Simulation and Analysis System of Effects and Mitigation of Tsunamis

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Tsunamis are one of the highest impact natural calamities. In recent years have been developed, specially by Universities Research Centers, studies on the effects of these phenomena on the coasts where they hit and how to mitigate its destructive force, but not a universal tool.

Our SIMULATION AND ANALYSIS SYSTEM OF EFFECTS AND MITIGATION OF TUNAMIS was developed using CFD tools and Engineering Studies as an option for mitigating the effects of tsunamis on structures and to define safe limits on specific shorelines of any location of the affected areas by the phenomenon and in any part of the world.

The specific objectives of the appliction were:
- Make an inventory of any potentially hazardous buildings and classify them according to an importance index.
- Rising the characteristics of structures to be analyzed, topographic and bathymetric profile of the coastline.
- Simulate computationally with high-level technics the fluid dynamics and effects of tsunami on waterfront structures and coastline considering a wave size imposed.
- Get important parameters such as strength and speed of the wave and contours of tha affected area.
- Propose and analyze tsunami mitigation solutions.

As a real application of our system, we chose a waterfront area of the city of La Serena, Chile, South America, with parameters taken from historical data from an earthquake that accurred on June , 1730 in the same area. The data was: Etimated magnitud of 8.5 on the Richter scale, epicenter location of 3 km from the coast and maximum variation in sea level with a wave height of 15 m.

FIG 1 shows the schematic rising real map of the area and the computational domain studied. The results of the simulation can be seen in FIG 2. In FIG 3, you can see some of the potential barriers to mitigate the tsunami.

Our desire and objective of this presentation is to provide our simulation applied to any Safety and Emergency Organizations of governments of countries may be affected by tsunami, as well to private companies third parties,in order to save many lives of the population and protect public and private assets.

Our application is ready to run immediately anywhere in the world, only with the necessary information of the geographic and statistics parameters of the place.

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  • About the Entrant

  • Name:
    Fernando Figueroa
  • Type of entry:
    Team members:
    Fernando Figueroa (I+E)
    Mario Saavedra CINETICA
  • Software used for this entry:
  • Patent status: