The "Level with Built-in Line Drawing Mechanism" is a simple improvement to the standard carpenter's level to enable easy line marking. Often when standing on a ladder, trying to hold a level still, and then attempting to scribe a line on the wall, the level slips from the force of the pencil against the level,

High-Flow Lift Pump
In fighting wildfires, and in many other applications, there is a need to lift water a few feet, say from a creek or river, to fill a header tank or mobile water tender. Particularly in firefighting, turnaround time is what measures success at the end of the day.
The ElectriLite () Community Electric Vehicle (CEV) is a local transportation system intended to be designed, developed and produced in community settings with a continuing web based coordination presence.
ElectriLite is a 2 place, 300 pound, 3 wheel, gearless dual hubmotor driven, air/electromagnetic spring/shock absorber suspension, dual pedal generator, LED illuminated,
In the near future, there will be a great need for alternative sources of energy. Wind energy could fulfill much of the world’s energy demand, unfortunately, the majority of its power is located high in the sky.
Large wind turbines are noisy, require large capital investments and are dangerous for animals.
I like metal, glass, and modern items, incorporated in this refrigerator design. It's so useful and colorful (sweet colored) and stylish, i think. This refrigerators can be build any design, offering variety... Refrigerators have various racks and handles.
The Live Information Bus Stop (LIBS) keeps people up-to-date on the location of their bus. By using location tracking (GPS), any bus system could signal all equipped bus stops with the current position of buses that frequent any given stop. Since they use little energy,
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) claims the life of nearly one out of every 200 children born worldwide. As of today, no explanation has been offered for this phenomenon, and no solution has been found…yet.
The SureChild: LiveSensor system comprises a monitoring system consisting of a thin, padded sensor belt, and a receiver unit.
This concept is for local electrical power generation, easily scaleable to nearly any size or demand. The illustration shows one "bank" which would be suitable for a small village or neighborhood. Adding additional "banks" would make this suitable for whatever size demand.
Royalty rode in elegant carriages, made comfortable with steel springs. As speeds increased carriage makers (and subsequently automobile manufacturers) added dampers, coil springs and anti sway bars to improve comfort and handling. Some innovative suspensions even incorporated load leveling devices. Underlying all these technologies, spring steel reigned supreme.
Approximately five billion dollars in US revenue is lost annually due to open area fires. Millions of acres of forest, many buildings and other properties are destroyed. Tragically, many brave firefighters and countless wildlife are lost.
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