Features of design:
It requires small space.
Provide protection from animals, insects etc.
Low cooling load.
Fast and efficient response.
The present proposal addresses the following problems specific to developing/underdeveloped countries like India with a large population of illiterate/semi-literate geriatric patients.
The system envisions a patient friendly medicine packaging system, especially catering to geriatric patients who need regular medicines in take in large numbers throughout the day.

We are developing two safe and well known technologies but in a same device. For the first time ever, we are using an already patented wearable device with pulseoximetry and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation.

This device will replace the need for dialysis and kidney transplantation both of which have major detractions. Our device eliminates these issues. Transplantation, costing close to $110,000, removes the personnel and institutional costs associated with dialysis. Yet, it has significant fixed costs for anti-rejection drugs,
People are bedridden temporary or permanently for many causes. At this time leaving of excreta and urine is vary suffering work to his/her family or nurse maid. At hospital it is displeasure for another person. To avoid this, I have think an idea, of bed with bio-toilet.
For this system,
The main aim of developing this device is to provide drug free therapy for insomnia without any side effects and in cost effective manner.
1. To develop a device to generate sleep inducing stimuli such as audio, visual and acupressure.
2. To provide audio-visual and acupressure (AVT) stimuli to insomniac patients to sleep before.
Purpose: The purpose of this suggested research is two-fold: (1) To find an effective treatment for breast cancer, and; (2) find a treatment method less debilitating than chemotherapy, or at least a supplementary procedure to chemotherapy that reduces debilitating effects.
Preventing the spread of the flu or the common cold is a perennial unsolved problem for the general public. In the US alone, there are upwards of 49,000 lives lost each year (depending on type of flu that year) and untold loss of productivity from millions of sick individuals.
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