Introducing Ukraine, an extraordinary invention that has redefined security and protection measures. Ukraine is the world's first bomb robber and defender, a revolutionary concept designed to prevent the detonation of explosive devices and safeguard the lives of soldiers and civilians alike. With its advanced features and cutting-edge technology,
Akecheta: Revolutionizing Aerial Warfare with the World's First Pilotless Bomber, Drone, and Fighter
The Akecheta, an innovative and groundbreaking invention, represents a paradigm shift in aerial warfare. It is the world's first pilotless bomber, drone, and fighter, boasting an array of exceptional features that redefine the possibilities of airborne operations. With its remarkable capabilities, the Akecheta promises to revolutionize military operations and usher in a new era of unmanned aerial combat.
Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) afflicts 17,000 Americans and 700,000 people worldwide each year. Prognoses are often tragic, and social costs exceed $2M (US and EU) in the first 5 years of care. For decades, the dream of repairing the spinal cord has been elusive. Recent studies, however,
Currently, air-breathing electric propulsion ramjet configurations are considered worldwide. However, configurations with air scoops suffer from significant momentum losses due to air collimation and drag. One idea that was proposed a few years ago and requires further development is a direct scramjet configuration that can significantly reduce drag. In this case, full ionization of atmospheric molecules is required.
Need for sustainable development requires use of renewable energy and clean fuel for power generation and thermal application. Various resources and technologies including solar PV system, wind, hydro, biomass, etc. are available for renewable energy production. Biomass is one of the renewable sources of energy, abundantly available universally. But,
The innovation introduces a Hybrid Transmission System (the System).
Unlike other mild hybrid configurations, which only enable the administration of TORQUE available from the hybrid set (e.g., internal combustion engine (ICE) and electric machine (EM)), this new mechanism allows TORQUE and RPM to be managed, locating the performance of the hybrid set in it’s optimum. In so doing,
This innovation relates to the field of opposed piston internal combustion engines (OP-ICE) having two pistons in one cylinder configured to have facing heads. Specifically, this engine (hereinafter “the Engine”) architecture shows the following features relative to a comparable design:
Compact size: The new architecture solves a size issue.
Pet bottle plastic last million years without decay under normal conditions. So that this pet bottles plastics can be used for applications that can last several years. Metallic wires takes rust and expensive and need complex extrusion processes to make.
Tested applications.
Agriculture fenses,
Hanging shields,
Leaves collector trays.
In our ongoing project, our aim is to assist blind and visually impaired individuals in navigating outdoor environments. We have developed an innovative system that combines digital curbstones, RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology, and specialized headsets. Our system aims to enhance independence and provide a seamless and personalized navigation experience for blind individuals.
The solar system confronts us with countless mysteries that stir the curiosity of humanity’s brightest minds. However, the prohibitive cost of robotic space exploration renders it inaccessible to most scientists. One emergent technology could lower this barrier: the CubeSat.
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