Entrant Profile

Arnab Sengupta

Location: Kolkata, West Bengal India

Company: Self

Profession: Business Owner/Manager

Number of times previously entering contest: 1

Favorite design and analysis tools: Hand made models

Hobbies and activities: Scale model making, geometric drawings, sketching,

Online communities: Linkedin

Inspired by: A very large constituent of people in this world are untouched by modern technology. They are also plagued by poverty, malnutrition, lack of health-care, lack of basic education and amenities. We all know about these. In spite of large funding & missions, these people's lives hardly change.
I firmly believe, that apart from "funding" various alleviation schemes / programmes (which are welcome anyway), we require a very simple and basic change in the mindset of affluent people (like us).
That change will NOT make us poorer or less-privileged (as many charitable initiatives do or are perceived to be).
And that simple change is "gradual reduction of our wasteful nature", leading to "optimum levels of efficacy / efficiency" in everything that we do, now.
The resources to heal the world is already hidden "within each of us".
My designs try to unlock such resources through simple products / ideas that can be easily replicated & scaled up without any limitation.

2010 Entries

Date Title Category Views Votes
05/10 Newspaper for the Gen X-Y-Z Consumer Products 3649 0