Sustainable Technologies

This solution is based on a strategy and an invention. Earth has its own system to balance its temperature. Human activity distrupts this balance. Earth reduces its temperature by ice poles as a natural cooling system. We should just help the poles to repair melted ice then reduce global warming.
1) As already described in 2017 and 2018 entry a body sliding on an inclined plane can be supported by a thread or support perfectly parallel to the horizontal.The weight of a body that is unsupported even at the position of rest by this mechanism is maximum for a plane of inclination 45°as explained mathematically in preprint manuscript doi:10.5281/zenodo.
Absolute, unlimited power generation.
Under the laws of physics, to produce electricity, a magnetic field must be inserted into the wire box.
Movement of the paddle in the vacuum does not stop because it does not have air resistance.
If we move the pendulum through the vacuum to the magnet and wrap the wrap around the pendulum,
A Smart Hydroponic food module that monitors, grows and takes care of your plants. Our Vision is to foster behavior change among urban households towards farm produce and drive hyper-local urban production. We make farming so much simple and easy that now anybody can grow their own food.
We have developed an integrated air quality monitoring UAS which also has collision avoidance technique to avoid collision with real time obstacles while monitoring. We have used an ultrasonic sensor for collision avoidance and mq135 for air quality sensing. We have developed a program for displaying the pollution gas availablity in percentage instead of ppm.

The global economy thrives on energy. Affordable energy directly contributes to increase productivity, reducing poverty and improving betterment of life. The global population is increasing day by day, which, in a way is leading to the utilization of natural resources and fossil fuels. Concentrating on the limited stock of fossil fuel,
Securing the examination paper is very difficult for many counties which do not use electronic examination. This is because there are too many places that the exam will have the risk of being stolen.
This project is about building a new mechanism that can sort live aquatic animals in dams from intake canal without imposing any health risk on the animals and with lower operational cost than existing fish screen configuration to prevent them from damaging the power plant and themselves. This is done by using a sorting mechanism.

What happens when an astronaut gets sick? Current missions require that astronauts take medications with them from Earth. But many medications degrade over time, especially protein drugs, and the necessary stockpile takes up precious mass and volume on a spacecraft. With the push towards long-term human missions to the Moon and Mars, this model is not sustainable.
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