Entrant Profile

Ryan Wright

Location: Wilmington, MA United States

Company: Sol Power LLC

Profession: Business Owner/Manager

Hobbies and activities: I have 2 major passions in life, sustainability and fitness. I love creating clean technologies that can help us to support and advance society, without negatively impacting the surrounding environment. And secondly, I enjoy staying active and challenging

Online communities: Boston Hardware Meetups
TiE Boston
Greentown Labs

Inspired by: I've always been inspired by native Americans and their belief in the idea of seven generations. Making decisions today based on how they will impact the lives of the next 7 generations is something that will help us as a populations better utilize our resources and ensure our children inherit a health planet.

2013 Entries

Date Title Category Views Votes
06/25 Sol Power LLC - Solar Powered Charging Stations Sustainable Technologies 5097 1