Sangi is a low cost robot which can perform localization and mapping of the environment without using any range sensors or vision. Our robot Sangi will navigate around the house while carrying blind or disabled people to different locations.
The Quick Harvester System with Manifold and Heat Exchanger uses waste heat to start the grain drying process on the combine instead of post-harvest in the grain dryer. This system is more applicable in locations with combine harvesters where grain is tough at harvest. North America, Australia, Europe and some of Asia,
The project is mostly inspired by true circumstances like an Engineer needed in Automation when he is far away, a Doctor needed in a surgery with a team, an Employee having to attend a video conference from far end of the world etc. Recon robot substitutes the presence of a person when there is urgency.
Built with similar architecture of a fork lift.
Except: much lighter and designed for loads of 200-400 pounds. Can be disassembled and assembled easily. Has reprogrammed functions and pendant controlling, learning operations. Fork can be replaced with multiple types of arms, limps, extensions for specific task.
I have been designing and developing a starter educational system for beginners and young children to learn how to design and build their own toys, robotics and animatronics. The whole system is very nearly language independent and only requires color sight to use the eBook and RoboGuts circuit board with their own choice of µController chip or module.
Assistive robots aim at developing aids to improve the qualities of human’s life with any sort of disabilities issues. It can also be used to enhance independent living, such as helping the elderly. They also are capable of providing mobility to elderly who has trouble getting around.
Robotic head to drill wells in the ground by explosive charges with the cumulative intermediate medium - water, allows a very fast drill hole at any ground, an average of approx. 300m -700m ,daily. Basic element of the head is shaped charge explosive ending conical tank with water.
The invention (US patent application 14/093,431, the patent to be issued shortly) relates to heat engines and, more specifically, to positive displacement internal combustion engines, and is particularly concerned with very large rotary internal combustion engines fueled by solid particulate fuels like coal dust. The engines are primarly destined to drive electric current generators,
Why Safety Shift? Safety Shift saves lives, time and money by helping road crews rapidly set up and remove traffic barrels, channelizers and related traffic control equipment.
Save Lives – How Safety Shift saves lives: Nearly 700 road workers died in hot zones along U.S. highways in 2013 moving barrels by hand. Safety Shift, patent-pending,
Shaper machining is a famous mechanical operation that cuts the metal into different shapes .
Shaper machine has two strokes one is called forward stroke and the other is the return stroke .
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