We all know that the pollution rate is increasing day by day. Every day a vehicle with much reduced pollution rate is released but still the rate of pollution is still the same. That is because of the increased traffic and the vehicle smoke. Automobile engineers have an aim; make vehicles but make no harm.
During natural calamities, power failure is an important problem. Due to the power failure no work can be carried out. Also communication devices can’t be charged and it leads to important messages that can’t be transferred to anybody on an emergency condition.
The project presented focuses on improving Hybrid Photovoltaic/Thermal (PVT) Systems in terms of electrical and thermal efficiencies. Heat is known to directly affect the performance of Photovoltaic (PV) cells, hence as a novelty, this project concentrates on dissipating and reusing the heat build-up on the PV cells.
Hybrid Photovoltaic Thermal (HPVT) system collects both photovoltaic and thermal energy from incoming sun light. Conventional solar panel collects photovoltaic energy but wastes solar thermal energy in sun light.
Solar and wind energy are clean and renewable but their energy content is both low and costly to store. A two-mirror solar Stirling engine (SE) design could be a major step towards the high efficiency (>
Many lives are lost each year through drowning. Most of these could have been avoided if the victims had been able to remain afloat until help arrived. Even experienced, strong swimmers can get into trouble through adverse water conditions, cramps or strong currents. The Hydro Belt will bring you peace of mind,
The hydrogen vehicle I am talking about will use hydrogen as a fuel to run the engine and as a result the vehicle will move. Hydrogen because of its high energy content and availability can be used efficiently as a fuel.
For many years till now UAV’s have been used for operations that include tracking, surveillance and data acquisition. Our team came up with a very novel design specifically for delivery drones. Team Hydron has put its efforts in designing and manufacturing a Hybrid Tilt rotor based VTOL UAV.
NASA Langley Research Center has developed fluorinated alkyl ether containing epoxies designed as an anti-insect coating. The robust and durable coating was developed to improve aircraft efficiency, but the coating could be useful in a variety of applications where reduction of insect residue adherence is desirable, such as in automotive and wind energy industries.
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