According to eHealth, 550 million people have vision problems in India, 80% of whom could be treated if the problems can be identified at the early stage.
Slit lamp is a medical device which is used for the diagnosis the eye related problems like:
- Clouding of the lens (cataracts)
- Injury to the clear tissue (cornea)

IEMT's imaging device incorporates advances, previously untapped for such applications, as well as thoughtful and clever design. The result is a single,
Spinal cord injuries often affect leg mobility where recovery requires rather painful and awkward physiotherapy. A device that reduces the discomfort and promotes confidence during rehabilitation is most valuable considering the magnitude of such a trauma.
The present invention achieves the delivery of selected oxygen percentages as chosen by the health care practitioner as required, governed by blood gas analyses and or oxygen data via pulse oximetry. In addition to the above an immovable ceiling for oxygen concentrations is achieved by the selected health care practitioner,
Consumers are looking for new ways and ideas to protect their families and minimize the risks they expose their kids to. They try to ensure their life styles are healthy and that products and services they use on a day to day basis are safe and do not include harmful substances.
Airbee is a concept of small robots system,
Today’s vision of aquatic equipment is large, expensive, and generally accomplished by installing a permanent pool. Post operation and after injury, it is especially important to ensure that the patient becomes active as soon as possible. Normal land based exercises are often intolerable because of pain, excess weight,
Area(s) of expertise:
There is proposed information technology, software and results of researches of 2430 arterial oscillograms of 617 healthy individuals and patients, 56 simultaneously recorded ECGs and arterial oscillograms of healthy individuals, justifying the proposed solutions.
NAME: Automatic Lifting Squatting Toilet
PROBLEM SOLVED: Hemorrhoids, hard stools, constipation
Google, image search by following link
Recent studies have shown that this position is associated with a number of health problems.
Our product is Bio-Grid Pure Vapor Portable Room Robot for disinfection protocol. It is a fully automatic PLC controlled with touch screen HMI interface. The need is great as there were 1.5 million cases of HAI (hospital acquired infections) last year according to the CDC. The two stage disinfecting sequence consist of;
To this day amputees have often relied on hooks due to prosthetic hands being too easily damaged during work; however this design can change that. By modeling it directly after the bones, ligaments, and tendons in the human hand our design has become nearly indestructible under normal conditions.
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