Design, Development and Research of Leaves Collector Extracted by Pet Bottle Made Fiber for Green, 3R at Zero Cost

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Pet bottle plastic last million years without decay under normal conditions. So that this pet bottles plastics can be used for applications that can last several years. Metallic wires takes rust and expensive and need complex extrusion processes to make.

Tested applications.

Agriculture fenses,
Hanging shields,
Leaves collector trays.
Rope making.
Non decay mesh
Basket waves
Art works

In this, I present pet bottle extracted plastic fiber and an application tested.

First I came up with several sketches and designs by design analysis. Then tested for wire tension and direct methods. Found that very hard and leaves upon external forces go through net and need very high tension for wires made of pet bottles. Then tested knots with pet bottle plastic due to memory alloy properties. But found to wave about 1m2 take about 12hr and need of hard works. So went to tray frame and waves. Found better results and fast waving and user friendly methods and upon install higher reliability and leaves fall very low upon wind and other conditions and zero cost, saved sweeping time, energy, labor, maintenance, safe, esthetics on garden and reduce environment pollution by reuse of pet bottles for long lasting works shield related works.


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  • Name:
    Philip Perera
  • Type of entry:
  • Software used for this entry:
    Image editor,
  • Patent status: