Entrant Profile

Ashleigh Thornton

Location: Greensboro, North Carolina United States

Company: NoireNaturals LLC

Profession: Business Owner/Manager

Hobbies and activities: In addition to being an entrepreneur, I am also a recent graduated of UNC Charlotte, where I earned my B.S.B.A in Marketing and Spanish, with honors distinction. I also enjoy being a motivational speaker for young women and teens; and am the eldest of thr

Online communities: Facebook: www.facebook.com/NoireNaturals
Twitter: @NoireNaturals
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/pub/ashleigh-thornton/37/343/758/

Inspired by: My inspiration for starting NoireNaturals came when I decided to stop using chemical straighteners and go natural. I experimented with several different products, and found that many of them contained harmful ingredients; once I learned that there were many other people who shared my same frustration, I decided to formulate an all-natural product line of my own.

2013 Entries

Date Title Category Views Votes
05/24 NoireNaturals LLC - All Natural Hair Care Consumer Products 4379 1