Multipurpose Drone Project (L 20)

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Manned aircraft are quite heavy and cumbersome in some areas of aviation use. For example, aerial photography in cartography or forestry, spraying fertilizers or pesticides on medium-sized crop fields. And in these cases, unmanned aerial vehicles are a rational solution.

Drones give more secure, faster, and cheaper strategy for performing a variety of missions. Auvs can effortlessly get to difficult-to-reach ranges whereas dispensing with the require for a human to go there utilizing the hazardous mechanical devices. Additionally, maintaining a strategic distance from activity by flying through air can spare a part of time and effort. Moreover, utilizing electric control in transportation is much cheaper and cleaner than most of the conventional vehicles fueled by fossil fuels. Moreover, it can be manufactured utilizing commercial materials that are simple to get and have generally exceptionally moo cost.

The l-20 is a universal remote-controlled unmanned aerial vehicle designed for various types of work. The main advantage of this device is its relative cheapness and compactness. In addition, replacing fuel with electricity results in ecologically friendly and fire-resistance.

Because of the simplicity of its constructions, it can be made from light-weight sheet materials. Theoretical technical characteristics:

  • Length 2m
  • Wingspan 2.2m
  • Height 0.53m.

It has a cargo compartment (12250 cm3) there is a special compartment for installing scientific equipment, tanks for fire-fighting mixtures and agricultural mixtures.

There is also a gps tracker with the help of which you can program the flight route.

Power supply is 8 kw.  The flight duration is 3 hours. The weight of an empty device is 20 kg (on average, depends on the material used). Load capacity 15 kg. The base range of the signal is 2 km, (can be connected via the internet). Flight speed without cargo 200 km/h.

Unmanned aircraft can be widely used to solve special tasks when the use of manned aircraft is impossible or economically unprofitable:

Areas of use:

  • Aerial photography, cartography
    Due to its versatility, it is possible to attach devices for aerial photography to the device.
  • Firefighting service
    The cargo compartment allows you to carry fire-fighting mixtures and other tools to extinguish fires in remote regions.
  • Patrol system
    Borders are often guarded by border guards, but air patrols (especially at night) have much greater visibility.
  • Flying laboratory
    This unmanned aircraft, can conduct researches in hard-to-reach regions. Moreover it can be used for meteorological researches.
  • Courier service
    The presence of a luggage compartment allows you to load and move various items. This may reduce the delivery time.
  • Agricultural industry
    In crop fields, drones can be used to monitor large fields. You can use it to spray the field. Replacing labor-intensive field work with a sequence of automated operations. Possibility of visual evaluation of the obtained data in three-dimensional representation. Convenient output and representation of calculated indicators.

Kazakhstan especially needs, drones of this type, extremely in emergency cases. For instance, forest fires or floods, explosions in warehouses or in industrial zones. Besides, the usage of this drones will be more productive for the agricultural.

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  • About the Entrant

  • Name:
    Berik Baltabay
  • Type of entry:
    Team members:
    Berik Baltabay, Shyngys Yerler, Maira Utepova
  • Software used for this entry:
    Autodesk Fusion 360
  • Patent status: