Entrant Profile

Naguessiba Emile Ouedraogo

Location: Nantes, Nantes France (Includes Monaco)

Company: IVEST

Profession: Engineer/Designer

Favorite design and analysis tools: Matlab, Mathcad, Comsol view, Autocad,...

Hobbies and activities: Football.Research about Solar Electric Vehicle.

Inspired by: One day, I was around a table with young people who wish to create companies but who had not found a key idea yet. Suddenly, under an inspiration, I said that the one who will create a solar electric train will revolutionize the world of the transport. The idea was very appreciated by all.I thus led personal searches(researches). And I met professor Atta Diouf, the holder of a recognized patent all over the world, concerning solar electric generators of power. And together, we work since two years for the realization of the solar electric vehicles.

2013 Entries