Satellites Authorize a "Go" for Vertical Takeoffs

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Satellites Authorize a "Go" for Vertical Takeoffs:
An 'Automated' Air Traffic Control System Concept

The Next Generation Air Transportation System or NextGen is implementing or plans to implement a satellite-based air-traffic control system across the United States.

To The Next Generation Air Transportation System Planners:

The VTOL JetCar is coming! Here are some ideas as to how it can be managed:

- The Automated Vertical Flight Authorization Concept (page 2)
- Requesting automated vertical takeoff clearance (page 3)
- Human oversight (page 3)
- Aircraft pre-flight self-diagnostics sent to authorization
satellite for 'green-lighted' takeoffs within 'city limits' (page 5)

I urgently request that Vertical-Takeoff Authorization computerized subsystems hitch a ride on Air Traffic Management Satellites, that are scheduled for launch in the near future.

The personal jet-powered Vertical Takeoff and Landing aircraft (the JetCar concept), is looming just beyond the horizon. Although it could be years away, the JetCar concept will most likely evolve initially as a tactical military aircraft. But, eventually public demand will swell for access to the convenience of climbing into an aircraft as close to one's residence as reasonably permitted, to avoid traffic congestion, delays at airports and overall valuable lost time.

Because of its VTOL functioning design, the JetCar, when it comes to fruition, will not require traditional airport infrastructure. The space occupied by a small parking lot or a compact heliport could support a JetCar vertical takeoff/landing site. Someday there maybe a demand for a large number of vertical takeoff sites within a given locale, all of which can be managed by satellite takeoff authorization.

In anticipation of privately owned jet-powered VTOL aircraft someday being granted access to rural vertical takeoff/landing sites, NextGen engineers could possibly consider designing and incorporating vertical takeoff control subsystems to be piggybacked onto its already planned air-traffic management satellites. These computerized vertical takeoff control subsystems could be designed as separate functioning modules to remain in sleeper mode status until needed years from now.

Today’s satellites' life and reliability expectancy is projected to go beyond twenty-five years. That would take us beyond 2038! A huge cost savings could be grabbed by allowing automated vertical takeoff control subsystems to hitch a ride into space orbit now.

But first I must explain how my idea of a JetCar ground-support vertical takeoff/landing station would work in conjunction with a Vertical-Takeoff Authorization Satellite (VTAS) concept.

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  • Name:
    David Haskins
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    Google SketchUp
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    Reading; Watch History or Discovery Channel; CNBC
  • David is inspired by:
    As a child growing up, I was fascinated with the television episodes of SUPERCAR.

    SUPERCAR - Deep in the heart of the Nevada desert, the brilliant Professor Popkiss and his colleague Dr. Baker created Supercar, "The Marvel of the Age." Capable of racing from the depths of the ocean to the edge of space, this extraordinary vehicle takes the heroic pilot Mike Mercury and his precocious sidekick Jimmy Gibson on a never-ending series of thrilling adventures.
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