The blue crab, Callinectes sapidus, is a keystone species that plays an integral ecological, economic, and sociological role in Chesapeake Bay. Concern for declining populations in this species is considerable and efforts to raise awareness regarding the need to conserve these precious natural resources is being advanced through use of the Quick-Capture Attended Waterman Trap (Grab-Crab™).
Design brief
To design a renewable energy powered and portable water pump that can provide a viable alternative to diesel-driven ones
Target user group
Small and medium-scale Indian farmers in Bihar state
Mandatory requirements
Using a simple solar balloon with dimensions at least 50 square ft. to generate a substantial amount of buoyancy. Specializing the shape for heat accumulation and possibly aero dynamics to act as a "a kite that always pushed up" with any angle of wind turbulence. small profile pump and controller to push air out or pull air in.
Executive summary:
1. Low Consumption cooling and Energy Regeneration from AutoLPG; CNG and LNG respectively.
2. Priority area: "Healthy individual". Negligible Emissions Green Cooling and Energy Regeneration
3. Names of Indian partner institutions: A) Department of Science and Technology, Government of India. (·).
4. Names of US partner institutions: Invention Awarded by IC² Institute,
We all know radiations are electromagnetic in nature. So the basic idea is to filter the electricity from the electromagnetic wave and store it in the form of electricity for future purposes.
The proposed modular green roof is applicable to all buildings in rainy and tropical regions of the world. In the proposed system, it has been tried to mitigate or even solve the problems related to the previous systems such as requiring a large installation space, low water storage efficiency, water penetration to the interior part of the building,
SMT Rail (Smart Mass Transit Rail ) in the world's first Multi-Functional Infrastructure invention, using Nano Mono pole magnets and solar energy to create a reverse levitation and zero energy propulsion system.
The system been describe on website ( www.smtrail.com) in a form of short video.
INSUGUIDE is a flexible blade which both locates and records daily dosages of insulin and measures glycemic indices.
USES Insuguide has the navel as the central reference point and an arrow oriented towards the pubic region. Around the navel area we can find a sequence of days of the month organized in circles.
Motorcycle such as a BMW C1 (Fig. 1) meets most requirements for under-served areas. It is affordable, fuel efficient, easy parking, weather resistant and with many other advantages but not safe enough compare to a four wheeler (automobile). A four wheeler is more stable than a two wheeler.
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