The Find Me Safety® Platform is the only proven and reliable cloud/server-based communication engine that monitors active GPS tracks and delivers exception reports to designated contacts if you have not arrived at your destination as expected, or have been involved in a disaster and need assistance.
Over the last few decades, the use of public transportation has been attractive to most of the people. The increase in passenger count has made ticket vending and vehicular monitoring a complex task. In addition to this, frequent accidents occur due to overload of passengers and these accidents are not cognizant to the rescuers.
Finger Print Starting (FPS) system is a revolutionary innovative starting system in two wheeler where the usage of keys can be avoided. Since the invention of the two wheeler there are lots of advancements in bikes (example: fuel injection, tubeless tyre etc,) except the keys.
Firefly is the world’s most advanced solar powered device for light and mobile charging where there is no power. Thus, Firefly is a better and safer life for rural dwellers.
Firefly has three different parts to provide the basic necessities. The central “brains” of the system is the main Firefly box.
FirstWearable – Thermoband-Easy to use device to monitor fever
The unique fever monitoring device that relieves parents' stress. An easy to use device with no complicated settings or battery charging - Lets you sleep well and take actions when your child has a fever.
Construction industry shows a 70% gross domestic fixed capital formation and 8% from Gross Domestic products.
This invention relates to an electric generator. The present day electric generator normally works on the principle of dynamically induced e.m.f. in conductor/s housed within a rotary armature lying in a strong magnetic field. This generator has moving parts. An external mechanical force is essential for this present day rotary generator.
Aflex has been trying to introduce their patented externally convoluted, internally smooth bore hoses into the Aerospace sector for several years.
Flexibility and smoothbore: The PTFE liner is of a unique form with external convolutions to provide excellent flexibility, but a smoothbore to provide excellent flow and minimal pressure loss for a given size.
Aflex’s externally convoluted,
Flexolar is an ecological lantern intended for both indoor and outdoor environments. It is a design intended to reduce waste and pollution caused by chemical batteries. It uses sunlight as an energy source. It doesn't use batteries; instead it has a composite flexible ultracapacitor that has numerous thin layers of graphene and silicone.
Banking-Turning abacus is a display indicator device counting the number of banks-turns to the/on the left side and number of banks-turns to the/on the right side of yaw rotation in three dimensional pitch nose up-down, nose left or right, and roll left/right,
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