Generating Clean Energy and Cheap

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The idea is to generate clean energy.

Is based on the principle of mechanical energy transformation associated with magnetic energy into electrical energy.

The system consists in the integration of "already existing technologies and concepts", and in their physical sizing and capacity depending on where you want to apply it.

The basic concepts used in the integration, are:
-The magnetic levitation associated with the vacuum compartment, internal elements of the generating unit.
-The isolation of transitional loads due to "Mechanical External Shocks".
-The material with sufficient mechanical strength to withstand the centrifugal force.
- Foucault current control because these currents cause heating losses within the generator unit.
-Control of Gyroscopic Effect because this can bring instability to generator unit.
-The control of mechanical shock through damping system, to prevent temporary loads affects the rotor.

The existing technologies and applied in integration, are:
-Synchronous generator system.
-Back-up System for initial excitement and storage.
-Voltage and current Inverter System.
-Voltage and current stabilizer System.

Remembering again that this presentation come an idea for clean energy generation, compact and inexpensive. It consists in the integration of "concepts and technology already exists". According to their applications, you must perform the physical sizing and functional capacity as desired.

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  • About the Entrant

  • Name:
    Mozesk Acras
  • Type of entry:
  • Software used for this entry:
    Microsoft word and Pdf print.
  • Patent status: