Especially for new population it is ideal to have a database with all medical information from its birth.
I-VED (In-Vivo Embolic Detector) refers to a novel electrical impedance spectroscopy device (European Patent Office, 3005942 Α1, 2015) for the non-intrusive detection of bubbles in the human body during Decompression Sickness, DCS (e.g. in astronauts, scuba divers, etc). Currently, acoustic devices are employed for sensing bubbles in humans. However,
Purpose: Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) involves several physical and functional activities, such as standing, walking, squatting, climbing, bathing, grooming, etc.… However, such ADLs may get compromised due to various diseases and disorders where assistive devices play a key role to meet the functional independence.
The cost of treating lower back pain in the United States has been estimated at $90 billion per year in 2008 with a further $10-20 billion in costs due to loss of productivity. A significant portion of the expense is attributable to spinal fusion surgery.
The proposed idea is based on an intelligent bathroom mirror on which the health-related body parameters such as Blood Pressure, Heart Rate, SpO2 level, Weight, Height, Body Mass Index (BMI), Body Temperature, Room Temperature, Bathroom Tap Water Temperature etc. will be displayed in real time.
Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP) is a disease that affects premature infants. It is the leading cause of childhood blindness. Although effective treatments exist, many infants are still at risk due to the small window of time for detection. The current standard of care consists of in-person, manual screening by a pediatric ophthalmologist. Unfortunately,
ReaLifeSim & VetLifeSim are human-centered; patient-centered products that are created and tested by nurses, medics, veterinarians and other clinicians.
The wearable ReaLifeSim Vas-sleeve is the first of its kind to integrate realistic simulated skin and blood vessels with aerospace industry technology providing objective recordings for skills assessment.
In 1989 the company that originated desiccant materials offered a new version of the material to the industry, which subsequently 100% refused stating they would be forced to re-educate their workforce. It remains today, the same scenario, patients,
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