Entrants 2019

Katayoun Aalami
Protector Box

Ilya Abdurakhmanov
Personal Flying Vehicle

Abdellatief Abouali

Subham Acharya

Keerthan Adapala
Tyro Ad infinitum Gas

Peter Agada
Non-invasive Neurostimulator to Mitigate Chronic Vertigo

Kaustubh Agrawal

Andres Aguillon

Irfan Ahmed
Eye Gaze Interactions

Tushar Alai
IoT Solution for Fire Safety Systems

Anne Albritton
Shade Maker High Power Tension Line Turbine

Giacomo Alessiani
Distribute the CO2 Capture in Every New Electric Vehicle, to Remove Greenhouse Gases from the Atmosphere

Dean Alhorn
Small Multi-purpose Advanced Reconfigurable Technology (SMART)

Esraa Aljohari
BIOO₂ | Algae Bio-Integrated System

Elizabeth Allison
Easy Clean Shower

Role Alvarez
Multi-Layered Solar Panel Charging Station For Electric Vehicles
Better Vacuum Cleaner
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Smart Missile
Ocean Plastic-and Waste Recovering Catamaran
Automated Sorter Using LIBS and FTIR

Sohaib Amini
A Solution for Global Warming

Antonio Aquino
Kilowatt Killer: a Patented Smart Switch with Ecological Intelligence

Frank Ardezzone
Exponential Engine

Stephen Asomani

Dan Atlas
Automotive Safety Solution

Shubham Avhad
Artificial Intelligence Multi-Meter

Miguel Ayala
Fully Reusable, Two-Stage-To-Orbit, Horizontal Takeoff & Landing Spaceplanes

Charles Azar
Phone Call Rejection System

Abbasali Bagheri
Crushing Bottles of Water and Aluminum/Paper Cans

John Bakas
CarBidet ® Car Bottom Washer

Fred Ball

Daniel Banks
AirBOS-SR: Visualizing Supersonic Shock Waves with Advanced Imaging Techniques

Zdravko Barisic
Traffic Light Directional Device for Blind Persons Usage for the Traffic Light Poles with Lights Facing 2 Directions

Carlos Barrera
State of the Art Novel InFlow Tech GEARTURBINE Rotary Turbo Similar System Aeolipilie
State of the Art Novel InFlowTech IMPLOTURBOCOMPRESSOR Imploducted OneCompression Step

Gautam Narayan Baruah
A Warp Drive Motor

Gregg Beckham
Upcycling Technology Provides Solution to Failing Recycling Infrastructure
Engineering a Plastic-Eating Enzyme

Leann Bell

Nicholas Belluccia
Adaptive Vehicle Sun Shade

Greg Berna
Matrix Hinge

Zbigniew Bieniek
Seismic Isolator

William Bivens
Solar Silo

Jacob Bizehr
Aerodynamic Cavitation for Aircraft
Drone Riding Tornado
TURBINE with Jet Incision and Turboexpander

Dan Db Blackstone

Mike Blaschke
BP Conversions LLC

Bohdan Bodnar
Machine Learning Based Vehicle Diagnostics

Benjamin Booher, Sr.
Cervical Stabilization Device (CSD)

Champak Bora
Automatic Counting Device

Luis M Bordallo
A “Specific” Drone for Night Time Aerial Wildfire Fighting & Drugs Plantations Fumigation: The NitroFirex Project

Brian Boyle
ReNEWheel: Active Integrated Non-Pneumatic Tire/Wheel/Suspension/Drive for Electric Vehicles (Non-Disposable)

Thomas Brady
Solving the Algae Problem

Marie Brooks
Diabetes Test on the Go

Jeff Brown
Shock Mitigation Sports Helmet Liner

Michael Brown
"Your Six" Cushion

Andrea Bubendorfer
Laminated Resin Printing: a New Rapid Prototyping Technology for Printing the Very Small

Osmond Bullen

Egor Burlachenko
Panic Flashlight
Suit for Treating Jaundice and Monitoring of Vital Signs of Newborn Baby

Michael Burton
Is Water Desalination the Answer?

George Butler
Hat Trak
Quick Leash

Fernando Caceres Pipa

Daniel Cambron
The Acrobattery: DIY Battery Pack Using Second Life Cells

Lyle Canfield

Xiangkun Elvis Cao

Keith Carlock
Dual-Adaptive Camouflage Invisibility
Dual-Holodeck Properties: Exterior 3-D Scenery and Internal Hologram Casting
Dual-Adaptive Camouflage and Dual-Holodeck Properties: The Two Symmetries

Paul Carlozzi
Drone Missile Launcher

David Carr
Carr Oxygen Supplemented Combustion

Victor Manuel Castano
Life Shot: On-site Tissue Repair Solution

Olivier Ceberio
Wave2O - Clean Water From Ocean Waves

Tom Chaffee
Fiberless 5G Backhaul

Darin Chaika
Haptic Puppet

Balabhadra Chand

Hitesh Chaudhari

Yun Ru Chen

Zhi Fan Chen
Green Island
Shuttle Motor
Worker Space
AI Oculur

Warren Chong
Sustainable Water Desalinator

Kian Jon Ernest Chua
Energy-efficient “Greenest” Air Conditioner that Cools without Warming the Planet

Laurence Cohn
eAnytime® Patient Pharmacy Self-Serve Medication PickUp™

Mandy Concepcion
Magnetic Direct Injector Pulser

Barry Connelly
Bio-Grid Systems H2O2 / UV-C Sanitizing Robot

Richard Cooper

Harold Cossette
IxB Electromagnetic Engine

Teaghan Cowles

Eric Crews
Perpetual Motion Automotive Motor

Ganesh Dadage
E-Roads and E-Pods for Continuous Charging for EV's

Robert Dahlstrom

Guido Danieli
ROSES (RObotic System for Endovascular Surgery)

Jerome Daniels
Thermal-Energy-Cooler-HVAC Automobile System

Prabin Kumar Das
Smart App Enabled Biometrics Mechanisms

Bonnie Davis

Randolph Davis
Cold Fusion Generator Alternative Energy Solution

Kaytlynne Deardorf

Giancarlo Demarco
Poseidon Sprinkler Defense System

John Demeritt
Micro-Macro Vascular Occlusion Device

Earl Douglass
Reversible Magnetic Transmission for Electric Vehicles

Gheorghe Dragan
HuPoTest - Test and Training Procedure for Mental State

Antoinette Drago
Space Plane Quantum Locking

Mohnish Dubey
Noise to Electricity

Laurent Dufermont
HCS Shower Cabin

Doug Dykaar
Large Area Silicon Electronics

Ryszard Dzikowski
Solar Power from Desert Areas

Cliff Edwards

Oliver Edwards
High Efficiency Clothes Dryer Powered by Solar Concentrator

Vladimir Efremov
PPR Constructor

Afolarin Egbewande
Scalable Sensor Network for Indoor Air Quality

Kamillo Egyud
Life-size Virtual Fitness-healthcare Trainer

Amira El
Color Changing Vodka
Safety Lock Digitally Expanding Speculum

Chris Emery
Containerized Robotic Transit and Architecture

John Ettridge
Electro Magnetic Wave Capture Device

Larry Evans
Kitchen Appliance Recovered Energy System (KARES)

Davide Falanga
The Foldable Drone: A Morphing Quadrotor that can Squeeze and Fly

Saeed Farahani
Hybrid Single Shot Manufacturing of 3D Sandwich Structures

James Farrell
Shape States in 3D

Clifford Fava
Digital Camera Adapter
IFR Training Aid

Lee Fellows
Pavement Solar System

Peter Feng

Anna Feshchenko

Randall Flann
RoFo Mixed Fighting Arts Competitor BevDisHeadgear Beverage Dispenser

Tate Fonville
A Safer Football Helmet to Save the Brain

Rauhmel Fox
Old MacDonald Had a Farm

Tom Freund
Autonomous Meal Plan Platform for Appliances (AMPPA™)

Jeffrey Frusha
Self Stirring Mesophilic Anaerobic Reactor

Shanmugha Sundaram G A
Low-Earth Orbiting Solar Power Satellite Constellation Model

Somnath Garai
Fuel-less, pollution less Steam Engine /Steam Turbine Electric Train and Car Without Water Filling Again & Again
Water Purifying and Lifting from Underground Reserve Tank to Rooftop Water Tank without Cost
Boat Safe from Sinking by Storm and Waves in River or Sea
Cooking at Kitchen by Parabolic Solar Cooker (Solar Hot Oil Generator)
Cost-less Water Supply for Agriculture Saving Underground Water and Creating Hydro Power (CWSA)
Panipuri: Another Goods Vendor’s Mobile Stall Cum Carrier with Shade
Reading Table with Unconventional Energy Production System

Johnathon Garcia

Ross Garside
A Green-Energy Elevated Transport System That Saves Lives & Biodiversity

Anteneh Gashaw
Mechanical Straw
Plastic Hangers Repair
Saving the Elephants
Magnetic Wiper for Cars
One Way Electric Socket
Cost Reduction Project
Coca-Cola Audio/Video Player
Garbage Analysis Software
AI-assisted Smart Fish Sorting Mechanism
Back Pain Prevention Mechanism for Cyclists
New Mechanism to Keep the Lenses of Camera Clean
Manufacture What You Can Sell
PC Damper
Containerized Car Wash
Smart Green Washer
Garbage Bin of the Ocean
Bottle Belt
Light Circulation Experiment
Automated Sand Remover and Drive-through Garbage Bin
Space Debris Management
The God Eye Project
Alternative Home and Office Painting
Eye Doctor App
Extreme Farming
Smart City
AI - Personal Shopping Assistance
Manual Vacuum Seal
Flexible and Durable Grocery Bag
Semi Automated Farming Technology
Mobile Car Charger
Smart Green Walls
Automated Apartment Air Bag
Plastic E-Waste Management
Smart Coal Stove
Safety for Cyclists
Cone Solar Panel
Automated Sediment Collection Mechanism of a Dam
Manual Extension of Pickup Trunk for Road Safety and Space Utilization
Caribbean Sargassum Problem
Automatic Stretching and Compressing Vehicle
Color-Optimization Beam for a Clear Picture Underwater
Truck Safety
ATM Bin- Dispose and be Paid
Quarantine Garbage Bin
Green Balloon
Smart Border Wall
Escalator which Ensures Safety of Wheelchair Users
Green Bottle
Ambulance First
Plastic Cleaner
Anti Theft for Examination Papers
Fluid Garbage Bin
An Instant Cooling Hand Refrigerator
Smart Green Lighter
Cooling a Charging Battery Using a Heat Exchanger
Dual-Automatic and Manual V-Shaped Ladder
Pocket Garbage Bin
Gravitational Assisted Space Shuttle Launch
Aquatic Animals Sorting Mechanism
Smart Cup for Parkinsonism
Plastic Garbage Tracker

John Gaudreault
Acoustic Transducer Diaphragm - Boxless, Omnidirectional, Full-Range

Giorgio Gaviraghi
Shuttle 2.0

Jessica Gerlemann
Tall Flood Wall Barrier Designs

Daniel Gilbert
Large Vehicle Passing Maneuver Assistance Device

James Gilmore
Motion Sensing Delineator

Philipp Goetze
High-Speed Joining of Metal to Plastics with the HPCI® Joining Gun

Pradeep Kumar Gohil
World Micro Stock Exchange

Nahum Goldenberg
Hydraulic, Infinitely Variable, Bi-Directional, Full Torque at Zero Speed

Chancy Gondwe
Water QMS

Brian Goodman
Diamagnetic Field Engine

James Gramling
An Integrated Power Train Solution

Jonathan Gregg
Kiwi™ - Monitor what was Previously Impossible

Akash Gupta
IOT Based Health Monitoring System

Vikram Kumar Gupta
Simple Solution to Prevent Load Swinging in Cranes
Liquid Free System to Keep Car Sensors Clean
Copper Strip Based System to Cool Down Machine
Battery-less Mosquito Catcher Bat

Yonatan Guy
Beddingo - The First Reinvention of Sheets in 100 Years

Martin Harrison
Apparatus and Method for Donning Hygienic Gloves

David Haskins
The (Fuel-Injected) Pulsed Turbine Rotor Engine
The VTOL Pulsed Turbine Transvector Jet Concept

Guy Hendel
Preemptive Autonomous Mobile Device Loss or Theft Prevention

Tomer Hendel
Truspoke - an Easy Way to True a Spoke Wheel

Garri Hendell

Dave Henderson
Flit Lightweight Folding Ebike – Helping Urban Commuters to Free Their Journey and Reclaim Their City

Shawn Hendricks
Mosquito Stopper

Matt Hillyer

Eric Hinterman
Autonomous Greenhouse for Urban Settings

Ed Hoffmann

Leonard J Holmin
CITU Centrifuge Interface Transfer and Utilities Tunnel

Samantha Horseman
iAED - Life Saving Phone
Smart Intelligent Prescriptive Personal Protective Equipment (PPPE)

Bijay Hota
New Packin's

Carl Hu
A New Architecture for Safe Lithium-Ion Batteries

Ya Yun Huang
ST_OIL (Smart Tanker)
RBTT (Rapid Blood Type Test)
Umbilical Care
HPTK (H. Pylori Personal Test Kit)
Screen Welder

Nathan Huber
Robotic Healthcare Assistant

Peter Humphries

Ramzy Hurrle Casab

Dr. Tran Tu Huynh

Alwathiqbellah Ibrahim
A Smart Knee Implant Using Triboelectric Energy Harvesters

Sergiu Ilinca
House for 00

Alex Isakov
Unusual Gyroscope

Dmitry Isakov
Vacuum Assisted Radiant Cooling

Yuval Izhaki
Mm Wave Soil Moisture Sensor

Bryan Jackson

Gregory Jacob

Syed Ali Jaffar

Marc Jaker
SOLID STATE Batteries: Better, Faster, Cheaper Using Plastic Injection Molding Technology

Adarsh Jamadandi
Accexlron - A Rapid Prototyping Development Board

Diji Jayakaran
Future Communication & Entertainment of Humans by Illuminating Air for Displaying Images by Thinking
Eternal Energy Electric Device
Kinetic Energy Recovery Wing & Body Design
Future Transportation by Levitating Humans by Thinking
Electromagnetic Cosmetic Therapy - Noninvasive
Trillion Times Faster Processor Using Amplification Technology

Soren Jensen
Böwler: Flying Helmet

Samuel Johnson
Sorbent Polymer Extraction and Remediation System (SPEARS) for the Green Remediation of Impacted Sediments

Al Joniec

Berni Jooste
CO2 Capture by Seawater and Production of Biomass for Renewable Energy

Sarah Jordan
Additive Manufacturing Evaporative Casting
Lighter by Replacing Aluminum with Iron

Igor Jovanovic

David Joyce

Douglas Jungwirth
Fluid Lenses
Optical Refueling of Ultra-lightweight Vehicles
Noncontact Power Transfer for Hyperloop Type Vehicles

Olga Kaltsevich
Bracelet Helper for Emergency Situations

Leon Kassman
APPLY! Condom Applicator

Didier Tshiaba Kayembe
Life Cycle Cost Quantification Tool for Streetlights

Momar Kebe
Full view FV

Michael Kelly
Strut Channel Bar Clamp - Patented

Robert Kelly
Fast Mask

Mark Khachaturian, Phd
VitalWellness Platform for Population Health Management

Aliaksei Khomchanka
Braille II

Johnathan Kiel
Diazoluminomelanin (DALM): Microwave-Controlled Synthetic to Biosynthetic DNA Vector and Modifier (BioSPLICE)

Brian Kinard
Product Anti-Counterfeiting System

Tim King

Nikolai Kislov
Analytical Tools and Method for Next-Generation Computational Fluid Dynamics

Guzin Kizilaslan
Bag/s Worth Thousands of Words

Angela Knight
EZ Chopstix

Michael Knop

Jacob Koffler
Biomimetic 3D-Printed Scaffolds for Spinal Cord Injury Repair

Guggi Kofod
Microbarcodes for Injection Molding

Vigneshwaran Konda Ramadoss
Brake Pad Wear Sensor

Alexa Konstantinos
Simple, Cost-effective Sensor for Early Detection of Battery Faults
Thought-controlled, Noninvasive Sleeve for Overcoming Hand Paralysis
Eco-friendly, Highly Effective Bioremediation of Persistent Environmental Pollutants

Milan Krupa
Simple, Low Cost, 'Zero-Emissions,' Fuel Agnostic Engine Technology

Tadashi Kubo
The World's First Standalone AC (Alternating Current) Battery

Georgi Kuchukov
Cyclo Motor

Ajitharun Kumars Kumar

Ashok Kumar
Eco Green Energy Power Generator

Krishan Kumar
Electricity Bill Reducer Circuit

Mrinal Kumar

Manoj Kumar S
Carbon Calcy
Green Driver

Casimir Kuzyk
AweSEM: Increasing Access to High-Resolution Imaging with a Low-Cost Scanning Electron Microscope

Thomas Labadie
Ladder without Rungs

Adrian Laculiceanu
Adaptive Thermal Engine

Art Lambert
HP Recycled Satin Canvas

Ellen Langsetmo
Enhanced EAS System

Francisco Leme Galvao
Urban Fly and Ride Taxi System

Mansi Lende
Smart Multipurpose Wheelchair

Zhaoyuan Leong
Impregnated Epoxy Actuators Paired With a Sparse-array Sensor Grid for Strain Detection of Composite Barely Visible Damage

Joshua Levin
The Future of MagLev: How the Magnetic-Levitation Turnpike will Revolutionize Ground Transportation

Henry Levy
Submarine Launched Flying Surveillance Drone
Transplantable Unions of Living Tissues Printed upon Electronic Circuits and Optical Systems and the Method of Making them

Yu Hsin Li

Hakan Lidbo

Hwaider Lin
Ultra-compact Very Low Frequency (VLF) Communication Systems for Underground, Underwater, and Hypersonic Flight

Mark Lin

John Lindsay

Grigori Lishanski
Vibrating Transport Device

Longsha Liu

Mitch Long
Gigabot X - Printing with Pellets

Eva Lourenco

Preston Luh
Utilizing Piezoelectricity to Manufacture a Self-Charging Phone Case

Crystal Ma
Flexible Anti-Theft Window Guard

Alix Macklin
Conveying Language through Haptics: A Multi-sensory Approach

Daniel Maguire
IoT Safety System to Stop Children from Being Left in Hot Vehicles

Kenneth Mailloux
EMP Suction Round Vehicle Mount
Smart Control Trigger Turret Tripod
Redirecting Missle Guidance Defense
Tactile Smart Gyroballcam Grenade
SCOUT -Kevlar Drone Docking Vest-
Drone Targeted Mortar Rounds
Autonomous Communications Command Center
Deployment Stretcher Barrier Wall
Gripped Solar Waterproofing
Tactile Scope/Visor

Indrasom Majumdar

Tom Mallard
All-magnet Motive Power

Gerald Manfredi
Photovoltaic Velcro-Backed Wearable Electronic Charger

Luis Martin
Eye of Horus: Open Source Eye Tracking System
The IFS: Learning Coding Without Screens From the Age of Three

Allan Maruta
Self Powered Generator

Sam Masikini
Bambi the Home AI
Bank Note Recognizer

Jonathan Mazyopa

Robert Mclean
Camless Glide Valve Engine Technology

Arun Medisetty
Go Soil Tester

Alpesh Mehta
Algae Biodiesel: a Sustainable Fuel for Power Generation Sector

Shilpa Mehta
Multi-standard Mixer a Boon to Wireless World

Victor Fabian Mendes
A Better Configuration for the Bags' Points of Tension to Correct Bad Posture. "HUG"

Armando Mercado

Luis Ricardo Mercado Mendoza
Multilayered Roof

Kimberly Middleton
Puncture-healing Engineered Polymer Blends
Hyperfine Interpolated Range Finding
Self-Tuning Compact Vibration Damper

Luis Alberto Migliorero
Application of the Biefeld Brown Effect using D.R. Bhueler Formula

James Mitchell
Rotating Bass and Electric Guitar Combination

John Mitchell
Knee Brace Technology for Range Increase in E-Trike

Ali Moghadam
Apparatus & Method of Automatically Removing a Needle

Bahman Mohammadhoseini
Shortest Routes in Space

Alexander Molnar
Smart Flashlight for Lifeguards

Richard Javier Montes Alzate
Rotating Rocker Crane with Remote Control for Hydrotherapy

Carlos Montessolano

Maynard Moore
Moore Rotary Engine

Marc Munford
Saving Lives with New AI Human Vision for Machines

Ulviya Muradova
Car (Rescue hatch)

Ulvi Musayev
Click Energy

Amanyisye Mwalulesa
Solar Powered Auto Irrigation System

Ryan Myers
CNC Shop Floor Future

Vigneshwaran N
Pneumatic Power Drive

Senthil Ram Nagapillai Durairaj
Panic Sensor

Kavya Nair
Hypersonic Flow Simulation Around a Blunt-cone Configuration With Sonic Lateral Side Jet

Sri Lakshmi Bhavani Nandamuri
Plant Hack - Micro Embedded System for Soilless Agriculture

Michael Nasab
RFA Thermal Imaging Monitors and Controls Lesion Depth and Length

Simin Nasseri
Designing Composite Finger and Foot Supports to Correct Deformity

Guy Naylor
(MUST) Multi User Service Tray

Kirk Newcomb
Self-Sustainable, Profitable Wastewater Treatment System

Adrian Ioan Niculescu
Pneumatic Active Suspension

Frank Notaro

Jon Nuss
RF Degradable Plastic

Justin Nussbaum
3D Printing Technology of the Future

Chinenye Justin Nwaogwugwu
SKillPul - Instant Online Platform Utility Chemicals Manufacturing Trainers

Okpamen Obasogie
Redesign of the Con-Rod for the Alfa Romeo 2.0 Twin-spark Engine
A Personal CO2 Monitor for Use on Long Duration Spaceflight
The Drill Bots (Unmanned Ground Vehicles Mounted with Two Robotic Arms Working Together as a Unit)
Ina Lite

Jared Ogle
Don't Store It, Freeze It

Simon Olanipekun
Novel Integrated Motor-Generator

George Onik
Flying Hydrofoil Surface Combatant

Nitzan Oshri
Oasis on Mars

Joel Osias
Electronically Actuated Lift Shelf

Michael Ostrowski
High Efficiency Positive Displacement Water Powered Sump Pump

Yngvi Ouyang
High-Pressure Conformable Hydrogen Storage System

Taslim Owonikoko
Potential Solid State Battery Electrolyte Withstands 1200°C Flame

Matti Paaso
Human Washing Machine

Farshid Pahlevani
Space Waste Digester (SWD)

Harold Parks
Toilet Bowl Liquid Dispenser

Anshuman Pattanaik
Space Debris Detection, Mapping, Capture and Disposal

Henrik Pedersen
Blackspot Technology

Bartosz Pencakowski
Terabit - Portable Genetic Analyzer for Crop Protection

Milen Penev
Smart Life Guard Pajamas

Carlos Pereira

Magus Pereira
The Swirly - Urine for Change
Project Owl - ClusterDuck

Huong Pham
The Emission Solution Building
The Global Turbine Fan

Wayne Pickette
Electronically Activated Muscle Simulation System (Modular)
IONIC Battery

Jacobo Podlipsky

Isaac Porras
Solarcycle Renewable Off-Grid Tiny Home

Sanjay Puranik
Growing Green on the Moon
Novel Wheelchair Design
Preventing Boat Capsize
Cell Phone Charging while Speaking

Nikita Pyzhyanov
Heating of the Future

Yester William Quebrada

Dhinesh Radhakrishnan
SolAlert: Solar Intruder Alert with Text Messaging System

Ahmad Radhy
Decision Support System for Coffee Farm (Integrating IoT & ML)
IoT and Data Science for Urban Waste Energy System

Robert Rae
Two-stroke Engine

Joseph Rajakaruna
CirKit Ebike Class 3.5

Hans Ramzan
An HIV Detector: CATCH

Saurabh Rathore

Lew Read

K Srinoothan Reddy
Infinitely Variable Valve Lifting (IVVL)

Daryian Rhysing
Augmented Reality Monitoring System for Aircraft Wiring Maintenance

Stephen Ribich
In-can Preservative for Water Based Paints and Polymers - EU Compatibility

Ron Richard
Bongo Rx an Alternative Therapy to Treat Sleep Apnea

Tom Riley
Summer is Coming, a TV Series

Carlos Rodriguez
Concept for a High Energy Hybrid Rocket Thruster using XeF2 Injected Magnesium Cartridges ("Tumble Thruster Module," TTM)

Jose L Rodriguez
Two in one Car Protector

Eric Rosenthal
Write Once Read Forever Archival Data Storage

Mark Rotert
Vortex Drag Reduction

Michael Rother
Environmentally Friendly Lawn & Garden Care

Gerald Rowley
Forever Fuel Anti-Gravity Engine

Nate Ruben
Smart Beat

Daniel Rutecki
Magnetic Dentures

Aruna S
Twisted Blisters

Nelson Salas

Mohamed Saleh
An Invention to Develop the Installation of a Strong Night-Light System Inside the Body of the Car Far from the Front

Sai Vinay Sandapeta
Heavy Payload Application Drone

Mark Sanders
Innovative Folding e-Bike – to Accelerate Transport Freedom in Cities

Aaditi Saoji
Obstructive Sleep Apnea Detector

Tomonobu Sato
Mixed Reality Equipment with a Broadcast Feature and Broadcast Media Station

Antoine Sayah

Satya Schiavina
MariTime: An Autonomous Amphibious Rover that uses Robotics to Efficiently Collect Waste in Coastal Ecosystems

Adam Schindhelm

Kyle Schmidlkofer
Modular Handguard

Ray Seekford
PET S.A.F.E - Smoke Activated Fire Exit

Tomooki Seki
Maxwell’s Demon Realized by Brownian Motion

Jerry Semer
Heat Pipe Engine
Electric Producing Solar Still
Osmosis Generator

Stan Serpento
V2P Safety Alert Chip

Jo Sevenfivethree

Shahab Shahrabadi
Designing a SAW-less AGC-less Low-Power Multistandard LNA (80 MHz – 10 GHz)

Mohamed Sharafeldin
Pipette-Tip ELISA

Rajiv Sharma
Flying Airplane Train with Solar Panel Covered Roof and Airfoil Shaped Bogies or Cabins
Fabrication and Construction of Hanging – Mobile – Modular – Overhead – Lightweight Sheds/Tracks/Tunnels/Roof or Bridges
Clothes Drying Machine/Appliance
Electric Powered Motorbike on Rail Tracks

Samuel Shiber
Saving the Climate and the Budget - A Sustainable Personal Transportation System

James Shifrin
UV-C Sanitizing Device

Ruchita Shinde
Atherosclerosis Detection

Jayiesh Singh
Zero-Effort Patient Transfer

Subhajit Sinha
AgriMax: Smart Hydroponics

Jim Skarie
Vehicle Dynamics During Panic Events

Hal Slater
Triple Hybrid Water Heater

Richard Smith
Shower Belt

William Smith

Aryan Sooma
Teaching Toddlers the Concept of Time

Karen Sorber
MicroEVAP™: Concentrating Industry's Wastewater for a Sustainable Future

Andre Sousa
The Drone of the Future - Compact and Highly Efficient

Mark Spencer
Near Real Time Reciprocating Analysis

Panagiotis Stefanides
Proposed Architecture of a Space Vehicle Stealth Structure, based on a Novel Revolutionizing Geometry of Polyhedral Form

Keith Stegath
A-KERS: Adaptive Kinetic Energy Recovery System for Electrified Heavy Vehicles
Automated Mural Painting on the Exterior of Large Buildings

Todd Stevens
Neighborhood Resilience Centers: How to Improve Response to Natural Disasters and Cyber Attacks

Simon Sunatori
Anisotropic Electromagnetic Force Phenomena

Mark Supal

Smita Sutar
Fretting Fatigue Rupture Detection of Conductor Using UAV and Image Processing

Mahendra Swain
Intelligent Blood Tester to Detect Malaria Parasitemia
Spade to Spoon: an Agricultural Block Chain Solution for Farmer Using IoT Platform

J Swift
ALPHA: Aerodyne Launch Pad, High Altitude
ElliptiPod Low-Cost Ergonomic Energy-Return Crutch
SnotRocket Pediatric Nasal Aspirator
TumbleDown Self-Turning Vertical Composting System
Shared Mobile Application Regulating Traffic (SMART) Signals

Balint Szent Miklosy
Hubba-Hubba Cap
Split-Rail Transit System

Eluckya T
Air Quality Monitoring Drone

Xiaoming Tan
Dual Fastener Manipulation Device – Patented Invention (US 10,239,191 B2)

Joseph Tarsio
3D Melanoma Virtual Reality (VR) Tools for Viewing, Monitoring & Treatment Options Applications

Deonte Taylor
Medical Certifications Made Easy!

John Taylor
Sustained Motion

Benjamin Tee

Jekan Thanga
Lasers for Gesture Control Spacecraft and UAV Swarms

John Thomas
The BASE Rocket Concept - a New Direction for Electric Propulsion Development

Jesse Thornburg
Grid Fruit: AI Keeping Food Fresh with Less Energy

Serguei Tikhonenkov
80% Reduction in Fuel Consumption

Miron Tokarski
Genomtec ID - Mobile Genetic Laboratory

William Torres
Echocardiographic Quantification of the Passive Mechanical Properties of the Left Ventricular Myocardium

Mike Trost
Four Cylinder IC Engine with NO Crankshaft

Mard Tura
Absolute, Unlimited Power Generation

Vinisha Umashankar
AirPro Ceiling Fan: Angled Blades, Oscillation, Projection and Timed Off Features

Aisha Usman

Kannan V
Development of Smart Humanoid Flexo Grab

Karunakaran V
Hovering Soldier

Ilel Valladares
CLX - Conscious Luxury Future Transportation

John Van Noy
Freight Transport System

Alexander Vargas Almeida
Ice Tech

Vamsi Krishna Varigonda
A.T.O.M - Autonomous Water Monitoring and Alerting System

Ashish Vasant
Soft Power Wheelchair

Jermaine Vassel
Safety Barrier

Rafael Veraza
The ULiSSES™ Device for Organ and Limb Preservation

Manohar Vittal
Unrolled Photo for Piston Wear & Scuffing Studies

Christopher Wagner
Liquid Brush

Harry Wainwright
Therapeutic Pillow to Relieve Pain, Cure Diseases, and Calm Autistic Children

Chonghe Wang
Monitoring of the Central Blood Pressure Waveform Via a Conformal Ultrasonic Device

Minan Wang

Robert Washburn
Efficient Power System Topology/Methodology

Theo Wells
Fractal Spoons and Fractal Mixing Tools
Lean Combustion by Muliscale/Fractal Generated Turbulence in Gas Turbine Engines

Maxwell Wieder
SueChef: The Storage-to-Cooking Smart Kitchen Appliance

Don Wilkins
Geofenced Weapons

George Williams

Dj Wilson

Charles Wood

Michal Wronecki

Cecilia Xi
Smart Multi-Function Skin Monitoring Wearable System

Zhouxuan Xia
Infinitely Atkinson Cycle Camshaft /Valve less ICE Head for Better Efficiency/ Lower Emissions

Takumi Yoshizawa
Conrodless Ultra-low Vibration Engine Using Z Mechanism

Panos Zaraphonitis
Triskelion Bicycle Mechanism

Dror Zchori
Smart Wall

John Zelahy
Hinged/Segmented SUV Liftgate

Yu Ting Zeng
Finger Ring!

Vladimir Zenin
The First Steps of the Industrial Revolution with the Use of Permanent Magnets

Jack Zhang
A Safe & Clean Insect Trap (A Universal Safety Pesticide Container, A Disposable Dual Wall Lampshade Insect Trap )

Dezong Zhao
Energy Efficient Autonomous Vehicles

Wenchao Zhou
Swarm 3D Printing and Assembly

Zijian Zhou
Create Cleaner Air in the Future: a Newly Designed Method for Efficient Hg Removal in Coal Combustion Flue Gas

Omar Zidan
Heavy-lift Electrical UAV

Eliezer Zohar
Take Me to Work and Bring Me Home

David Zornes
Carbon Fiber Monolith with Carbon Hydrophilic-Nanotubes
Circle-Arc Stator Electric Machine, Motor or Generator

Evgeniy Zudin
Electric Drive for Semi-Trailer Motion
The Vehicle Changes Its Application in 3 Minutes