Over the past several years we have been inventing a new internal combustion engine called the shock wave engine. Compared with the traditional engine's 30-40% efficiency, this shock wave engine would be in the range of 70% and higher. The invention has been granted a patent in IP Australia, passed examination in the EU patent office,
The present invention (called “Smart Charger”) relates to an innovative charging device for any ICE, operating with conventional fuels or biofuels or hydrogen, featuring more efficient, reliable, compact and cheaper than today charging devices (i.e. superchargers or turbochargers).
A short description of “Smart Charged,” from innovation, feasibility/ manufacturability and marketability points of view, is reported:
The Sowda mechanism is intended to be added to conventional internal combustion engines (ICE). By adding the Sowda mechanism to any ICE, the ICE will have the attributes of continuously variable compression (cVCR ) and true-Atkinson. The. attribute of cVCR should add 10%+ efficiency to an ICE as well as allowing for multiple fuels.
The current invention refers to the field of transport and vehicles in general, and it particularly refers to windows and sun shields or anti-glare related to the windows.
More particularly, it consists of a solar protection device for vehicle windows which mobile screen, placed near the window pane,
A system is proposed for converting any vehicle into a hybrid (from the components shown in Figure 1) with a set of functions close to the technology "mild hybrid." A feature of the new system is the acquisition by vehicles of special functions that are not inherent in the classic hybrid built on the technology of "mild hybrid,
The current braking system solely relies on the friction of tires. Fatal accidents on roads happen when the brake system fails to generate enough friction. In other words, the resultant force wasn’t strong enough to resist the momentum of a car.
The friction, unlike the shock damping,
The Resurrector is a portable EV solar charger that can be directly plugged into the charge port of a Tesla.
By utilizing small solar nodules via miniature antennae-like sensors, a maximum field view can be obtained during sparse sunlight and limited directional positioning.
The portable charger entails a flat semi beveled surface 18 inches in diameter,
Transport needs in the coming years will be growing. Strong emphasis will have to be placed on servicing new patterns of trade and on meeting the requirements of increased activities in agriculture. Expenditures for transport will be large.
In dealing with transport, subject areas are the various modes, the two elements, infrastructure and equipment,
This information and video overview of the TEPStm MOG Canal Boat describes a 35 year working solar vessel that is privately owned and precisely matches the four words above. We seek to have designers, engineers, corporations, agencies,
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