Thanks…and Stay Tuned!

Thank you to everyone who entered and voted in this year’s contest. Watch this space for announcement of the finalists who will compete for the $25,000 Grand Prize.

Help build a better tomorrow

Since Tech Briefs magazine launched the Create the Future Design contest in 2002 to recognize and reward engineering innovation, over 15,000 design ideas have been submitted by engineers, students, and entrepreneurs in more than 100 countries. Join the innovators who dared to dream big by entering your ideas today.

Read About Past Winners’ Success Stories

Special Report spotlights the eight top entries in 2023 as well as past winners whose ideas are now in the market, making a difference in the world.

Click here to read more

A ‘Create the Future’ Winner Featured on ‘Here’s an Idea’

Spinal cord injury affects 17,000 Americans and 700,000 people worldwide each year. A research team at NeuroPair, Inc. won the Grand Prize in the 2023 Create the Future Design Contest for a revolutionary approach to spinal cord repair. In this Here’s an Idea podcast episode, Dr. Johannes Dapprich, NeuroPair’s CEO and founder, discusses their groundbreaking approach that addresses a critical need in the medical field, offering a fast and minimally invasive solution to a long-standing problem.

Listen now

Thank you from our Sponsors

“At COMSOL, we are very excited to recognize innovators and their important work this year. We are grateful for the opportunity to support the Create the Future Design Contest, which is an excellent platform for designers to showcase their ideas and products in front of a worldwide audience. Best of luck to all participants!”

— Bernt Nilsson, Senior Vice President of Marketing, COMSOL, Inc.

“From our beginnings, Mouser has supported engineers, innovators and students. We are proud of our longstanding support for the Create the Future Design Contest and the many innovations it has inspired.”

— Kevin Hess, Senior Vice President of Marketing, Mouser Electronics

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Alberto Di Lullo

Flow Assurance Engineering Technologies Manager
ENI E&P Division
San Donato Milanese, Milano, Italy

Alberto Di Lullo is the Flow Assurance Engineering Technologies manager within the Engineering Department of eni e&p Division, where he coordinates flow assurance design activities, field operational support and R&D projects. Up to Aug 2006 he worked in EniTecnologie, the former company of the eni group devoted to the development of new technologies, were he was responsible for the Laboratories for Chemistry and Physics applied to Exploration, Drilling and Production. Previously, he specialized in dispersion technologies for the transportation of extra-heavy crudes and in the rheological characterization of complex substances.
Alberto Di Lullo is author/coauthor of several patents and publications and is nominated Flow Assurance Knowledge Owner within eni e&p. He organized international conferences, taught in technical courses, coordinated the work of several graduated researchers and technical specialists.
Currently he serves as the Program Chairman of the Italian Section of the Society of Petroleum Engineers and in several SPE international committees. He was also appointed SPE Distinguished Lecturer for the year 2007-2008.
Alberto Di Lullo has a Laurea in Physics at Milan University, with specialization in mathematical physics and the study of complex systems.