As global water levels rise many urban environments are being exposed to threat of regular flooding. While coastal defenses can protect many, it is often developing nations (and areas of lower socio-economic status within) that are still badly affected by flooding. Water contamination,
“GoldDrive” is an infinite variable, bi-directional drive consisting of hydraulic fixed displacement pumps and motors. As a matter of fact “GoldDrive” is the hydraulic equivalent of the mechanical differential. The idea behind the development of “GoldDrive” is to overcome the limitation of starting torque. According to the traditional equation,
The Gravity Feed Pellet Fireplace Insert has no feed motor. Instead gravity feeds pellets at a constant rate. During a power outage the pellets continue feeding by gravity.
The preeminent technology is pumped storage hydro (“PSH”),
Wave energy has huge capacity which needs to be explore more. In India, total capacity of Wave energy is 41 GW. As compared to wind, solar & hydel power, Wave has two challenges; it is not continuous & energy carrying media, i.e. water, doesn’t have a uni-directional motion.
My idea to Create the Future of transportation, is to link urban centers and help eliminate traffic and pollution by employing renewable energy and one of the most powerful forces in nature, falling water, to operate a Hyperloop. The idea is to elevate water by pumping it to a high point using solar energy and then using that mass,
The vetronic wheelchair gets into shape for giving some revolutionary assistance to patients, those dependent on wheelchairs, the elderly, stroke patients and others desiring or even requiring personal mobility and lift access.
• It is always physically challenged people's dream to compete with ordinary people by giving them a tough fight. Even though,
Arthritis in the hands makes peeling labels, removing bottle tops and opening packets difficult and painful. This idea uses normal gas pliers fitted with a flexible rubberised grip boot on each jaw so that small thin things can be gripped as well as small bottle tops. Not as clumsy as the illustration - but then,
The high amount of labor necessary for weeding, harvesting, drying, threshing and shelling makes the crop economically unattractive to the younger generation of farmers. The very laborious tasks of threshing and shelling are made easier with our groundnut separator and decorticator machine.
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