Entrant Profile

Tom Chaffee

Location: Lexington, Virginia United States

Company: Attochron, LLC

Profession: Business Owner/Manager

Favorite design and analysis tools: Attochron uses various tools in the field including NI Labview and softwares included with test & measurement hardware; we also typically work with subcontractors who may use various analysis and modeling tools.

Hobbies and activities: Playing music (guitar); bicycle riding.

Online communities: OSA, IEEE, various others

Inspired by: I've had an intense creative inspiration/attraction to the unique physics possible (understood and emerging including with Attochron's work) with ultrashort pulse optics typically, but not limited to, femtosecond pulsewidths.

2019 Entries

Date Title Category Views Votes
06/20 Fiberless 5G Backhaul Electronics/​Sensors/​IoT 2323 3