Robotic Seed Planter

Votes: 38
Views: 7560

Agriculture is the primary source of livelihood for about 58 percent of India’s population. Gross Value Added by agriculture, forestry, and fishing is estimated at Rs 18.55 lakh crore in FY19. 1/5TH of the total agricultural output is lost due to inefficiencies in harvesting, transport, and storage of government-subsidized crops. It is estimated that by 2020, over 75 million agricultural IoT devices will be in use.

Robotic Planter is a seed sowing machine aimed at planting seeds and providing multiple smart assistance to the farmer considering precision farming. Agriculture machinery has always prioritized function over ‘form.’ However, in recent years, it has also been understood that the appearance of agriculture machinery conveys a powerful message. We occasionally experience the beautiful creatures that nature has made. Hoverflies are the flies that are often seen hovering or nectaring at flowers. We have reflected the attractive structure and nobleness of hoverflies in the Robotic Planter. The design was inspired by the darting capability and shape of hoverflies. It considers the conservation of natural resources and limits environmental pressure.

Robotic Planter is an integrated solution for farmers from a big 50,000-acre land to a small 2-acre land. It has a detachable robotic bee drone and performs Multiple functions such as sowing, fertilizing, irrigation, herbicides spraying and plowing depending upon how users need. It is driven by solar power and UV rays hence, it is sustainable and eco friendly. Robotic planter provides various technicals assistance such as GPS navigation, RFID tracker, AI for the weather forecast and chatbots, IoT, Blockchains, soil moisture, and temperature sensors, Satellite Image Mapping, Seed Pods Dropper, etc and all these are configured and controlled by a mobile application.

Special Features:

Seed Pods Dropper: Drop Biodegradable seed pods with definite depth and pressure according to the seeds and their type. Each pod consists of seeds and nutrients, specific to the need of soil. Configured with GPS which will Plant seeds at the programmed paths. Hence, Reduce the seed & spraying overlap.

Satellite Image Mapping: Satellite Capture HD detailed pictures of the area for evaluation. It helps in identifying the weeds of its type, pests, diseases and localize the application of agrochemicals. which will help in analyzing the quality and quantity of crops.

IoT & Blockchain: IoT technologies allow correlations of structured and unstructured
data to provide insights into food production. Sensors placed around fields allows farmers to view their crops from anywhere in the world. Blockchain will collect data at every stage of the farm process and help in reducing inefficiency and fraud and improve food safety in agriculture.

GPS & RFID Sensors: GPS guide drops seeds at programmed Path and RFID Sensors help in Identifying and tracking product location.

Thus Robotic Seed Planter may address the current burning issue of the country and will definitely serve to the multiple ergonomic problems faced by farmers. This will result in rural development by creating employment. It will also reduce losses, improve efficiency and precision farming, profitability, safety, and environmentally.

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  • About the Entrant

  • Name:
    Pooja Bhawsar
  • Type of entry:
    Team members:
    Sanika more
  • Software used for this entry:
    Adobe illustrator, Photoshop
  • Patent status: