
Getting Clean Away From the Washroom

Zachariah Remland
Advanced Bionics HiRes™ Ultra 3D Cochlear Implant

Joseph Resnick
Emergency Investigation of Enhanced Experimental Nasal Muscosa Biocontrol Therapy and Immunogenicity Treatment for COVID-19

Joseph Resnick
Plant-Based Meat Substitutes with Microencapsulated Algae
Voice-Activated Talk-Through Safety Mask Appliance and Method

Don Ricciuti

Kelly Rickert
TherMOMeter Mirror

Jorge Rios
Bridgefy - Making Apps Work Without Internet

Avid Roman-gonzalez
Thim4covid-19: Outpatient, Cost-effective, and Non-contact Evaluation of Lung Capacity to Identify Suspected Covid-19

Nicky Rosenberg

Sanjay Roy

Gianpaolo Ruocco
Cancer Mate

Peter Russell
Greatly Expanding Means of Cleaning Near-shore and Inland Waterways

Karthik S
Smart App Based Health Diagnostics Pod Stations

Ashraf Sadiq
HT Glass

Suvrajit Saha
3D Digital Soil Maps

Ganesh Salgaonkar
Muffler for Noise Reduction

Anastasia Samoilova
Friction Machine

Sai Vinay Sandapeta
Heavy Payload Application Drone

Arulanantha Samy Santhiyagu

Pedro Santos
Armored Fuel Car for CNG Locomotives

Pedro Sarmiento
Modular Presence Indicators

Savvas Savvakis

Hank Scott
Freedom Seat

Matthew Searle
Urban Cow, Food Waste to Power

Tomooki Seki
How to Automatically Generate Temperature Difference From Uniform Temperature Environment

Jenna Senecal
Save the World by Going to the Bathroom!

Abhijeet Sethi
Personal Air Vehicle

Jo Sevenfivethree
Pathogen Killer Face Mask

Siroos Shafiei
Open and Close Gloves from the Wrist Sleeve with the Ability to Wear on One Hand

Kunal Shah
Making Electronics Devices More Reliable Using the Novel Solution: ENIG-Premium

Yash Shah
Low-Cost High Fidelity Ventilator for COVID-19 Patients

Ravi Sharma
Large Scale Randomized Control Trials to Validate Design of Digital Learning Platforms

Mazhar Sher
Development of a Portable and Cost-Effective Biosensor for the Rapid Detection of Corona Virus

Farrukh Sheraliev

Tom Sherlock
Solar Thermal Stirling Cycle Air Conditioning Heat Pump with Minimized Dead Volume
VR Keyboard Controller

Douglas Shuler
Electronic Calibration Display

Michael Shur
Describing and Predicting COVID19 Evolution Using Pandemic Equation

Edwin Sidik
New Pressure Sensing Element Suitable for Hydrogen Application

David Silverstein
High-efficiency Heat Sink Fin Design

Mehmet T Sindel
Energy Harvesting Shock Absorber for EVs.

Apoorva Singh
“SALVARE” - An Autonomous Rescue and Surveillance Bot

Jayiesh Singh

Rafael Skodlar
Farm Automation System

Don Skomsky, Pe
UV-Peroxidation - Creating Hydroxyl Radicals to Destroy Viruses and Bacteria by Irradiating Hydrogen Peroxide with UV Light

Graeme Slaven
Visual Interactive Design Site

David B Smith

Tom Smokoff
The World's First Filtered Water Bottle Made From Plants!

John Snider
Conservation of Power in Fluid Dynamics

Leyla Soleymani
RepelWrap-a Nature-inspired Surface Technology for Repelling Contamination

Luca Somboli
Smart Ice-pack

Birgit Sorgenfrei
Diagnosing COVID-19

Salomão Souza Do Nascimento
Peace in Transit Device

Andy Spector

Sam Spikes
Gyroscopic Procession Device

Rajagopal Srinivasan
Tensor Analyses of Disease: Bedside Diagnostic Spectroscopy

Daniel Stan
Handicraft Manufacture Face Shield BRICO-UPT

Panagiotis Stefanides
Discovered Discrete Geometry Relationship between a Non-Regular Icosahedron and the Other Five Regular Solids

Craig Stephan
Face-Touch Warning Device

Brett Stern
An Automated Process for Apparel Manufacturing

Nichole Sullivan
EDGES - Electronic Defense Game-Theoretic Engine for SATCOM

Ramazan Sultan
The Feet Correcting Device

Simon Sunatori
Germ Buster: Sanitary Single-Handle Water Faucet

Mark Supal
The Platypus

Robert Swaim
EV/ESS Trapped Energy Drain Device

Balint Szent Miklosy

Kevin Ta
Attentiv Catheter - A Sensor-integrated Solution for IV Infiltration Detection

David Taffet
Meet Petal, the First Disruptive Innovation in Waste Disposal Since 1875

Xiaoming Tan
1 Hand Dual Fastener Manipulation Device – Patented Invention

Peter Tarlton
SelectFlex® the World’s Only Dynamic Arch Control Insole

Luxsonic Technologies
SieVRt: A Portable Virtual Radiology Reading Room

Antono Telles
Low Cost Low Current Measurement Circuit

Alexander Temeev
Float Wave Electric Power Station

Chaitanya Thanekar
Rail Mate ( IoT Tray Design for Hawkers )

Vinitha Thiyagarajan Upaassana
Collaborite: Ai-based Research Intelligence for Strategic Partnerships Between Manufacturing Industries and Universities

Cris Thomas
Project ARIES: Emergency Autonomous Response System

John Thomas
Restoring Elevator Carrying Capacity During the Era of Social Distancing via Disinfected Airflow and Ultraviolet Flash

Jesse Thornburg

Eanna Timoney
Frame Steered Chassis Virtual Pivot Steering (VPS) Timoney Steering System

James Tour
Flash Graphene

Andres Tremante
Simultaneous Positive Pressure Ventil-Aid System

Eviatar Tron

Min-hua Tsai
S.F.P.D. Micro Plastics Detector for Food
S.D.F. Car Fertilizer Soil Improving Machine
Surgical Projector

Manas Tuteja

Jean Pierre Twagirayezu
Wildfires Killer

Bunyod Usmanov

Dmytro Vakulenko
Arterial Oscilography for Each Blood Pressure Monitor

John Van Noy
High Function Toilet Seat

Basil Van Rooyen
CITS Combustion Engine Technology

Vamsi Krishna Varigonda
AnyView: an Affordable Refreshable Braille Pad for the Visually Impaired

Gregory Vartanov

Vigneshwar Veeravagu

Hector Vega Rodriguez
Asteroid Prospector

Cécile Vienney
Low Noise Laser for LIDAR

Guy Vinograd
Enabling Medical Device Vendors to Create Regulated Remote Medical Care Solutions in a Snap!

Laurentiu Victor Visan

Peter Vokhmin
Apparatus for Inspecting Optical Members
Super-resolution Photon Reassignment Microscopy System

Monica Vuppalapati
Trombone, Bringing Live Music to Your Door

Hongwu Wang
FoVi: Wearable Focal Muscle Vibration for Precision Rehabilitation

Nicholas Watson
EVER-Green™ Coal

Mark Whitehead
Leapfrog Air Cleaning System

Jeff Whitham
Extra Charge

Phil Whitmire
1mm-Thin Polymer Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors

Maxwell Wieder
SueChef - Remote Robotic Cooking

Don Wilkins
Dolphin Vision - An Imaging Sonar Mask

Saul Wiseman
Titus Sub Woofer

Chin Wong
Novel Coronavirus Detector

Charles Wood
Controlled Flight Into Terrain (CFIT) Prevention

Yu-hsing Wu
All Care
Fantasy Iris

Dilshod Xolmatov
Smart Traffic Light

Zheng Yan
Wearable Air Conditioner with the Capability of Human Health Monitoring

Donald Yates
STORMBIN for Geopower, Green Hydrogen & Carbon Dioxide Capture

Ning Yi
Wearable Gas Sensor With Self-heating Capability

Austin Yoshino
Manaola Innovations

Daniel Zajarias Fainsod
Minimally Invasive Heart Pump for Heart Failure

Bashar Zapen
Laminar - An Infinitely Reusable Toothpaste Tube

John Zelahy
Energy Absorbing Football Helmet

Michael Zeldich
Stop Rodents

Duyao Zhang
3D Printing of High-Performance Ti Alloys

Jack Zhang
A Revolutionary Disposable Visible & Cooler N95 Respirator

Henadzi Zhavnerko
Family-friendly Portable Health Monitoring Device

Herbert Zien
LCS Smart Hot Water Heater

Dean Zody
Stealthy Radars Immune from Jamming and Interference

Ulmas Zoirov
Reduced Cost Braille Display 'Slider'

David Zornes
Buckyball Sphere Shape is Propulsion and Power Generator
Carbon Fiber Monolith with OPEN Hydrophilic Carbon Nanotubes
Internal Combustion Engines (ICE) Vehicles Charges Electric Vehicle (EV) Batteries for Random-EXCHANGE

Evgeniy Zudin
Electric Drive for Semi-Trailer Motion
Video Helper System for Autocamper