Studies show that the majority of casualties on the road happen because of drivers not using proper following distances. It is not (yet) enforceable by cameras like speeding.
There are many types of internal combustion engines: four-stroke, two-stroke, Wankel engine ...
Ground vehicles usually use four-stroke engines. Because four-stroke engine has advantages over two-stroke engine and Wankel engine, good lubrication should be more durable, quality exhaust gas better.
Ultralight Bike - world record, 2,767 grams.
An innovative bicycle, perfectly functional at 1/1 size, equipped with a mechanical gearbox (patented), with electronic control and speed change.
In automobile engineering there are many kinds of engines which have been manufactured by different companies but there are several problems that arise in engines like less power output, low efficiency, high altitude, mileage pick up, more fuel consumption, less torque, more exhaust etc.
There is no doubt now that we can create machines, driven by the force of gravity https://www.researchgate.net/publication/298045558_Method_for_converting_gravity_force_spring_force_and_force_of_permanent_magnets_in_a_rotary_motion.
Utility vehicles are common in many parts of the world, especially in rural areas. They are used by farmers, conservation companies, fishermen and game bird hunters. They may be supplied with covers for the load deck made from canvas, alloy or fiberglass,
Cargo theft in the United States is rampant. The FBI estimates between $3 and $10 billion annually. A disturbing number of these thefts (40% by some estimates) involve driver and warehouse personnel complicity.
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