Entrant Profile

Yester William Quebrada

Location: Roselle, New Jersey United States


Profession: Engineer/Designer

Number of times previously entering contest: 1

Inspired by: All my students of physics and mathematics who complained with me of having obtained low scores in the state exams scheduled on the days that coincided with their menstrual period. The same ones who are inhibited from enjoying their favorite sport and other social activities because of the insecurity caused by those uncomfortable moments. The same that after graduating as professionals work long days surrounded by people intolerant of the feminine nature. And all those women who daily put their trust in the suitability of current tampons and towels to risk their health and be able to produce in the workplace. All those women who went through shameful moments in public and who today are besieged by indiscreet cameras. All the women that have surrounded me, grandmothers, mother, sisters, nieces, cousins, friends and lovers. All of them, those that I know and those that do not. All the women of the world are my inspiration.
With all my love and respect for them.

2019 Entries

Date Title Category Views Votes
06/29 eiTampon Consumer Products 2801 32