Advanced Nasal Inhalation Apparatus

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The present invention achieves the delivery of selected oxygen percentages as chosen by the health care practitioner as required, governed by blood gas analyses and or oxygen data via pulse oximetry. In addition to the above an immovable ceiling for oxygen concentrations is achieved by the selected health care practitioner, such that any impediments in flow or volume exchanged by the user and or patient with the incoming and or exiting gases cannot be reflected back upon the jetted Venturi valve, as current devices do. Such known reflected flow and or volume which is known in physics and respiratory medicine as “Venturi stalling” is thus completely removed by the present invention, thus preventing inadvertent hyperoxia periods common to the prior Venturi and nasal and or mask oxygen delivery systems.

Achieved by this present invention wholly unique to Oxygen delivery by masks is that had to provide for continuous set oxygen delivery while eating and or suctioning which in prior Venturi systems and or varied oxygen masks is impossible to do. The present invention achieving uninterrupted oxygen delivery throughout any procedure even while eating and or suctioning constant supplemental supportive oxygen eliminating Hyperoxic periods. Accurate Fi02 while maintaining both an immovable ceiling that cannot be; as current Venturi and mask oxygen delivery devices cannot simultaneously accurate set FIO2s’ providing ongoing safeties as yet still unrealized in prior Oxygen delivery systems. An ongoing protection unheard of in the prior art, this for every patient during “hypoxic drive activations.” Achieving ongoing protection from “hyperoxia respiratory drive shut down” both in C.O.P.D. and Emphysematous diseased patient populations, while breathing off hypoxic drive activations. This via Venturi Stalling

Disadvantages of prior Venturi masks are noisy, claustrophobic / interfere with eating and drinking. Extreme dehumidification most especially in such perpendicular high flows impacting the oral and nasal mucosa headaches eye irritations and air swallowing dysphagia and vomiting. But also failry often failure of the set oxygen percentage to be had causing excessive oxygen delivery as hyperoxia to patients, this by Venturi jet failure via Venturi jet stalling due to extended patients exhalation time and purse lip breathing by such C.O.P.D. patients.

Mechanical obstruction via bed sheets and rotation by patients during sleep and during periods of neurological impairment leads often to ventilatory failure in the C.O.P.D. populations. Where by obstruction of the “Venturi entrainment ports” (“VEP”) although commonly seen in patients on ‘Venturi masks,’ yet is rarely ever discussed or presented in clinical settings; which many RN’s, RT’s and MD’s have nonetheless often observed. The obstruction of the ‘Venturi entrainment ports;’ where air entrainment; by design is had, upon being obstructed rapidly increases the FIO2 from that set to one typically 10 to 25% higher in oxygen concentrations delivered, sadly unknowingly.

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  • Name:
    Binyomin Cohen
  • Type of entry:
  • Patent status: