Is Water Desalination the Answer?

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Views: 2724

We can create hundreds of jobs off the coast of northern California specifically Crescent City with an oil type rig that works as a desalination plant for some of the drought problems of the western United States.

All around the World and in third world countries desalination plants are being used to create jobs long term as they make fresh drinking water to sustain the public, and what do we in California do, we drain tainted water from one part of the State to supply the needs in another, and politics in this writers opinion is the reason.

A Better Solution are Desalination Plants:

The California “Water Supply Action Plan”! If Rivers, Sloughs and Dams are showing the effects of this water transfer “Why Continue. Many years ago one smart scientist said to build the plants off of Crescent City and let the water flow downhill, in effect filling all the reservoirs. It’s something still to be considered, feeding the Klamath River Watershed, which is west of the Farallon Subduction Zone. Here is an additional link about The Water Desalination Plant:!

Build the plants off of Crescent City and let the water flow downhill, in effect filling all the reservoirs. It’s something still to be considered, feeding the Klamath River Watershed, which is west of the Farallon Subduction Zone. Converted Oil Rig for Sea Water Desalination!


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  • Name:
    Michael Burton
  • Type of entry:
  • Profession:
    Business Owner/Manager
  • Michael is inspired by:
    “Every Member of Congress, everyone in the executive
    branch from the President on, in the field of national
    resources, has to plan during their period of administration
    or office for the next generation, because no project that
    we plan today will be beneficial to us. Anything we begin
    today, is for those who come after us. And just as those
    who began something years ago make it possible for us
    to be here, I hope we’ll fulfill our responsibility to the next
    generation that’s going to follow us.”

    —John F. Kennedy,
    Pueblo, CO August 17th, 1962

    Michael Burton Sr. November 2019 — “We Have Forgotten These Fundamental Ideas”!
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