An earthquake is a big problem for multistoried buildings. Many multistoried building are being build un-scientifically, which create an earthquake prone area and for it earthquake is occurring at new area. Many technologies have been developed to save the multistoried building but no technology is able to save from long time’s strong earthquake.
As a possible future scenario, one can imagine that you can charge your notebook everywhere without using a plug-in power supply, but instead inductive power transfer. Every mobile device can be charged, just by putting it on a desk. This is already implemented in the QI standard for small power ratings about 5 to 20 W.
The sun is shining and John would like to have a ride. Unfortunately, he cannot do so because the battery of his vehicle is used to store power from photovoltaic panels on his house roof. Sue, his wife, is cooking.
Inexpensive, Simple and Safe System to Prevent Aircraft Fuel-tank Explosion
Since 1990, three aircraft, manufactured in USA, have exploded due to combustion in the fuel-tank. In 1996, Trans World Airways (TWA) Flight 800 explosion caused 230 deaths. National Transport Safety Board (NTSB) listed “Explosive Mixture in Fuel Tanks in Transport Category Aircrafts”

The advancement of analytical water characterization methods has revealed the presence of a new class of water contaminations known as emerging contaminants. One of the main groups of this class of contaminants is pharmaceutical compounds, including the medicines used by individuals everyday.
Wingsuits are flexible, durable nylon webbed suits that use ram-air inflation during flight. The utilization of webbing between each arm and the body, and involving the legs helps generate lift, and provide sufficient glide ratio when it comes to the user.
Purpose: Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) involves several physical and functional activities, such as standing, walking, squatting, climbing, bathing, grooming, etc.… However, such ADLs may get compromised due to various diseases and disorders where assistive devices play a key role to meet the functional independence.
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