Gary Abramov
Ultra-Miniature External Defibrillator System
Fadi Abu Farha
Pressurised Foils for Ultra-Lightweight Automotive Panels
Mohammed Aburayya
Interactive Road Signs Automation
Mozesk Acras
Generating Clean Energy and Cheap
Bernhard Adams
Mitigation of the Threat from Orbiting Debris to Satellites
System to Discourage Speeding
Bill Adams
Sustainable Remote Arctic Community
Peter Adamsen
Rotary Internal Combustion Engine
Carlos Aguayo Gonzalez
Power Fingerprinting Monitor: Protecting Critical Infrastructure from Cyber Attack
Greg Ahira
Test Strip Mixture Indicators
Nnamdi Ajah
Agricultural Solution
Ben Aldern
Flexible, Inexpensive, Wireless Data Acquisition Unit
Todd Alexander
Repurposing Automotive Li-Ion Cells for a Residential Home Energy Storage System
Liaquat Ali
Reinforced Passive Backlit LED TV
Mohammad Reza Allazadeh
Higher Efficiency Brake Pad
David Allen
Satellite Project for World Literacy
Michael Allmon
ORFS O-ring Design
Role Alvarez
Magnet Motor
Multistage Jet Engine
Alternator-Powered Hybrid Car
Luca Amati
Full Electric Combustion Chamber for Turbojet Engines
Vincent Ampadu
E-Afrique Global Project
Lenka Andrasova
Design of Bed for Anesthesiology and Resuscitation
Randy Andronica
No Cone Single Point Reamer/Drill
Manolo Anton
Residential Elevator
Masatada Araki
Ductile Ceramics
Harry Archer
Dead Zone Oxygenation
Dan Aris
48V Town & Country Hybrid Powertrain (TC48)
Bez Arkush
RespiRight - Respiratory Muscle Training
Vairavan Arunachalam
A Real Time Measurement of EEG Signal
Thati Ashok Kumar
Multi-Mission Police Vehicle
Dan Atlas
Wearable Bio-Sensing Platform
Sham Attavar Narasimhamurthy
Self Medication
Avantika Avi
VoAP (Voice-control over Appliances)
Armando Azua-bustos
On a Way to Detect "Life as We Do Not Know It"
Anush Badii
A Rapidly Deployable Aerial Wind Turbine
Kite Powered Electrical Generator
Water from Air for Humanitarian Relief Operations
Insaf Bahnini
Design of a Manipulator Robot to Realize Moroccan Assembled Pattern
Xiaodong Bai
Macrowave Control
Mike Bailey
Stop Child Heat Deaths In Vehicle
Mark Bailly
Total Energy Monitoring System for Office or Home
Kenneth Ballew
Reusable Structural Component for Space Utilization
Georgios Bampasidis
MEMS Probes for Space Missions
Goran Basic
Large Gonioreflectometer
Okoro Basil
Land Transportation Comfort with Audace
Russell Beath
Segmented Filler Rod
Joseph Benedyk
A New Class of Sheet Materials for Future Lightweight Vehicles
Christopher Beskar
SM-39 Razor Air Superiority Fighter
Uddhab Bharali
Detention Chair for Mentally Challenged Person
Vasant Bhide
Live Stage Performance at Home
Dileep Bhoi
Charging Vehicle Battery by Steering Wheel Movement and Tire Rotation: Application in Hybrid/Electric Vehicles
Trinayan Bhuyan
Hydrolyseric Triyan Engine
Volodymyr Bihus
Pneumatic Gripper with Electric Eye
William Birchard
Explosive Detector
Bomb Detector
Dennis Bironas
Energy Recovery by Displacement
Robert Bishop
Advanced Solid State Cooling Technology
Kyle Black
Electricity Tracker
Cbxacta Blankenship
Air Turbine
Josef Ludvík Bohm
RE-PLY Electric Scooter
Lorita Bolts
Beverage Container Belt
Benjamin Booher, Sr.
Industry-Changing, Patented, Continuous, Highly-Automated and Efficient Manufacturing Process Yielding Benchmark Highly-Engineered Friction Composites
Nishant Boora
No to Topple of Car
Julio Bowen
Photonic Space Engine Driver
William Bowlus
New Spinal Tap Kit for Improved Accuracy and Accessibility.
Nagarajan Br
SkyAuto - A VTOL for Defense Transportation
David Braverman
Webcam Touch Monitor Smart Board
Jeff Brown
DAMPS Technology MKV Magnetic Smart Boots
Denis Buffet
New Series-Parallel Architecture for Hybrid Vehicles
Mel Bulman
The Afterburning Rocket Engine
James Burton
Electrically Conducting Proteins for Continuous Assay
Santiago Butnaru
Vortex Cancelling Winglet
Cheapest Disposable Suction Liner in the World
André Caminoa
The Babel Tower: a Super-tall Structure with a Sub-orbital Elevator
Alfonso Campos De Los Reyes
Madhavun Candadai
Easy Cut, Store & Throw
Mariel Cantu
AVARII Emergency Bracelet
Peng Cao
Wave Energy Harvesting Vessel
Peng Cao
PRT-Centered Green Community
Denis Carrier
Using Earth Rotational Inertia as a Source of Energy
Eduardo Carrillo
Preventing Heart Attack with Machine and Solution
Jerry Carson
50 rd. Double Barrel Pump Shotgun
Jose Andre Cavalcanti Da Silva
A Potential Biodegradable Lubricant from Castor Biodiesel Esters via Enzymatic Catalysis
Salih Ch
PSoC Based Automatic Solar Tracking and Distribution
Deniz Chaban
Touchtech Lima - Interactive surfaces
Puran Chand
Reduction of Fuel Wastage
Elias Chavez Monarrez
Nature's ABC's
David Harold Chester
Lowering Skin-Friction Drag by Stabilization of the Turbulent Boundary Layer
Adam Chesterman
Unmanned Multi-purpose Cargo Aerial Vehicle (UMCAV)
Chin Wah Nyee Chong
Spinal Injury Protector for Ejection Seats
Impact Energy Dissipator
Dennis Collins
Angel Wing Hover Project
Jim Colthart
Renewable Phenolic Compounds
Sean Connell
ATOM: A Multipurpose Tool
Carlos Cossio
A Low-Cost Wristwatch for Non-Invasive Continuous Blood Pressure Monitoring
Renato Costa
External Combustion Engine
Jr Costes
The Phase Explosion Injection for an Ultimate Motor Efficiency
Paul Cottey
Monovision Contact Case
Kenneth Cowans
The Variable Compression Ratio and Charge (VCRC) IC Engine
Luther Cox
Atlanta Commuter System
Eric Crews
Pneumatic/Electric Fuel Less Generator
Dwight & Jane Cushman
Mycolysis - Pathogen Extinguisher
Jeff D'arco
Scalable Water Purification
Dr Robert D'emidio
A "No Light Solar Cell"
Ganesh Dahibhate
GENBIKE-The Bike with Electrical Generator
Bernie Daraz
Wobbli - Wallboard Cutout Tool Accessory
MagLite Handle/Baton Kit
Ofer David
Making Night Time Driving Safe and Automated
Fernando De La Pena Llaca
Antimatter Engine
Space Launch Vehicle Using Magnetic Levitation
Kathryn De Laurentis
A Coordinated Powered Flexion/Extension/Rotation Prosthetic Wrist
Herman De Nunzio
Small Bore Hydraulic Cylinders
Raffaele De Vivo
Urea Tank in Tank
Francois De Watteville
AGA-33 Super Fuel-Efficient Aircraft
David Deak
Self Powered Wireless Dimming Switch
Sean Defeudis
Cruise Ship Waste Processor
Youth Locator for Domestic Fires
Christophe Dehlinger
Opening House Roof
Michael Dempsey
Landing Gear Pre-spinner
Sadesh Devaki
Streetlight with Air-conditioner & Solar Panel
100% Free Energy
Magnetic Road
D Dinakaran
Road Cleaning Robot
Mohan Divekar
Achieve More Than 85% Efficiency Windmill
Novel High Efficiency Windmill
2+2=4 Stroke IC Engine with Tweaked PV= Constant Curve
Radovan Djukic
Convert Existing AC Grid in DC Grid
Yanovich Dmitriy
A New Diesel Engine Cycle with Lower Mechanical Losses and Improved Environmental Performance.
Gabor Dobos
Untethered Autonomous Flying Wind Power Plant
Scott Downen
Baby-In-Car (B.I.C.) Alarm
Gheorghe Dragan
Risk of Cancer Evaluation in Human Communities
Constantin Dumitrescu
Two Feet Driving Pedal System
Helmut Durchschlag
Development of Anti-Radiation Drugs
Edward Durney
A Truly Electric Car
Monica Ebert
Algae/ Fungi Wall BioMats for Space Habitats
Kenneth Ekman
The Train That Never Stops
The 3D Digital Display
Marwa El Diwiny
Imagined Speech of Human Thoughts (Secure Data Transmission Among Military Members)
Porferio Eliang
Plastic Garden Box
Salah Elmaghazy
Hybrid Micro-Composite E-Springs for Vehicle Suspension Systems
Olli Eloranta
Car Brake Light System
William Engwer
SOLO High-Efficiency Vehicle
Grigoriy Epshteyn
New Powertrain to Achieve 80mpg for Midsize Car
Laszlo Erdosy
Ground Source Heat Pump
Jorge Escobar
Generating Electricity by Using Home Water Pressure
Domingo Estrada
Versatile Wind Turbine Charger
Fred Etcheverry
Synchronous Machine Having a Flux Exciter Remote from the Rotor Appropriate for an Electric Vehicle Traction Motor
Edwin Ethridge
Microwave Extraction of Water for Space Propellant
Solar System Express
Gravity Development Board
RL Mark VI Space Skydiving Suit
Gerald Falbel
Solar Electrical Energy from the Moon
Mohamed Farag
In-Wheel Brushless DC Outer Rotor (Hub) Motor Used in Electically Driven Vehicles
Ali Farahmand
3D Scanner Tablet
Perry Feeney
Hybrid Power System
Thomas Feiereisen
Louvered Full Cut-Off Light Bulb
Rogers Feng
Robot for Detecting Weapons of Mass Destruction
Midnight Sun
Human-Powered Refrigeration System for Developing Nation Vaccine Field Distribution
Paolo Ferri
Kinematics Electricity Storage System
Sea Wave Energy Converter
Guilherme Ferro E Silva
Eye Glove
Francesco Figliola
Cloud Computing for Remote Aircraft Applications
Oleg Figovsky
The Production of Polymer Tracking Membranes
Fernando Figueroa
Simulation and Analysis System of Effects and Mitigation of Tsunamis
Pedro Flecha
Big Renewable Energy Source in Atmospheric Humidity Made Simple
Orville Fleming
Shelf Bracket - Simplicity for the Future
Bruce Foggy
Gorilla Cargo Net Improves Highway Safety
Jason Force
Grass Powered Robot Mower
William Franklin
Machine Learning Algorithm for Automated Analysis of Satellite Imagery
Elroy Fransiskus
Hour Meter as a Standard to Change the Liquid and Part of the Car Engine
Andri Frediansyah
Mooring Buoy Installation for Coral Reefs Conservation After Tsunami
Free Gluten Flour with Modified Cassava Flour Fermented by Lactobacillus Plantarum Culture Starter
Michael Freeman
USB Key for Automobiles
Nickolas Funk
Space Controller
Electromagnetic Screwdriver
Michael Furr
Tanglenet: A Proposal for Quantum Entanglement Networking
John Gains
Human Powered/Hybridized Vehicles
Jean Pierre Gallo
MANTARAYA Delta Challenger
Glenys And Stanislaw Galloway And Holubowicz
Luciano Gama
Two Stroke Lubricant Oil
Nelson Garcia Polanco
RW-Ducted Fan: A Novel Concept to Improve the Forward Flight of VTOL UAVs and Tiltrotor Aerial Vehicles
Manoj Gattani
High Efficient Magnetic Engine for Power Generation
Joe Gelb
CBPModule Disc Brake Dust Collection System
Richard George
n^X Efficient Solar Panel
Sajin George
Carbon Dioxide Reduction in a SI Engine - Experimental and CFD Studies
Fatih Geridonmez
Blast Dampening Using Ultra High Vacuum System (UHV)
Fathali Ghahremani
Variable Angle, Depth Controlled, High Speed Manual Cranial Access Device
Alessandro Ghio
Ergonomic Seat
Francois Gibon
Linked Car Shock Absorbers
Carlos Gil
OrthoSensor Verasense System
Liviu Grigorian Giurca
Hybrid Opposed Piston Engine - HOPE
Hybrid Transport System - HTS
Harold Goldbaum
A Biometric Access Control Device that is Inexpensive and Inviolable
An Electromagnetic Induction Device for the Generation of Useable Electricity, that Relies Solely Upon Electromagnetic Phenomena
Protective Trim System for Vehicle Doors, Panels and Bumpers
Ron Goldberg
Isowalk Intelligent Mobility
Eduardo Gonzalez
Induced NMR for Cancer Therapy
Muthukumaran Gopalan
A Novel Counting Device for Domestic Pressure Cooker for Hearing Impaired (CoDePec)
Multifunctional Bed for Quadriplegia Patients
Srinivasan Gopalan
Scented Steaming Folder
Christopher Gosse
High Impact Temporary Housing
Karthikraj Govindan
Emission Control System
Valmor Gravio
Speed Transmission Changer
Anthony Gray
Preventing Rear End Collisions
William Greenhalgh
System for Suppressing Noise from a Jet Engine
Jesse Greer
Thermal Control for Cookware
James Greeson
Composite Hybrid Wind Turbine Water Tower
Composite MRAP Gunner's Protection System
Philippe Grisez
Future Aircraft
Magnus Gunnarsson
Perceptual Health Monitoring
Subhra Gupta
Lighter and Better Bucket
Taehwan Ha
TH-Mission, Thumb-Sized Transmission
Tamas Haidegger
Hand-in-Scan Hand Hygiene Control System
Jeff Hammock
AUTO Stop Lamp (Brake Light Bulb)
Il Song Han
Bio-Inspired Vision for Safety and Security
David Hansen
Copilot on the Ground
Doug Hardesty
Child Security Band and App
Doug Hardesty
Built in Smartphone Projector
Genevieve Hart
Vibration Energy Harvesting
Louise Hart
Sustaining Agriculture
Frank Hartley
Nano-Filtration and Polarization Based Desalination
David Haskins
Satellites Authorize a "Go" for Vertical Takeoffs
New Aircraft Concept Will Eliminate Crosswind Landings and Takeoffs.
Erik Herold
Fuel Flexible, Ultra-Portable Microturbine Generator
Ranjith Hg
Eye Movement Controlled Self-Balancing Wheelchair
Danny Higgins
Ski Helmet with Retractable Visor
Leong Hong You
Energy Saving Conversion Kits for Old Car
Sudhir Hoskere
Stability & Safety (S&S) Air-Bag to Power Two Wheelers
Paul Howard
YankeeDiesel - The More Efficient Engine
W.m. Huang
Shape Memory Polymeric Temperature Sensor and Anti-counterfeit Label
Mayer Humi
Near Earth Asteroids:The Celestial Chariots
Matt Hunter
Renewable Power Generation System for Offshore Operations
Zelimir Husnic
Smart Prosthesis
Vasanthakumar Jaganathan
Smart Car for Women
Ashutosh Jahagirdar
Tracking Free Solar Concentrator
Mosquito Repellent Optimizer
Nakul Jain
An Air Conditioner = A Mini Power Plant
Automobile of the Future - Next Million Miles Free!
Rajiv Jain
LED Torch with Acupressure points
Safety Match
Jose Manolo Delfin Jalandoni
Rotatable Telescopic Wingsail
Jim Jaskol
Modifying Highways to Improve Fuel Efficiency
Leelananda Jayasuriya
Low Head Hydro Power Generation
Zdenek Jedlicka
Simple Method of Electricity Generation from Sea Waves
Jaepil Jeong
Wireless Solar Panel Heated Windshield Wiper Blade
Full Metal Hybrid Windshield Wiper Blade
Abhishek Jha
Next Generation Fuel Saver & Power Manager
Johnnie Jones
Heated Wiper Blades
Electron Exciter
Abhimanyu Joon
Integrated Internal & External Combustion Engine
Scott Jordan
Compact Space Telescope
Tristan Joseph
Electronic Inventory: Inventor-E
Ajay Joshi
New Unmanned Railway System
Thilagan K
Object Tracking Device
Aubrey Kagan
BluDAQ: Android Bluetooth Oscilloscope
Ramki Kalyanaraman
Solar Textile: Ultra-Light, Low-Cost, Flexible, and High-Efficiency Solar Energy Harvesters
Henry Kamau
MAGLEV Driveline for Wheeled Vehicles
Alan Kaplan
A Geometrically Improved LED Replacemet Bulb with a Modified Edison Base
Emil Kartalov
Supercolor Multiplexing
Gary Kemp
Wound Dressing with Flow in And/Or Flow Through Delivery Systems
Raad Khaleel
Self Irrigation Container
Rohit Khattar
LevPods Individual Transit System (LITS)
Farhad Khoshabadi
Car Crash Safety with Hydraulic Jacks
Double Acting Internal Combustion Engine
Farzad Khoshabadi
Increasing 4 Stroke Engine with Water Injection
Juergen Kienhoefer
AIRcable Smart Dimmer
Young Kim
Shoe Bottom Cleaner for Automobile Riders
Amphibious Paddle Boat
Dave King
Electric Artificial Heart
Mark Kinley
Portable Emergency Alert System
Marcos Kleinerman
Sensitive, High Resolution Thermal Infrared Imagers Based On Visible Digital Cameras
Bryan Knouse
Salsa Saucer: A Better Way To Enjoy
Francis Kok
Supermarket Automatic Check-Out System (SACOS)
Noise Energizer Implementing Noise Collectors as Storage Cells
Oleg Kolesnikov
Sky Food Plants
Hydro Different Pressure Power Station
Underwater Tubes
Devin Kollmorgen
Motorcycle Safety via Fixed Frequency Transmitter
Paul Koltun
New Way of Making and Selling Clothes
Krzysztof Kozlowski
Linear Motion Systems for Aluminum Profile
Matyas Krabot
Oasis Modul
SmartCAP - Plug and Play TPMS
Richard Kreisel
Deployable Through Hull Scoop
Reduce Red Light Running
Satriyo Krido Wahono
Household Filter Biogas
Jess Kriehn
Operation Dubble Bubble
The Howard Chip
Nano-Nets--Can Cure Any Disease--Nano-Nets
The Flipper
-The Howard Gear-
Motion Activated Escalator
Valentin Kulikov
Catherina Square LV, Smart LED Lighting Solution
Chandan Kumar
Sustainable Food Processing
Dinesh Kumar
Specially Designed Vehicle for Disabled Person
Manmohan Kumar
Electric Soap Foam Dispenser
Vijay Kumar
Destroying Killer Tornadoes
Ashwin Kumarappan
Electromagnetic Brake for Car/Bike
Shoe Energy
Master Switch
Stanislav Kuskov
Vehicle with Autonomous Operation Robocar UMech
Mike Lacroix
Extendable Vehicle
Tornado Proof Home
Mississippi Flood Water Abatement Project
Stuart Laforge
Flying Solar Power Plant
Anthony Lalama
The Omeguitar Project: The Ultimate Digital Song-Training Accessory
Alex Langensiepen
Thorium Rescue Vehicle
Ellen Langsetmo
Portable Passive Microwave Radar Imager
Sean Lanigan
Automotive Wind Turbine Power Generator
Paul Laskow
HVAC Battery Operated Zoning System
Carl Lawrence
Swift Tram: High Speed Automated People Mover
Fernand A Leclaire
A Novel Windmill Generator
William Lee
Hybrid Solar Wind Turbines
John Lesage
Beam Irradiance on Target System (BITS)
Vincent Leskowich
Rape Victim Protector & Rapist Identifier
Joshua Levin
LeviCar/RoboTrail -- Multi-Mode Vehicles for Both Road and MagLev Rail
Bridget Lewis
PaintCan: Automated Mixing Machine
Michael Leydet
iPecs Pro Clinical Prosthetic Alignment and Assessment Tool
Skin Assessment and Decubitus Ulcer Prevention System
Sandesh Likhar
Compressed Air Engine
James Lin
“The Jackknife” – A Center of Gravity (CG) Steering and Leaning Vehicle with Automatic Upright and Directional Stability Control…
Benny Lindbrandt
Positive Displacement Screw-Compressor
John Linstrom
Optical Speed Limit Reader
Grigori Lishanski
A New Generation of Hydraulic Vibratory Pumps
The Hydraulic Adapter for Electric Drills
Siddharth Lokachari
Portable Dual Stacked Solar Still
Allan Lopez
Solar Light in Basements - Bright Future
Anthony Lorts
High Performance Variable Pressure CNG Regulator
Henry Losiewicz
Blueprint Saver Folder
George Kenneth Lucey Jr
Protection Against Chemical Spills
Larry Lueder
Underneath Lead Acid Battery Contacts
Alain Lunati
Fuel Quality Sensor
Bruno Lunelli
Knocking Down the Expiry Term of Laboratory Chemicals: the No Reagent, No Reaction Technology
Glen Lux
The Paradigm Shift in Wind Turbine Technology
Matthew Lytle
Dirigible Space Elevator
Frank Magnarelli
IV Infiltration Detector
Sospeter Malimu
House Plan for Bar and Guest House
Soumen Mandal
Bio Fertilizers Using a Microbial Surface
Gerald Manfredi
Wind Turbine Solar Powered Water Pump
Joy Mann Simmons
Prillings for Next Generation Rocket Fuel
Dinesh Manoharan
MultiFunction Micro Air Vehicle
Structural Integrity Monitoring System
Automatic Thrust Augmentation
Roni Maryana
Bioethanol 2nd Generation Integrated Reactor (Delignification, Saccharification and Fermentation)
Volodymyr Maslov
Use of Radiation from PC Screen for Non-Destructive Controlling the Internal Strains in Transparent Parts
Simple Rapid Method of Water Quality Control
Luke Mastrangelo
Prism - Urban Commuter Backpack
Makoto Matsuoka
Expander for the Lower Part of the Body
Joseph Maxwell
Water Saving Shower
Earl Mccune
Avian-safe Wind Power
Park Mcgraw
CASP Controller: Cascading Array of Sequenced Power, for ATX Supplies
Kerry Mcmanus
Recycled Concrete Sound Barriers
Charles Medlock
Torque Stabilized, Vertical Lifting System
Edmond Melkomian
Passcode Keeper
William Melnyk
Semi Trailer Air Deflector
Filippo Menconi
The Optimization Process of an Autonomous UAV
Armando Mercado
Some Assembly is Required
George Meyer
Water is Our Energy
Jeffrey Meyer
Let Your GPS Drive Your Car or Fly Your Plane Safely!
Thomas Meyer
Wearable Tech: An Input Device to Replace the Keyboard and Mouse- MouthSpace - for Mobile and Assistive Use
Valery Mikhailau
Adapted Planetary Wheel with Reduction of Harmful Impacts on the Environment
Dennis Miles
Electric Vehicles Need Trained EV Mechanics
Jainendra Mishra
Biomimicry of Human Hand
Shantanu Mishra
Tractional Stability Control System for Automobiles (Based on Integrated ABS and Weight Transfer Mechanism)
Ben Missler
Solar Powered High Speed Tram
Jiban Jyoti Mistry
VariPhase Engine: Split Cycle Phase Variable Reciprocating Piston Spark Ignition Engine
Shailendra Kumar Mistry
Molten Salt Solar Agri-Crop Dryer
Aleksandar Mitrasinovic
Making Fuel from Greenhouse Gases
Tomoya Miyamura
Street Legal, Ultra Compact EV is "More Eco-Friendly Than Using the Train"
Bahman Mohammadhoseini
Easy Urine (Liquid) Volume Meter
Masud Khan Mohammed
Marstian Wind Turbines for Clean Future
Manisha Mohan
Zero Cost Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Using LPG
Dillip Kumar Mohanta
Automotive Combi Heat Exchanger
Mohamed Moner
AETS for Saving Lives
Andrej Mosat
Bacterial Infection Diagnostics
Renzo Moschini
Ceramic Lost Cores
Jonas Moses
Small Sample Analysis Device
Albert Mroz
Greenhouse Escargot in Space
Joost Mulder
Solar Powered Ultra Streamlined Personal Transportation Vehicle (SPUSPTV)
Ron Murawsky
ME2a Internal Combustion Rotary Engine
ME2 Rotary Engine
Braden Murphy
Wellhead Power Solution for Gas Venting
Lenin N C
Design of Linear Switched Reluctance Motor for Mass Rapid Transit System
Prathamesh Nachane
Future of Spying-Killer Drones and MAV's
Dr S Nagarajan
Electromagnetic Repulsion in Suspension System for Vehicles
Shyam R Nair
SAM - "Friend of Front Line Soldiers"
Yogesh Nalam
Charge Your Mobile Phones on the Move
Ratchet Wheels
Balaji Naragude
Fuel Efficient CVT for Scooters
Nick Negoescu
Emergency Power for Critical Infrastructure
Rene Neubacher
Introduction to Variable Ammunition
Adrian Ioan Niculescu
VZN – Damper with Self Correcting Damping Characteristic
Bob Niemeyer
Radioactive Decay Accelerator
Juan Roberto Nieto Ibarra
Pepper Color Gas
Folding Grill
Samira Nikkhah
Automatic Table/Surface Cleaner
Russ Northrup
Ultra Low Cost Insulin Pump
Daniel Norton
INCREDICLAMP - A Safer, Stronger Machine Clamp
Engr. Chinenye Justin Nwaogwugwu
Multisurface Degreaser/Cleaner
Mike O'rear
Gross Motor Development Machine
Brian Oconnor
OCOR Multiple Segment Lobe Pump
Haruhiko Okumura
Helmet-Mounted Dome-Type Aerospace Display
Sergey Orlov
Active Aerodynamic System for Ground Vehicles
Stealthy Propulsion System
Chris Ortega
Childrens Book Light
Joel D. Orth
Save 30% Gasoline -> Pressure Pulsation Dampers for Injectors and Twin-Jet Injectors (GOAL: Pressure Damped Twin-Jet Injectors)
Juan Camilo Ortiz
Aortic Cannulae (Click)
German Osorio
Tuning the Sunlight
Paul Otto
Wingless, Autonomous Aircraft
Wingless, Autonomous Aircraft
Naguessiba Emile Ouedraogo
Green Tresor: Innovative and Ecological Solar Electric Vehicles
Ivan Padron
EYES ON. Colors Lighted Speedometer
Cameron Palmer
Portable Outdoor Hot Shower
Kannan Pandi
System That Generates Electricity from Shock Absorber Using Piezoelectric Material
Flying Electric Generator
Ronald Pannekoek
Flexible Airfoil Airplane Skin
Ravi Paramanandam
Sound Muffler
D.p. Parkhe
Apple Controls Diabetes 2
Universal Adhesive Tape Dispenser
Reversed Light for Automobiles
Biodegradable Scrubber
Abhishek Pavani
Gesture Controlled Underwater Cum Aerial Quadrotor
Samuel Pellicori
UV Imager Useable In Ambient Lighting Environments
UV Medical Imaging System
Johnnie Perkins
Extend Electric Car Range Using Wind Power
Pressurized Sports Helmet
Janez Perko
Passive Solar Panel Tracker
Ahmed Peshimam
Pusher Turboprop Engine Powered Auxillary Power Unit
Heavy Traffic Control System
Larry Phillips
Two Roll Gripper End of Arm Tooling
Wayne Pickette
Welcome to the Future: "Plug-in, Solar-Electric Vehicles Now!"
Aratz Harold Pinter Sanchez
Personal Movility Vehicle (PMV)
Brian Pinzon
Time Dilation Machine
Barry Pokrifcsak
Skill Capacity, Human Skills Assessment & Performance Evaluation Software
John Pollock
Air Filter Maintenance Alert
Anthony Ponirakis
Emergency Starting Battery ESB - VS (Vehicle Series)
Larry Pope
Aviation for the Next 100 Years
Philip Poulos
The Bayou Skimmer-High Speed H2O
Loris Pujol
Oz, New Mobility Concept
Sreenivasulu Pulla
Traffic Signals Timing Using Sensors
Mauricio Pupo
Sleeping Device
Driver Alerting Device
Terry Purnama
Car Parking Booked System
Joseph Quarando
Real Time Damage Tolerance Analysis
Bird Avoidance System
Cockpit Smoke Evacuation System
Sport Park Soda/Beer Backpack
Vaisakh R Sarma
Project MACRO- The Foldable Electric Car
Pritheev Raj
Fabrication of Vehicle with Reverse Mode for Physically Challenged People
Daniel Ramirez
Smokeless Landing
Isabel Ramirez Ruiz
Active Kinematics Suspension for a High Performance Sports Car
Satchit Ramnath
Feasibility of Hydrogen As An Alternative Fuel For an Internal Combustion Engine
Jacob Rand
Elimination of Jack-knifing of Tractor-trailers
William Ranken
Mississippi to Colorado River Waterway
Jean Jacques Raphael
Walking with Your Arms
Wayne Rasanen
Safer Driver Interface and Control
Fayaz Rasheed
Automated Active Flow Control System based on Fluidic Oscillators for Fuel-efficient Aircraft
Tomasz Rawinski
Optimization of Energy Use At Elevators Supplied from Renewable Energy Sources
Compensator of Voltage Sags and Short Time Interruptions of Voltage at Power Grid
The Anti-Collision System for Traction Vehicles
Henry Ray
THAW (Temporary Hazardous-Area Walkway )
Sreedhar Reddy
Automation of Passenger Movement in Buses
John Redon
Dry Earplugs for Diving
Waterproof Earplugs for All Water Related Activities
Joseph Resnick
Microencapsulated Spices, Means, Method of Use and Manufacture
Joseph Resnick
Saving the Honeybee: Low-Toxicity Integrated Pest Management Product
Hossam El Din Rezk
Spider Mechanism for Car Tire in Snowy Condition
Amin Rigi
Pars Aerial Rescue Robot
Tom Riley
The Big Moon Dig
No More Terminators: Living Wills for AI
Anibal Rivero
Concept Asteroid Space Defense Platform
Nick Robbins
Remote-Controlled Stair-Climbing Device
Ron Roberts
Novel Composite Active Electrode for Sodium Ion Batteries
Claudia Cristina Rodrigues Hernandes
Methodology Development of a Diagnosis Support Using Manufacturing Additive Models from Medical Images
Edgardo Roggero
Simplest Quasistatic Test Machine
Roberto Ruiz Jurio
Air-Rops: Active Rollover Protection System
Peter Sacchetti
Flow Actuated Selector Valve
Nitin Saini
Solar Mobile Charger
Joaquin Sales Arasa
Ravi, Thangakumar, Sambath
A Night Safety Alert Messaging System for Vehicles Using Vehicular Adhoc Networks (NSAMSV)
Stanley Samlal
Pre-Collision Warning System with Brake Support in an Automobile Using an Ultrasonic System
Suresh Samuel
Rotomoulde Tanks with Integrated Baffles
Alejandro Sanchez Valencia
Clean Sea, Safe Documents
Harsh Sanghavi
Increasing Effective Burn Rate by Using Fractal Shaped Solid Grain
Uba Sani Kibiya
Solar PHCN Hybrid Generator
Sobin Santhosh
Sailfish Aerodynamics Incorporated in Hybrid Aircraft
Jorge Sanz Guerrero
Exo Dynamics - ExMS
Ishaan Sarin
Design of Decentralized Hydro Power Plant for Sustainable Development in Urban Areas
Ronald Satz
The Solution to the Gas Turbine Temperature Problem
Michael Savoie
Electroless 3D Micro Incubator Array
James Schaeffer
Plant Air Purifier
Kevin Schillo
Pulsed Fusion Propulsion
Albert Schmidt
Water Saving FLOWCHOICE Showerhead
Seat / Safety Belt Alert Lights
Water Saving - "10/15+ Flowchoice Showerhead"™
Christopher Schmidt
Easy After Market Installation of Car Audio
Scott Schober
Manta Ray Cell Phone Detector
Dave Schouweiler
Insulated Pulse-Combustion Engine
August Schunk
The Hyperion Solar Array
James Scott
Health Viewer - Decision Chart
Tomooki Seki
Perpetual Motion Machine Using Capillary and Wheel
Janusz Sendor
Smart Speed Display
Osundahunsi Seyi Ayodele
DRET 6kW Power Generating System for Ancillary Load Onboard Vehicle
Conversion of a 950va Petrol Generator to a Self Run 950va Renewable Energy – RE Rotary Genset
Daniel Shani
Novel Road-Based Energy Harvesting for Distributed Generation
Alan Sherman
"Line-Wise" Snap-On Identifier
Richard Sheryll
Deep Ocean Benthic Sampler (DOBS)
Jeffrey Short
Harvesting Electricity from Ambient Turbulence (HEAT)
Konstantin Shukhmin
Efficient and Quick Control for Diesel-Gas and Other Engines
Responsive Valve for Fuel Systems
Flow Control Bridging Smart Devices with Cooking & Heating
Electromagnetic Device for Variable Fluid Flow Control
Precision Valve for Metering Medical Fluids and Gases
Firoz Siddiqui
Ultra Compact HVAC
Chin Siew Kheong
Printer in Pocket
Roll Top Electronic Newspaper
Sol Gel Lens
Tejinder Singh
MegProp System for City Railroads
Janis Sinkevics
Hybrid Solar Collector for Households
Karl Smarsch
Affordable Helicopter
Shannon Smith
Non-Invasive Magnetohydrodynamic Artificial Heart
Inflatable-Rotor Windmills
Inflatable Lightning-Resistant Umbrella
William Smith
Quantum Radiation Space Drive
Kevin David Sobal Galan
3-Dental Mapping & Plugging
Evgeny Sorokodum
Home Mixer Using a Vortex-Oscillationl Effect
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Vertical Takeoff and Landing (UAV VTOL) with Oscillating Wings
Hydro Power Stations With Oscillating Cylindrical Working Elements
Vortex Oscillatory Mill
Folarin Sosan
Bladeless Wind Turbine
Walter Spawr
Adjustable Weight Lifting Barbell
Christopher Spruell
A Device and Method for Screening for Cancer Metastasis
Nikhil Srivastava
Control Home/Industrial Appliances from a SmartPhone for
James Stalker
Smart Energy Load Centers (SELCs) for Stable and Competitive Renewable Energy
Wojciech Starzec
Standard Car
Fotodecybelometer-Guard of Silence
Direct Current (DC) Installation in Apartments or Houses
Individual Drug Tester of the Cleanness of the Chemical Surface of Fruit and Vegetables.
Safer Aircraft: Applying Hermetic Passenger-Emergency Modules of Under Construction Plane.
Dennis Stefanatos
Submersible Speedboat
Panagiotis Stefanides
Water Leakage Detector
George Strohschein
Heat Exchanger, Poultry Production
Sandi Sufiandi
Vertical Ceiling Mounting Syringe Pump for Cell Transplantation
Narasimhan Suseendran
Drag Reduction in Aero Foils by Surface Roughness
Pragadeesh Sv
Collapso Transform - "The Backpack Bicycle" - (Bicycle Which Can Collapse in a 4-Step Fold Into a Backpack)
Eugene Svijazheninov
Internal Combustion Engine Ignition Low-rpm Transducer
Balint Szent Miklosy
Daring Cross
Sudalaimuthu T
Tsunami Coastal Communication & Warning System (TuCoWaS)
Deepti Tadavarti
Automated Car
Mohammad Tajparast
Bioplastic and Biodiesel Production from Wastewater
Mohamed Talaat Harb
Quad-Copters to Watch for Us
Christohper Teal
Use of BRAC Military Facilities for Health Care
Vishnu Thampy
Engineless Propulsion Technique for Aircraft
Mark Thielen
Michelle, Improving CPR Training Quality to Save Lives.
Ashleigh Thornton
NoireNaturals LLC - All Natural Hair Care
William Tien
Using Stevia in Our Daily Lives: Stevia Balls
Paul Tinari
Using Sea Water to Protect Aircraft Carrier Battle Groups
Prakalathan Tirupathy
Ethanol Diesel Blended Fuels
Stair Climbing Mechanism
Mauro Tomasi
FAM - Auto Fencer
Matthew Travis
LunarSail - Developing and Demonstrating a Mission-Capable Solar Sail for the Interplanetary Cubesat
Viktor Troitskiy
ADCs with Function RF Detector for Construction Ultra-Widband Receivers
Mike Trost
IC Engine with NO Crankshaft
Qingshi Tu
Using Trap Grease as a Low Cost Material for Biodiesel Feedstock Production
Christopher Tucker
Magnetic Energy Transfer Unit
Wireless Power Skin
Andrey Urusov
Tram-Car Indicator
Mohd Usman
Power Saving Desert Cooler
Dale Van Cor
Wave Thread Geometry Adds Strength and Durability to Applications
Abhiram Varadarajan
Varada Innovations
Tom Vastano
Mobile Amputee Prosthetic Limb Management
Alfonso Vázquez
Lightweight Axial Driving Car
Venkateswarlu Velisala
Driver-Side Panel for Indian Trucks
Rahul Kumar Vij
F1 Modifications Needed
Bhushan Vishwanath
Romantaque - Post Hair Removal Hair Minimizing Lotion
Peter Voin
Bottle and Jar Opener
Therapeutical and Self Massage Lounge Chair
Global Warming and Solar Reflectance Effect of Buildings Roofs
John Wabel
Fabric Solar Space Heating - Commercial/Agricultural
Jordan Wahl
Smart Brake Light System
Harry Wainwright
Bio-Feedback Display Fabric
Baseball Cap Cell-Phone Charger & Flashlight
Electronic Aerial Emergency Flare
Programmable Color-Changing Interior Fabric
Gary Waissi
Simplest Opposed Piston Combustion Engine
Damion Waltermeyer
Drone Swarm Defense System
Jane Wang
New Transportation Infrustrature
Jonathan Wang
A Shot at a Better Shot Clock
Anthony Wanjala
The Garbage Power
Denny Wheeler
Energy Cell with Multi-layer Capacitors
Donald White
EED Creates the Future 2013
David Whittaker
MonoCab VRT Rapid Transit System
John Wilson
Lost Energy Recovery Generator
Taylor Wilson
Automated Power Meters
Liwah Wong
Babylon Effects! (BE!)
Ryan Wright
Sol Power LLC - Solar Powered Charging Stations
Kobayashi Yasunori
New Heat Engine for Waste Heat Energies
Michelle Young
Microbial Fuel Cells (MFCs) for Recovery of Energy and Nutrients from Pig Waste
Jirzy Zaidan Anugrah
Smart Trash
Piotr Zaprawa
Tomography for the Masses (i.e. Simplest Ever ECT System)
Martins Zaumanis
100% Recycled Asphalt Pavements
Mohamed Zayan
Spacecraft Control Using Adaptive Neural-Network Predictive Controllers (ANNPC) and GPS Signals
Mohammadjavad Zeinali
Online GPS Traffic Assistant
Jack Zhang
Hygienic Transparent Bag Filter & Apparatus for Air Cleaning and More
3 in 1 Laptop Sleeve, Lap Desk, and Cooling Stand
Yuxin Zhang
A Perfect “CAR” for Kids