Self-Sustainable, Profitable Wastewater Treatment System

Votes: 11
Views: 1864

The concept is based around septage waste but can utilize other wastes such as manure, grease, crop waste, etc. The system would utilize existing technologies in a way to treat waste with three core objectives: the system would be self-sustaining requiring no external power or water supply, removing recyclable or reusable material from the waste stream for reuse, and sustain a profit. The system and processes are based around a typical anaerobic digestion waste treatment process, utilizing sustainability practices and further refining technologies to process the waste into reusable materials, such as; biogas, biofuel, biosolids (sludge), clean effluent water. All of these byproducts could be utilized on-site and/or sold for profit.

This innovation of this idea is not the individual technologies or processes but the culmination of the system to be self-sustaining and profit oriented all on otherwise wasted materials. The system would utilize the byproducts of the treatment of the incoming waste to power the system and the remaining would be sold for a profit. Any additional energy required would come from green technologies such as solar, wind, and geothermal. Profit would also be made through fees for accepting the waste (from septic haulers, municipalities, restaurants (for grease), any industries that need to dispose of organic waste, etc.).

A small scale pilot facility could be first built to prove the design, effectiveness, profitability, and sustainability. Government and University grants could be used to help with the capital costs associated with equipment and construction required. The plant could be utilized as a teaching and hands-on learning opportunity for students to learn about sustainability and green technologies.

Another major benefit of this concept is it's capability to set an example on utilizing waste to energy practices, reducing the amount of waste sent to landfills and pollution. Just as an example the United States currently only recycles approximately 45% of it municipal waste, whereas Sweden recycles 99%: therefore, the technologies and processes are viable. Moreover, The cost of this Municipal Solid Waste is approximately $21.23 per pound, and an average person produces approximately 4.5 pounds of it a day, that is almost $100/day per person.


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  • Name:
    Kirk Newcomb
  • Type of entry:
  • Profession:
    Business Owner/Manager
  • Kirk is inspired by:
    I have spent 18 years in the environmental waste field. I have traveled the country and seems so many individual examples of waste to energy, recycling, green practices, and sustainability practices, but not enough of there are being utilized. The technologies are available they just need to be put together into a complete system and utilized more often to reduce landfill waste, pollution and to generate power from waste instead of greenhouse gas producing products such as coal and oil. So, I am inspired by my love and compassion for sustainability and green practices, but also, to be truthful, my concept will also produce a profit.
  • Patent status: