Float Wave Electric Power Station

Applied Technologies Company, Ltd (ATC) is involved in the development of components for ecologically benign marine power-industrial systems, based on wave and aqueous ocean resources utilization. ATC is developing the unique offshore Float Wave Electric Power Station (FWEPS) as efficient and perspective means for sea-wave energy conversion to electricity.

In view of global warming up and requirements set to ecological purity, the problem of power production-consumption growth is more often connected with the use of renewable power resources. Sea waves are rather perspective energy carriers since they manifest the highest specific power among renewable sources. Harnessing even a part of the combined World Ocean wave power estimated by the order of five terawatt could more than double sustainable electricity production on the Earth.

FWEPS is a very promising device since, it employs the oscillatory drive as an electric generator actuator introducing therewith no additional heat or other environment pollution. From this point of view FWEPS is the sole wave energy converter under development nowadays.

A module of FWEPS is an oblong axisymmetrical capsule-float located on sea surface in the local vertical direction. The research and development carried out to date has shown that FWEPS can be applicable, preferable and profitable installation for electricity generation in different geographical regions. Depending on mission it is possible to develop both a single modular FWEPS for output power from units of watts up to 50 kW and multi-modular installation in a grid form.

The range of possible applications of FWEPS is rather wide in economics and life support spheres. Single modular device can be a power source for the sea-going ships, light and radio beacons, as well as for meteorological, navigation and communication systems, equipment for emergency and individual life support, etc.

A powerful FWEPS can be assembled out of a large number of ten - fifty kW modules of total capacity up to dozens of megawatts. Multi-modular FWEPS can be used for power supply of coastal and island settlements, sea and coast-based objects of processing industry.

Apart from the main mission of electric power supply, FWEPS technology will permit
to avoid:
- withdrawal of fertile soils and forests from the economic turnover,
- breach of natural environment energy balance; harmful exhausts and wastes,
- liquid, gaseous, powdered, thermal, vibrating and noisy contamination,
- need in delivered fossil fuel and constructing the expensive purifiers;
to generate:
- great amount of new jobs,
- possibility of devices deployment directly in seas and oceans, in places unsuitable for human life or navigation in accordance with regional wave activity, seasonal or other reasons.

THE MARKET is not occupied and predisposed to an intense development. Estimated yearly global market volume of wave power conversion technology is about one trillion US$ worldwide.
Marine Energy Roadmaps envisage deploying a total of 20 GW of marine renewable energy capacity by 2030 (in the United States) and of 188 GW by 2050 (in the European countries).


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  • About the Entrant

  • Name:
    Alexander Temeev
  • Type of entry:
  • Patent status: