Entrant Profile

Natarajan Krishnamurthy

Location: Singapore, Singapore Singapore

Company: Self-Employed

Profession: Safety & Risk Management Consultant & Trainer

Number of times previously entering contest: 1

Favorite design and analysis tools: GUI
Finite Element Software

Hobbies and activities: Photography, reading, writing, music

Inspired by: I have been working with risk management for a long time, with many publications and two books in the area. I have been investigating falls from height and at level for many years. Recently interest was expressed by local physio-therapist groups regarding safety of aged persons and accident victims in rehabilitation. I came up with this idea of an automatic support of a collapsing person within a wheel-chair which can serve as a walker with this automation. I have submitted a preliminary patent application.

2018 Entries

Date Title Category Views Votes
06/15 SafeWalker Medical 2595 77