Entrant Profile

Carl Lawrence

Location: Boulder, CO United States

Company: Swift Tram, Inc.

Profession: Business Owner/Manager

Favorite design and analysis tools: Sketchup, AutoCAD, SolidWorks

Hobbies and activities: Flying, running, biking

Online communities: LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Colorado Cleantech Industry Association (coloradocleantech.com), Rockies Venture Club (rockiesventureclub.org)

Inspired by: I'm an engineer who's been devising electrically powered cleantech solutions to challenges in the mobility environment for the last 20 years. Transit today is often inconvenient, clunky, dangerous, and grossly energy-inefficient. I take great professional pride and pleasure in identifying what's needed, then applying state-of-art technology to designing and realizing those needs. The world needs fast, convenient transit. While we're making transit improvements, we might as well offer travelers seamless mobility from starting point to destination; Swift Tram is an early part of realizing that vision.

2013 Entries

Date Title Category Views Votes
07/01 Swift Tram: High Speed Automated People Mover Transportation & Automotive 20912 28