Safety and Security
High pressure gas cylinders must by law at all times be secured by strap or chain to prevent them from falling over and breaking the valves and becoming deadly missiles.
Every police force in a medium to large city uses a helicopter to fly night surveillance with a spot light to aide in finding and seeing perpetrators. The capital cost, fuel and maintenance for this operation is very expensive.
Device for preventing injury or death by electric shock
This design is for preventing the chances of getting electric shock to an electrician or operator performing troubleshooting or maintenance work in a office or industry. The device is basically based on principle of communication over power line.
This is a system for using the ubiquitous televison receiver, presently those models equipped with a remote control, as an emergency early warning and information supply device. When Authorities (1) (either local, national, or international), notify any or all TV station(s)(2),
What problem does your design idea solve?
Reduce the number of people killed or injured by vehicles in the workplace. Prevent accidents, save lives, reduce injuries, reduce insurance expenses without increasing the vehicle operator workload.
How does your design work?
Within the petrochemical industries, the risk of violent, hazardous events caused by a chemical reaction is reduced by the use of a Safety Instrumented System (SIS).
The ID Digital Camera is a device that law enforcement can use to automatically ID "persons of interest" in the vicinity by matching the image on their viewfinder to the police database of felons or victims (mug shots)on file.
Forearm and Shoulder LIFTING STRAPS are well known. They help reduce the effort needed to lift and move large, heavy objects. They make it much easier for a team of two people to safely get the job done.
This sensor differentiates between most ferrous and nonferrous metals, therefore identifying the potential for hazardous sparking tools without subjecting them to a common test - the grinding wheel. Nonferrous metals are considered "Non-sparking," “spark reduced,” "spark-resistant" or "spark-proof.
Innovation: To my knowledge no previous devices using acoustics have been manufactured to detect fires in homes just prior to become a full blaze.
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